My PC and BF2142?


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Intel Core 2 E6300
Asus P5B Deluxe
1GB Corsair VS 667Mhz (possibly 2GB @ xmas)
Sapphire X1900GT

Would I be able to run Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142 at maximum settings at a resolution of 1680x1050?

I know I won't be able to run Crysis, Alan Wake or UT 2007 too good, even on low/med settings but I might get myself a Dx10 GPU in 2007.
Should be fine for BF2 and BF2142

Only problem I can see with Alan Wake, Crysis, or UT2k7 is RAM. 2GB should be enough. Have you OC'd your processor yet? That'll help with gameplay too.
It will do perfectly on high graphics settings with AF x4 or x8, although I think AA will be a pain in the ass.
At 1680x1050 all edges are pretty smooth, so I don't think I'll use AA that much. Maybe 2x AA
Well I can't run BF2 for shit... So...
I think that, despite that uber processor and gpu, BF2 on high will stutter due to lack of RAM. 1GB is good for medium settings.
Intel Core 2 E6300
Asus P5B Deluxe
1GB Corsair VS 667Mhz (possibly 2GB @ xmas)
Sapphire X1900GT

Would I be able to run Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142 at maximum settings at a resolution of 1680x1050?

I know I won't be able to run Crysis, Alan Wake or UT 2007 too good, even on low/med settings but I might get myself a Dx10 GPU in 2007.

I thought you were going to have a computer that had like an old geforce 4.......
yes. you can play any game you want on that.