my problems!!



Right so here's the situation. My girlfriend of the past 6 months has cheated numerous times, and I have let everything pass because I like her and she seems to be the only & best choice for me.

Now she's wanting to split up for some time but says we will get back together. I'm thinking she's going to end up with someone else during the time we're seperate.

Asking for advice on whether or not I should continue being friends and try to get back together with her.

PS. I had an old account on here ages ago but I don't remember any of the info :sleep:
Ehg, just forget about it. It sounds like she wants to dick around and watching her do that is going to get you really pissed off and frustrated.
My brother had a similar situation (kinda in a skewed weird almost not the same way). He chose to leave her after the second time and they are not friends. But she was kinda fat and a bitch

If it were me though, I would agree to a separation, assess the situation and if she's hot enough, say friends! Hot chicks rule!
She's cheated on you numerous times and obviously has no regard for your own feelings, yet you state she is your 'only & best choice'?

Tell that whore where to go and move on. You're being played for a fool by the sounds of it, do not waste any more time or money on the succubus and get on with your own life.
If your significant other cannot remain faithful, you have no business wasting your time and your feelings on her. No offense, but it's ridiculous that you're even considering staying with someone who is unfaithful on multiple occasions.

I know it's hard letting go sometimes, but it's usually for the best.
Cheated on you numerous times? If I were you I'd tell her to **** off. But that's just me.
She's cheated on you numerous times and obviously has no regard for your own feelings, yet you state she is your 'only & best choice'?

Tell that whore where to go and move on. You're being played for a fool by the sounds of it, do not waste any more time or money on the succubus and get on with your own life.

That's exactly what I think I 'should' do. But I know that would make things much worse for myself.

And my 'own life' isn't really much besides her and a few mates.
My girlfriend of the past 6 months has cheated numerous times, and I have let everything pass because I like her and she seems to be the only & best choice for me.

thats your problem
She's dicking around and treating you like shit. Finish it with her sooner rather than later, and don't you dare let yourself be tempted to stay.

You're a man for ****s sake, you don't have to put up with that.
But with the fact that she's abit of a whore in mind, how I see it:

Stay with her: mostly happy (small ups and downs but relatively been good)
Leave her: Not at all for some time.
Is this girl really the sole source of joy in your life?
Did you join just to post this? o_O
No I had an account a while back but I gave it to a mate. I just remembered this forum being helpful to the lil' emo cries of people.
I just remembered this forum being helpful to the lil' emo cries of people.

no is not

prepare to be flamed whit stuff like "nerdy girlie man,what are you afraid off? of her vagina going to eat you? lolololololo!!!11!11"
Dude, she cheated on you? Tell her to **** the hell off and get the **** out of your life.

Scared you won't find a better girl? Not hard to do, just get some self confidence. Any girl that doesn't cheat on you = better than her.
You obviously want her enough to argue with these people against leaving her...

I mean, personally, I think you're a retard for staying with her, but you apparently want to bad enough to take a side in your own intrapersonal debate.
No I had an account a while back but I gave it to a mate. I just remembered this forum being helpful to the lil' emo cries of people.

lol........I see we are known for our empathy around here......

we're a bunch of old ladies!!
Dump her and post pictures of her on /b/.
Simple solution.

The fact is that you can do better. She cheats on you dude. Guess what? There are girls that wont cheat on you.

Tell her that it's over for good. The fact is that she wants to split up for a reason. She simply is saying, "Well we will get back together", just incase the other guy(s) she wants wont do anything with her.

Your best course of action is to break up with her, based on the fact that she has cheated on you multiple times. Right now you seem to think that this is the only girl that will go out with you that you would date. Thereby you do not want to loose her. However, you only think like this because you are whipped. She has you around her finger and she can cheat on you, do whatever the hell she wants and she knows you two will still be together.

Break up with her for good, because you can find a better girl. There's no point in wasting time with this one.
Your symbiotic relationship with a female specimen has failed, subject has become parasitic rather than mutual, eradicate
Kill her, then yourself.

but really, the thing is, if she doesn't want you, you can't make her want you. when it's not working out for her, you can't do anything about it. she might want to be with different people without having a serious relationship ever, you can't do anything about that. i'd say let her go, if she's yours she'll come back, if she's not, she'll never be.
There's other girls out there. I broke up with my girlfriend about 4 months that I had been with for 3 years on and off. Nearly got married but we didn't benefit each other. Hardest thing I've ever done, but in the long run, worth it.

Cheer up :)
There's lots of girls out there. All different types.
Right so here's the situation. My girlfriend of the past 6 months has cheated numerous times, and I have let everything pass because I like her and she seems to be the only & best choice for me.

Now she's wanting to split up for some time but says we will get back together. I'm thinking she's going to end up with someone else during the time we're seperate.

Asking for advice on whether or not I should continue being friends and try to get back together with her.

PS. I had an old account on here ages ago but I don't remember any of the info :sleep:

Man... She's trying to get with somebody else. Let her go off and get pregnant. You can find a better girl than that in the gutter. Everybody has somebody, you have to look for em. Don't let a bitch like that push you around. Let her go. You'll find someone else. :)
Don't give a shit about her for a while, then ask her out a while later. If she accepts, get there late, then **** punt her. If she doesn't, kick down her door and then **** punt her.

Cheat = instant dump and/or **** punt.
grow some self esteem and self respect.

if you can clean yourself up, make yourself appear reasonably well adjusted, and project an air of confidence, then attracting someone won't be that much of a problem.

Hell, one of my friends is a 300lb MMO playing slob, but the simple fact that he's got confidence to spare and doesn't take shit from no one seems to get him fairly attractive girlfriends without much problem.

Cause in the end, if you don't believe in yourself, no one will believe in you. So fix your emo issues and find someone else.
Right so here's the situation. My girlfriend of the past 6 months has cheated numerous times, and I have let everything pass because I like her and she seems to be the only & best choice for me.

Now she's wanting to split up for some time but says we will get back together. I'm thinking she's going to end up with someone else during the time we're seperate.

Asking for advice on whether or not I should continue being friends and try to get back together with her.

PS. I had an old account on here ages ago but I don't remember any of the info :sleep:

Get. The. ****. Away.
She does seem to be a cheating sla4g to the point of an OCD but I knew that before I went out with her (she cheated on her BF of the time), and from what I knew back then she didn't mean to be like that and seriously tried not to be.
She does seem to be a cheating sla4g to the point of an OCD but I knew that before I went out with her (she cheated on her BF of the time), and from what I knew back then she didn't mean to be like that and seriously tried not to be.
Well shes obviously shit
Talk with her. Get her to tell you why the hell does she want to split up for a while and ask her why she cheated on you. Chances are she'll say something idiotic and that'll help you break up with her.
If she cheats on you, forget her. Don't even mess with cheaters, they aren't worth the time. Saying she's the best for you is BS you obviously deserve better.
She does seem to be a cheating sla4g to the point of an OCD but I knew that before I went out with her (she cheated on her BF of the time), and from what I knew back then she didn't mean to be like that and seriously tried not to be.

Wait, you knew she cheated on her BF yet you still went out with her?

Guys, I'm beginning to think he deserves this girl :|
She does put up with alot on my side too though. And she wants the time apart to sort herself out.

++Yeah but that was a while before I got together with her.