My sister just died

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Jan 28, 2009
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I mean it literally. I just got the phone call, she was undergoing some surgery for her cancer, and something happened, and she seized up...

I.. I was just joking about it like ten minutes ago... And now I'll never get to see her or talk to her again... I feel like such a dumbass.

My last surviving family member just lost her life, and I just lost one of the only things I'll ever feel close to ever again. I just can't believe it... It's so horrible of me that I was actually making jokes about her, literally less than an hour ago.

I'm sure most of you won't see this until tomorrow, and you'll all think I'm just complaining about how depressing my life is and such, but I don't blame you. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to bed. I just don't want the forumers to see me cry.
Argh, crap man. Condolences, condolences. I hope you at least feel better in the morning.
Don't feel bad about making jokes dude. Surely your jokes were just a way to cope with how stressed you were. I can't say I wouldn't do the same under your situation... Your last surviving family member? Don't sweat it, dude. There is no way that you are at all guilty for this.

I see no reason why you shouldn't cry. Just take the closest person you have and use them as a tear catcher. Take tomorrow off. Give yourself time to deal with it and realize it. As soon as you come to terms with it it seems to spiral downhill, but it only gets so much easier to deal with. Might as well have some time to grieve now so you can feel that you "redeemed" yourself, if necessary.

That really sucks, dude. Hope for all the best for you. :(
I don't post much but I'm sorry to hear that you lost your sister. I can only hope that you find comfort in the fact that you knew her as long as you did and that you probably knew her better than anyone in the world.
"Many tender memories soften your grief,
May fond recollection bring you relief,
And may you find comfort and peace in the thought
Of the joy that knowing your loved one brought...
For time and space can never divide
Or keep your loved one from your side
When memory paints in colors true
The happy hours that belonged to you.

My condolences.
Hey, man, everyone makes jokes when they're scared, don't beat yourself up over it.

My condolences. :(
You'll get through it. Losing family members is always hard.

Always remember that tomorrow is a new day in your life. Treasure the memories you had together forever. Respect them as family. Don't lose the memories.
Piss off troll.

FireStarter said:
Because we need a downer thread around here.

Post your tragedies. Things you have experienced that riddle you with grief.

As for me, when I was in college, my dad decided it was for the best to kill my mom because he thought she was cheating, and then kill himself. he also burned down the house where all of my family's valuable posessions were, leaving me with virtually nothing.

Strife Lately gets off topic too often.

And yes, I was serious. it sucked because my mom was the only person in my family I ever really got along with, and now I'm the only living member of my family. No parents, no grandparents on either side, no siblings, no aunts or uncles. Just me.

I don't plan on having children ever, so my family line ends with me. One more useless generation of people come and gone I suppose.

I called it!
Not as bad as Willie, but c'mon man!


Even the boy who cried wolf can get eaten by a wolf.

In fact, I think he did.
Seemed pretty obvious to me. Nobody with a life that shitty would still be alive.
Dead tired of getting bad reception on her phone while she's roaming in the jungle? Right?

Also, is Firestarter from Australia? If so, then lol.
What a load of crap. Even if it were true, what person starts a thread 10 minutes after hearing that a family member has died? Like all you could think of was to go online right away and get pity. Get a life, your stories are always changing.
Words in the English language cannot describe the epic proportions of ownage that just happened in post #12.
When I saw Firestarter created this thread, I was mildly suspicious tbh. GG Krynn.
No ban yet. I'd love to see some kind of explanation.
I, too, eagerly await OP's backtracking.
Sometimes a poster comes a long who's a total idiot but still gives us all a good laugh, a troll for the ages if you will, Firestarter isn't one of them, he just sucks.
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