My sister just died

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Oh man I would've called this days ago had it not have made me look like a complete evil asshole.

And now he's still trying to make us feel sorry for him with this multiple personality + suicide bullshit. I bet he'll go quiet for a few days, then make another account posing to be a "friend/relation of his" letting as all know he's killed himself.

Guy's a pro.
Yes I also got infraction points.

Excuse me for being angry when somebody made up a horrible lie that made me genuinely sad for him, only to find out that it was an attention seeking lie.
Who the **** is FireStarter anyway? A suffering poor man with no parents or a pathetic lying internet troll, who makes sob threads for his amusement and then says that he's got a million of diseases to cover that up?
Oh FireStarter, my little sadness battery, I had such high hopes for you. You were the perfect downer, a forum cooler, you said things that brought down everybody's spirits. Your negativity and sad life stories touched our hearts, and your will to continue plodding on through life despite all that had befallen you was admirable.

But you told a bad lie, FireStarter. Oh, I'm not mad at you for telling it. No, no; this was what you were supposed to do. You were supposed to make the forum feel bad. Sure, I'd had the skepticism any internet poster has when someone else tells a story, but the fact that I WANTED to believe you--because it's just so damned sad--made me not want to go and investigate the fact, as Krynn did. This entire lie would have been well and good, except for the fact that YOU GOT CAUGHT.

FireStarter, FireStarter, you should always keep an inventory of things you've said if you're going to start to lie about things. You got out of hand, overreached with this thread, and left evidence that Detective Dog dug up and exposed you for what you are: a bad liar. And as if it weren't enough you fell back on the old "MPD" excuse. No, I don't want you to tell me how it isn't an excuse, or how you can't do anything about it--MPD is the oldest excuse since "my brother logged onto my account." Oh, couldn't you have just accepted it in stride?

You disappoint me. I just woke up, haven't had time for breakfast and my morning haterade, but I don't even think that would put me in a mood to be angry at you. I'm simply...disappointed. A far worse reaction from Darkside, you should note. Anger subsides, disappointment lingers. And what's more, you're ruined. No one will ever believe you anymore. All my wonderful plans for using you to drain the happiness out of are gone.


I would draw a comic for you, but my other personality says that you aren't even worth it.
Gene what are you doing? This is terrible. I need to go listen to God of Thunder to cleanse my ears.
WHAT? That was hoorrrible. Gene is a money whore though so its definitely not below him. :sleep:
Trolling that someone has died, low, real ****in low. I just heard some bad news yesterday so maybe that is why this gets to me so much.

Sorry for your loss. The worst kinds of deaths are the unexpected ones :(
MPD, you mean DID right? You horrid shit-stain, **** off.

DSM-IV (on DID) said:
Causes and symptoms

The severe dissociation that characterizes patients with DID is currently understood to result from a set of causes:

* An innate ability to dissociate easily

* Repeated episodes of severe physical or sexual abuse in childhood

* The lack of a supportive or comforting person to counteract abusive relative(s)

* The influence of other relatives with dissociative symptoms or disorders

The relationship of dissociative disorders to childhood abuse has led to intense controversy and lawsuits concerning the accuracy of childhood memories. The brain's storage, retrieval, and interpretation of childhood memories are still not fully understood.

The major dissociative symptoms experienced by DID patients are amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, and identity disturbances.

Psych Central (on DID) said:
The presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states (each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self).

At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behavior.

Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during Alcohol Intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures). Note: In children, the symptoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.

Feeding the troll, yeah yeah yeah.
**** this, internet scepticism taking over. Your horrible life just got that little bit worse, because now you've got a forum full of people who won't believe you ever again.
Forum Troll said:
Haha, more like my family is dead, amirite?

Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

I thought I was the only person who ever pretended his sister died, good sirs, even though a lot of people do. God, that takes me back. That is definitely one of my favourite ways to troll of all time even though I have never actually done it (but I read the Wikipedia entry on it, and consider myself quite the expert). Oh, do you remember that episode where that thing happened (more Wikipedia) to that guy? That was one of the greatest trolls in the history of the internet, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hey!

I see in your profile that you live in Woobieland, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 1/0 hour train ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my real apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of fake cities anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you and all your other personalities have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

But seriously, if you ever want to, you know, just get out for a little bit, and sit in silence for a while before I bring up ways of convincing people on the internet of lies, maybe we could go and grab a coffee somewhere. I'll have to borrow money from Pi, however, because my bank account is empty after those 10 L4D servers I rented. And I'll be sure to put myself down a lot, so you go "Ohh, don't say that" and type on my keyboard with your slender, beautiful hands, then cut yourself, then get angry and insulting and then get violent. Oh, God, your personalities...

If I were to fast forward to the end of our meeting, then when you said bye, I'd stare at you for a moment, in silence, expecting you to start to troll me, but your family I thought weren’t dead will arrive to pick you up, and you'll turn out to be zombie goasts. I'll stand and watch you drive away, and spend the whole 1/0 hour train ride back to where I'm from wondering why I never realised that you were trolling me too, all along, on a whole other level.

You ****ing bitch.

You vapid ****.

How could you lead me on like that?

You must be some kind of mental job, to not lie about that piece of shit dead family you really have. They probably did actually die in a fire, didn’t they? You have no idea how much more convincing I could make your trolling. But no.

I wish you'd never signed up.

I wish you'd stayed out of my thread.

Ugh, I'm going to load Left 4 Dead and try to forget about you...

But I never will.

Lol troll.

EDIT: Thank god I edited that, I really should read the whole 7 pages instead of just the first one.
Wow. I can't confirm what condition this individual has, even if he proclaims MPD or DID, one thing for sure is that he has a condition which requires some extra support and if you are still reading I advise you seek it for your own benefit. The damage is done to your name now and there is little point in trying to post here normally from now on, the community are unlikely to forgive.

I know a few of the staff here have lost close family to them and I've seen their true grief when I've spoken to them, as well as many members here who have lost relatives where the community has offered kind words of support. It's probably the lowest abuse of human compassion to trick people into these most upsetting of circumstances.
I actually felt bad for this guy when I read that post, made me kind of depressed. And this prick was making it all up. Get some help dude, you're a ****ing weirdo. Krynn, you should be a cop or something.
I'd love evidence to know that this fella isn't a troll, but I've been wondering about him ever since that Tragedies thread. I also think I caused the site to go down last night because the server ****ed up while I was doing searches on his IP to see if he was a clone account.

What a load of crap. Even if it were true, what person starts a thread 10 minutes after hearing that a family member has died? Like all you could think of was to go online right away and get pity. Get a life, your stories are always changing.

er, well I did, but it was several hours afterwards (once all of the family and paramedics and shit were settled).
Honestly you guys, if I had a sister and she died, I wouldn't jump on a gaming forum on the same day she died and make a post about it.

P.S. I ****ed your sister Firestarter!
My sister is not dead. It's a lame excuse, but all I can say to you is that another one of my goddamn personalities was stupid enough to post on the damn forum just to be a dick.

Ahhahahha best excuse ever.
you sound like this guy:

or knghenry. anyways no one is buying your idiotic "multiple personality" excuse's as phony as you are. you big fat phony

oh and krynn: your detective work brought a tear to my eye so thorough and pwn-errific

Ah KngHenry, NOW there was a troll I could respect, that guy was actually funny. Actually could this dude be KngHenry? Maybe he's moved on from crying about not getting laid.
He doesn't sound much like the Kng, but it's been a while since we saw him so maybe it is.

Regardless, I bet he'll be laughing when he actually loses someone he cares about.
The difference is Someone was rather amazing.

Someone and TheSomeone are two different people I think

mortiz-Redux said:
Ah KngHenry, NOW there was a troll I could respect, that guy was actually funny. Actually could this dude be KngHenry? Maybe he's moved on from crying about not getting laid.

I thought of knghenry because he said he suffered from "Dissociative identity disorder" which is another term for "Multiple Personality Disorder" or MPD

FireStarter said:
I've told you all many times that I have MPD


or as my other personality says

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