My son is confused......

You're just a baby, Lefty.

Also get back here.
This thread is win and hulk.

wait a minute you can't mix costumes!
Well for a second there I thought you were going to announce that your son is feeling strangely attracted to young men.

After reading the thread, I wish you had.

who's the fat cherub with the bowl haircut?

cute kids sigbastard
that's not my photo really who is it? seems familiar, perhaps that's who I saw hiding in the bushes last night
wait is that your photo? really? oh man, kill whomever gave you a haircut
cant relate cuz you dont have a qonfused bush? dont worry, it'll grow ...eventually ..drink more jack daniels/moonshine to speed up the process
I think stern's kid gave us all the faggit.
Lefty's jungle is so dense it has within it a miniature predator hunting an equally miniature Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Lefty's jungle is so dense it has a miniature Predator hunting an equally miniature Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It's no use, you'll never find it.
At least, this is what popular media has taught me to believe.

I believe Danny DeVito is also in there with the miniature Schwarzenegger. Not a smaller version, mind. The real DeVito.
See, I'm making fun of the fact that he's a small person.
Let's all take pics of our pubes, PM them to someone, then that someone posts them here and we try to guess whose they are!

I like games.