My steam account was disabled......



....and I am glad. Up until this point, I have been doing a little downloading of games. Not too many, but, at first, my excuse was to see the games would run on my pc. At first, thats what it was, but with how easy it was to obtain games, it was like a gateway. You wanted more and more, and you can't stop. Im glad I used that key, because it was the push back from developers I needed to snap me out of it. I always knew it was wrong, but I always seemed to think I would never get caught. This brought me to the realization that I cannot do this. Sure, its one thing to say that, and then you say, oh, I could stop whenever I wanted to. Its like crack though, and while I have never had the said substance, I know the two examples are interconnected. You end up downloading less, not stopping altogether, or you snap out of it a day later. My collection of games, there were 7 or so, are all gone. Deleted. Destroyed. My steam account, yes, its gone but I cannot blame valve for what they did. Secretly, all along, I have always subconsciously wished that someone company would make an uncrackable game so that I could stop. Here it was. I'm sorry. Im sorry to all the developers I screwed over, and I'm sorry to everyone who paid to play. In a way, this is almost like a religous experience, an epiphany of sorts. A confession. What I lost was an account I paid for, but what I gained from it just may make it possible for in the future to redeem myself, and I only hope that the 20,000 other deadlocked hackers can follow suite. Im gonna buy HL2.
bring a tear to my eye.

on second thoughts, why not just buy hl2, and download the competitions games?

win win
no, I will buy hl2. From what I could get working on the version I had obtained, I was able to get the knowledge that my pc can run the game at a nice framerate(30) on all high settings, and trust me, my pc is wayyyyyy below the min specs(minus ram) My pc overheated three times, one which led to a fatal crash. Im buying the game next month, but I won't be able to play it for awhile. I owe Valve that much. Even though the account I had was a copy of hl ive had since '99. Well, in a way, I feel like Valve has given me a second chance, before I really screwed up my life. I just hope by making this thread valve doesn't sue me. I know everything I did was bad and all.......but I plan on working towards something better. Hopefully I can eventually gain some respect through dedication later on down the road with my fellow gamers, because, while I deserve absolutely no sympathy from anyone, I do not think I am a total loser. This is the darkest side of my nature. I'm generally a good person, and this was like my second personality which made my other one look bad. Its like I got an exorcism and I can go on living. It feels like I got rid of the belongins of a long dead, close evil relative.(the deleted stuff) I know have so much more space on my pc, and I feel so much better about myself inso doing that. I hope eventually I can garner respect from this community. And I know Half Life 2 is gonna be one bitchin sweet ride when my pc can run it(well it can, just not without eventually getting a hardware malfunction error and alot of loud, scary noises from my pc)
Thank you, for the first "My Steam account was disabled" thread that actually agreed with what happened to them. The First one of these and first HL2 thread about this that I read. Good job learning your lesson! The only think I get from warez sites are abondone ware(For some reason they got lots of it). Like Warzone 2100, it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a copy anywhere. The company shut down a long time ago. The demo was super fun.
Minerel said:
Thank you, for the first "My Steam account was disabled" thread that actually agreed with what happened to them. The First one of these and first HL2 thread about this that I read. Good job learning your lesson! The only think I get from warez sites are abondone ware(For some reason they got lots of it). Like Warzone 2100, it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a copy anywhere. The company shut down a long time ago. The demo was super fun.
Yeah, abandonware is another story. Funny how some of it cannot be obtained anywhere, yet it is still considered illegal to download it. You gotta love software EULAs; they're slap-happy fun.