My summary of the / HL2.php juxtaposition


Sep 20, 2004
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Sorry to post yet another thread, but I do believe its warrented. I'm going to condense everything I know about hl2.php into this post.

For those of you who want to catch up, heres a

Brief summary of the facts:

Manook posted this thread >hl2.php<, bringing >this game< to our attention.
People started entering in ?moves manually, including the most obvious ?move=s.
It did not work at first, but then, all of the sudden ?move=s had an answer.
People try new things, they dont work. They suggest them in the thread, and suddenly, they do. Not all suggestions started working, but quite a few did.

Here is a list of the ?moves

?move=s * "This is not a test"
?move=gman * Not the first time I've seen this comparison.
?move=alyx * What a hottie. :D
?move=gordon * So true
?move=joshua * A reference to the movie War Games
?move=kill * Another discouraging one, like =s. I guess this is before VALVe got more playful
?move=fish * Irc humor :)
?move=rc * Its out there,. somewhere..
?move=truth * We love you too!

There was also a ?move=gold, but it was removed.

It said: "You wish? *I* wish!"

So what was that all about?

Heres my take
(moderate speculation)
Somebody at Valve was killing time making hl2.php to entertain visitors. Manook discovered it purely by chance, posted here, and someone at Valve saw the thread on it. It was, however, not ready. And so as it was discussed, and as people tried different things, the guy(s) at Valve let us know that it was not (as some assumed) a test. But as people kept riffing on it, Valve added some more things,. and the more we found/got excited about, the more playful our friend(s) got.

The whole thing was, dare I say, a total fluke.

And a curious and entertaining encounter (aparently) for both sides.

But where do we go from here?

Sashswash said:
"The path is clear when the time is right"

Could this mean once you can beat the original path with one of the first 3 options that something important has happened at that time?? Once the original path is "clear"?

What Sashswash said makes perfect sense. At some point, hl2.php will have an option that does not result in death (I'm assuming one that is linked, not one entered in manually).

However, it seems to me that the way out will actually be a fourth option.
hl2.php?move=truth said:
I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.
hl2.php said:
You see a street in front of you. To your left is a door. The way behind is blocked by rubble. To your right, a headcrab glares menacingly.
The blocked path is backwards.
So ?move=s should change. Where it will go from there, we dont know.

I'm also betting the php game goes live to celebrate the upcoming gold announcement. But thats just a hunch.

Headcrabs, VALVe. Plush Headcrabs. And I reaaaaally want a tshirt, size medium (but xl would do). I have money!

(But most of all, I want a happy ending for Gordon in HL3)
perfect summary...
i think your take on the "s" being the final answer is incorrect, but that's just my opinion.
personally, i think it's either gameplay related, entirely just marketing(althoug that seems strange, even to me), or maybe where they will post the gold announcement. Heck, it could be a way to get it earlier on STEAM for all we know...if my hunch that lastnight's strange STEAM traffic and updates were due to the ESRB playing online are correct...
move=rc just changed to:
"You stare dreamily at the screen. That headcrab thing happens again..." ...maybe the rc wasn't accepted... was always that way...however the kill one was quoting my post.
cadaveca said: was always that way...however the kill one was quoting my post.
Noted. Unfortunatly I cannot edit the original post anymore to correct that.
While the use of the word "juxtaposition" in the title is questionable, nicely put together. :p
Letters said:
While the use of the word "juxtaposition" in the title is questionable, nicely put together. :p
It seemed to fit. Somebody put them together..
"I'm sure some smart and clever forum goer will find it soon. This is not the third test. Be warned though, Half-Life 2: PHP is really hard. I don't think anyone has succesfully finished it. It might need some tweaking in the weapon balance department." -chris bokitch...SEPTEMBER 1st,2004
Looks like they were trying to toss it to the steam users

They were waiting for someone to find it. This does make it more confusing,. but I'm going to stand by what I said in my post. What happened was not planned.
f|uke said:
Looks like they were trying to toss it to the steam users

And that it was so spontanious

yeah..and its..well kinda weird because it is always the pple of who tend to solve these tests/puzzles and such :)
nonetheless, tons of fun :thumbs:
cadaveca said:
"I'm sure some smart and clever forum goer will find it soon. This is not the third test. Be warned though, Half-Life 2: PHP is really hard. I don't think anyone has succesfully finished it. It might need some tweaking in the weapon balance department." -chris bokitch...SEPTEMBER 1st,2004

um thats JANUARY the 1st...i saw this post ages ago
Yombi said:
um thats JANUARY the 1st...i saw this post ages ago
the thread he linked to is dated September 1st 2004
If you look at the page and get all the first letters of the Italic words, you get "ATICT", could be a far longshot but....ATI is graphics card designed for HL2...what could CT mean? ATI Completion Time or somethin? If that's it...what Completion Time...the time it takes to complete the Video Stress Test? head hurts now
blahblahblah said:
This is a perfect summary. It should be stickied.

and locked as well before it becomes a monsterous thread just like the HL2.PHP one and that other one which the name escapes me at the momment
Very nice post. I just thought of something.
"This is not a test."
First thought is that this is nothing big at all.
But then think about it. A fire alarm goes off. An announcement says "This is not a test/drill."
This could possibly it. This might be the real deal.
yeah i agree that it was just them screwing around with us. This was pretty cool and it shows us that valve... is... watching ...
punjabpolice said:
yeah i agree that it was just them screwing around with us. This was pretty cool and it shows us that valve... is... watching ...

lol *cough* Chris_D *cough*

i'm only pullin yah leg :thumbs: :bounce:

Yup it was fun :D
Originally Posted by hl2.php?move=truth
I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.

synonyms for "clear" perhaps?
time/right? right angle on a clock? 0:15, 0:45?
<---grasping at straws?
boomyak said:
synonyms for "clear" perhaps?
time/right? right angle on a clock? 0:15, 0:45?
<---grasping at straws?

try the second whiteboard clock.
?move=truth changed several times. It was not written with great forethought. Words were iltalicized for emphasis.

I think its pretty clear that when they say the path will be clear at a different time, they're reffering to the game.

So nice try gweedodogg69 and boomyak. But no. Captain, no there too. I see where you're coming from, but within the context, they meant its not one of their infamous tests.

I'm not sure that the answer will be ?move=s, but I am positive about my interpritation of ?move=truth, so if you have some other idea about what it means, pleaes post it in another thread.
cadaveca said:
i just recognize patterns. i WAS throwing it out there.
I was not being sarcastic.
Notice I did not include you in those who are incorrect.

But then I decided I was so sure you wernt attached to that thought that it wasn't even worth mentioning
never thought you were being sarcastic, just affirming your assumptio to be correct. made sense...... kinda...(atict thingie)
What other moves are attributed to you, Cadaveca? I think you said there were a few. And feel free to share anything else about what happened.
I officially nominate f|uke for MVN of the year. Most Valuable Newbie. Thanks for the summary man, you're a great addition here.
You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.
How about checking truth or gold september 30? Just an idea...
that's it... i thought it was more, but i think that's it.

somebody on hlfallout has a avatar that says "the cannot know the truth" in this deep mysterious voice. Maybe one day you'll experience it yourself...
I was talking to my wife about HL2, and the lawsuit. Right when we stopped talking, this voice came from the speakers..scaring the carp outta both of us. So, I got to thinking. no open windows except the IE ones to here and that other site. I popped on one of my other machines, and opened the same windows, to see if it was some sort of time delay, or an add or something, 'cause by now i was feeling a little more than uneasy.
it never happened. i played some maxpayne2, and forgot about it.
I read dude's post about the php site, and there was like only 2 or 3 replies. after going to the site, and getting nowhere @ all three, i tried to do the "s"...and it was blank. came back to the forum, and saw that several other people had tried this as well. so i posted that maybe we should wait, as the last time there was a test(the barnacle thingie), the site changed after tons of people were there. checked the other test thread that had popped up, and people were going to /admin. lol. that happened the last time too, so i forgot about that thread. sure enough, after enough people tried, the site changed.

(you know, it just occured to me that while everyone was commenting that they were watching, and i had made that post that got copied, and someone asked if i was in on it. Anyway, dude said something about needing enough crowbars to breakdown a wall....funny, that one. something made me think of hackers when someone brought up the admin again, as used to be theasiest way to hack into a pc...DOS attack to cause a buffer overflow...anyway...)

so like i said, the site changed, and then something made me post that line i heard, partially because dude's remarks on hlfallout sounds like he knows more....and then it appeared on the site....
anyway, you can get the gist of what happened if you read the thread from start to finish...i know it's damn long, but setting you posts to 40 a page make it easier.

anyway i'm ramblin because of all the things that happened so fast...
"the truth... you cannot know the truth" is something the Nihilanth says, isn't it?
i dunno.... like i said i heard it from an avatar on hlfallout.

very interesting tho.
Anyone else noticed that the link changed from yesterday to include:

But how will you know when there's new stuff here? Hmm.

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right

Maybe thats not new, but its new to me and I went through over 300 posts checking if its been posted already
Splinter16 said:
Anyone else noticed that the link changed from yesterday to include:

But how will you know when there's new stuff here? Hmm.

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right

Maybe thats not new, but its new to me and I went through over 300 posts checking if its been posted already

yup that old news

Next time rather then scan 300+ post try the "search this thread" butten thats at the top of every thread. Not trying to be harsh, actual trying to be helpful.
Has 'Alyx' changed?: You stare dreamily at the screen. That headcrab thing happens again...