My take on the mosque killing incident

a one syllable response... you must be the great spirit that einstein was talking about.
seinfeldrules said:
hahahaha that was excellent! :laugh:

dont bend over too far there bootlicker

even your humour is, well ...uninspired. But what do I know I'm just an arrogant sob :angel:
CptStern said:
But what do I know I'm just an arrogant sob :angel:
acceptance is the first step to recovery. but at least seinfeld is smart enough not to double post. you have only been here a few months, so i guess we shouldent be too hard on you.
I just be not-so-smrt-kanadian in a world full of insanely intelligent americans spreading global happiness and prosperity dee da!

/end dripping sarcasm

Keep it civil lads, this is getting into the territory of personal attacks.

Might have to get the stiff British upper lip to sort this out.
HateCrime said:
No offense, but why don't you look to your own government? Seems like your government is fond of abusing immigrants - particulary the Albanians. Oh yeah, about how about those pesky Macedonians? Still "relocating" them?

For the Albanians I agree, though it is not our government that is abusing them. Mostly it is the people here that are racist assholes, well not all of them but many are.
As for the Macedonians, I really dont know what you are talking about! What do you mean by relocating them? I am assuming you are talking about Skopia(sp?) right?

Besides, there is a difference between abusing (mostly they are underpayed and are treated with mistrust) immigrants and killing thousands of innocent people.
I do not agree and I never do it but I cannot think of one country that had many immigrands and dealt with the problem without racism or biggotry...

My point is that the two reasons stated as excuses for invading Iraq are exactly that, excuses.
And if you think that you are the self appointed saviors of the rest of the world you are living in the clouds.
Alexander the Great should come back and kick ass for the macedonians!
gh0st said:
a one syllable response... you must be the great spirit that einstein was talking about.

It's insanely ironic that you can bitch at him over something so trivial when you, not a few posts later, began to attack his newness.

Get a grip.
Absinthe said:
It's insanely ironic that you can bitch at him over something so trivial when you, not a few posts later, began to attack his newness.

Get a grip.
he was attacking someone elses newness over something trivial, im just returning the favor. nor is that even remotely ironic, please use a dictionary. i dont bitch, i argue, and stern was wrong for blaming the US for rwanada, i just wanted to make sure that was clear. of course, i wonder what you would have done if it was stern attacking MY newness?
gh0st said:
of course, i wonder what you would have done if it was stern attacking MY newness?

I would have recognized it as stupid and childish, but I probably wouldn't have said anything.

Because I don't like you. ;)
gh0st said:
he was attacking someone elses newness over something trivial, im just returning the favor. nor is that even remotely ironic, please use a dictionary. i dont bitch, i argue, and stern was wrong for blaming the US for rwanada, i just wanted to make sure that was clear. of course, i wonder what you would have done if it was stern attacking MY newness?

no, I never blamed the US for rwanda, I criticized the US for doing nothing ...there's a big difference. And dont give me that bull about not bitching or complaining constantly bitch and moan about europeans or canadians so shaddaup and take it like a man :E
CptStern said:
no, I never blamed the US for rwanda, I criticized the US for doing nothing ...there's a big difference. And dont give me that bull about not bitching or complaining constantly bitch and moan about europeans or canadians so shaddaup and take it like a man :E
you sure managed to criticize the US for doing nothing... but the holier-than-thou UN gets no criticism from stern for doing nothing. so yeah, there is a big difference: youre a hypocritical america hater, and im not. ive never bitched about canada or europe. i may make fun of them in jest, but i dont actively seek to undermine them every chance possible. you just went out of your way to add the US to the blame for the problems with rwanada. you just have blind hate for america, so yeah, theres a difference.
gh0st said:
you sure managed to criticize the US for doing nothing... but the holier-than-thou UN gets no criticism from stern for doing nothing.

what are you talking about? I mentioned that the UN refused to give Romeo dallaire any additional troops, I criticized the US on the subject of rwanda in the context of that particular debate. Many US occupation supporters point to the fact that iraq is in part a mission to save the iraqi people from tyranny (well that's how the propaganda goes) I merey said a figurative "hogwash" to that bit of american propaganda by pointing on many occasions that the US failed to help and in some instances hindered any chance of a multi-national peacekeeping mission to rwanda. You see fit to interpret it as anti-americanism ..I see it as shooting down another of the US' justification for occupying iraq ...period.

gh0st said:
so yeah, there is a big difference: youre a hypocritical america hater, and im not.

that's a load of festering fecal matter!!

it's true I hate american foreign policy, it's true that I dislike right wing conservatives that fit the stereotype of: unrepentant war supporter, anti-gay, anti-right to choose, pro-stronger religious ties, isolationists, anti-gun laws, anti-freedom of speech/minority rights etc etc etc

doesnt mean you're all like that, just a few of you :E

gh0st said:
ive never bitched about canada or europe. i may make fun of them in jest,

you said you hate europeans or was it the french?

gh0st said:
but i dont actively seek to undermine them every chance possible. you just went out of your way to add the US to the blame for the problems with rwanada. you just have blind hate for america, so yeah, theres a difference.

I do try my best to stick a thorn in the side of anyone claiming good intentions in american foreign policy cuz it's just not true. I dont hate americans ..actually my aunt from florida is visiting on saturday ...she's really nice :) ...Hendrix was american is Noam Chomsky ...ummm Van Halen ..they're american although I think they were immigrants ...Don Knotts ...ummm Moe Howard ..ummm ...Alex Trebec wait he's canadian ....Ted Kasinsky wait he's a bad guy! ...William Shatner ..damn he's canadian too ...ummm BAtman! everyone loves batman ...but is gotham in america? ...I like jazz, that's american ...ummm Kurt Vonneghut, he's american ... I like apple pie but I'm not sure if it's american ...I lke american cheese ..and other stuff
Don't worry... it's in Stern's nature to blame the US for every conflict it does involve itself in to help, but also blames it for every potential conflict to help out that it doesn't.

No matter what, you'll never satisfy him. If you don't go some place to help, he'll make it known he's mad about it, and if you did go, he'll say he's outraged that the US steps into stuff that isn't it's buisness.

It's just Stern. We love him for the way he is :upstare:
Raziaar said:
Don't worry... it's in Stern's nature to blame the US for every conflict it does involve itself in to help, but also blames it for every potential conflict to help out that it doesn't.

No matter what, you'll never satisfy him. If you don't go some place to help, he'll make it known he's mad about it, and if you did go, he'll say he's outraged that the US steps into stuff that isn't it's buisness.

It's just Stern. We love him for the way he is :upstare:
Exactly, then he'll say its not America he hates, just the Bush administration. That doesnt quite work either though, because he often criticizes stuff Clinton did or did not accomplish.
Raziaar said:
Don't worry... it's in Stern's nature to blame the US for every conflict it does involve itself in to help, but also blames it for every potential conflict to help out that it doesn't.

No matter what, you'll never satisfy him. If you don't go some place to help, he'll make it known he's mad about it, and if you did go, he'll say he's outraged that the US steps into stuff that isn't it's buisness.

It's just Stern. We love him for the way he is :upstare:

it's funny how only the uber-patriots in the the community see me in this light. Why's that? because you have nothing to say to counter my points/evidence/proof? It's funny how you'll all attempt a character assassination in lieu of confronting the tough issues. I've still yet to have any one of you even remotely acknowledge that the war in iraq was a sham even though the evidence is overwhelming ....most americans believe that the US should have handled the WMD issue differently where does that leave all of you who still insist america's intentions in iraq were "noble"? I'd say in the "blinders set to stun" camp

oh and the current climate of dislike and distrust for america is your own doing caused it, you set the wheels in motion with the iraqi war. Most people globally had termendous sympathy for america after 9/11. Yet through greed and lies you exhausted that sympathy when you illegally invaded Iraq
For Christ's sake, why has all this started to resort to childish bickering? Most of you are more intelligent than that, but, littered amongst the genuine arguments you may have, too many of you are resorting to childish little snipes. Bloody hell.
he started it!!!! ;)

I find that most political threads about iraq denegrate into personal insults. I too am guilty of taking swipes at people in these threads but it's usually in response to someone's insult ..ya I know I'm not doing these threads any service by playing into their hands ...but sometimes it cant be helped I usually have to defend myself from rediculous charges that I'm a: hippie, stinkin liberal, anti-american, commie, and extremist
but sometimes it cant be helped I usually have to defend myself from rediculous charges that I'm a: hippie, stinkin liberal, anti-american, commie, and extremist

Oh come on now stern. You are the one on the frontlines in every argument throwing around the word bigot like it is .10$ candy. Rarely do people from the right call you that, more often people are called religious fanatics, uber-patriots, morons, rednecks etc. In this case, the name calling actually does exist, however. Take a look 3 posts up for evidence.
seinfeldrules said:
Oh come on now stern. You are the one on the frontlines in every argument throwing around the word bigot like it is .10$ candy. Rarely do people from the right call you that, more often people are called religious fanatics, uber-patriots, morons, rednecks etc. In this case, the name calling actually does exist, however. Take a look 3 posts up for evidence.

? I never noticed Stern calling people that, or maybe thats not what you meant. In any case Stern always has good scources to back up his point, your most objective scource was FOX. The only rightwing person here that can match him is BlahBlah.
In any case Stern always has good scources to back up his point, your most objective scource was FOX.

Hahaha that is some joke right? His favorite site is entitled "Enlightened Socialism" or something along those lines. Feel free to correct me. And, by the way, that was one source I used, care to explain how you based your opinion on one, singular source?
seinfeldrules said:
Oh come on now stern. You are the one on the frontlines in every argument throwing around the word bigot like it is .10$ candy. Rarely do people from the right call you that

because that would be like calling a black person white. I'm as far removed from a bigot as is humanly possible.

seinfeldrules said:
more often people are called religious fanatics, uber-patriots, morons, rednecks etc. In this case, the name calling actually does exist, however. Take a look 3 posts up for evidence.

so should I call someone who's bigoted toward gays "rustic" instead of "redneck"? or how about I call the ultra religious in our group pious because they're defending god's word by saying "gays are sinners" ...I am unapologetic when it comes to that. They get what they dish out the karma balances itself out.

btw thx Grey fox
seinfeldrules said:

Hahaha that is some joke right? His favorite site is entitled "Enlightened Socialism" or something along those lines. Feel free to correct me. And, by the way, that was one source I used, care to explain how you based your opinion on one, singular source?

Well I said the most objective scource you used, that simply means that it's just the most objective site u use, compared to what you normally use.
seinfeldrules said:

Hahaha that is some joke right? His favorite site is entitled "Enlightened Socialism" or something along those lines. Feel free to correct me. And, by the way, that was one source I used, care to explain how you based your opinion on one, singular source?

ummmmm no,"enlightened socialism"? now I know you're just making it up. Almost all of my sources are rock solid ..they've come from independent media as well as mainstream media ...I've used the washington post, ny times, cnn, bbc, cbc, abc etc. You on the other hand only ever use fox as a source ..which is questionable because they tend to run over the top headlines like this, a result you're credibility is suspect
CptStern said:
because that would be like calling a black person white. I'm as far removed from a bigot as is humanly possible.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that. Ego much, dude? You're not a saint. It doesn't take the search function long to find the posts you make regarding conservatives and republicans and what you think of them.
Raziaar said:
I wouldn't go as far as to say that. Ego much, dude? You're not a saint. It doesn't take the search function long to find the posts you make regarding conservatives and republicans and what you think of them.

I never claimed to be a saint, in fact I can be a sarcastic bastard at times. My remarks towards conservatives usually come after they've made statements that are offensive and downright ignorant. For example: france, same sex marriages, homosexuality etc.

do your search, I'll bet you'll find that most times my remarks are justified (well not if you agree with the person making the offensive remark)
ummmmm no,"enlightened socialism"? now I know you're just making it up. Almost all of my sources are rock solid ..they've come from independent media as well as mainstream media ...I've used the washington post, ny times, cnn, bbc, cbc, abc etc. You on the other hand only ever use fox as a source ..which is questionable because they tend to run over the top headlines like this, a result you're credibility is suspect

You have such a selective memory it is insane. That is the first time I've used FOX in a long time. Normally, I do CNN because they carry many of the same stories, but you guys just dont realize it. Furthermore, your love site was entitled "Progressive Liberal" or something along those lines. Dont hide from it.

do your search, I'll bet you'll find that most times my remarks are justified (well not if you agree with the person making the offensive remark)

I dont see how insulting can ever be justified, it only shows your true immaturity.
seinfeldrules said:
You have such a selective memory it is insane. That is the first time I've used FOX in a long time. Normally, I do CNN because they carry many of the same stories, but you guys just dont realize it. Furthermore, your love site was entitled "Progressive Liberal" or something along those lines. Dont hide from it.

my "love" site? :upstare:
