My teacher denies that Christianity is a Creation Myth

Sorry, I was a bit confused; Were you trying to prove that Christianity was a creation myth or that the Christian creation myth is a creation myth? Anyway, your teacher is stupid but you should either do what she asks or go complain to yer principal or whatever.

Pretty sure hes talking about the Christian creation.
Everyone in this thread that told you not to do it is a pussy who's scared of getting a bad grade. Some people have already mentioned it but if your teacher gives you a bad grade you can contest it with the school. If you're discussing creation myths, then ALL religions should be open to discussion. And there's your argument if she gives you shit.

Just do it man. Don't be a pussy and worry about your grade. What's the worst she's gonna do, give you an F on one assignment? An F you can contest? Pfft. Write the paper you want to write.

To reiterate what I said earlier, DO IT.
Make sure you talk to the higher-ups before doing so, that way you can cover yourself if needed. I personally probably wouldn't just because the teacher would likely be biased towards me for the rest of the year (or at least for a while) and mark me down on anything he/she could find D:
Yeah, I really dont think it will take a toll on your grade as long as its well written. She is probably aware of the possible repercussions. She does have the excuse that she told you not to do it though... so you're "not following directions." But if shes following a ruberic she cant penalize you. I say do it.
I personally wouldn't talk to the higher ups before hand. They will probably say no for the teacher's sake. Write the paper, and if she makes a fuss, then talk to the higher ups.
Well first of all, Christianity has nothing to do with the creation myth, that's Judaism, but "Christianity" is not a "creation myth", "Christian-sponsored Genesis" however, is.

But I know what you mean.
This is why I'm glad that the only teacher that I know is religious is my math teacher :p

Just do it. As long as you know you're right, that should be enough. I'd sacrifice 1 grade to bash any religion. Personally, I'd be as offensive as possible.
Easy. Just bring these guys to show-and-tell:


Stand up for what you believe in.
Do it bitch. I remember in year 9 we had a to write a paper on creation myths, I did genisis, and my teacher didn't mind (and she was a christian - however she was one of those hypocrytical ones who believe in evolution as well).
What do you think? Should the bible be put in the mythical section of the libary and should christianity be labeled as a creation myth? What makes it different from Hinduism etc? (which by the way was acceptable to choose as your assignment :/ )

Of course not! Bibles have their own Dewey Decimal Classification (220). Religious mythology is 201 and Creation is 213. So they're probably on the same shelf, but it'd be confusing to mix them.

Wait, did I miss your point?
DO EET. Not doing it is missing out on some potentially awesome drama. She can't grade you poorly because you're objectively right and if she does you can appeal it. But who cares if she does give you a bad grade? School is impossible to fail if you put at least minimal effort into it, you can take one bad grade.

Either that, or write the essay on the Pastafarian creation myth.

It might me worth saying at the start of the essay that you are in no way trying to be offensive or deliberately controversial,

Does someone writing a paper on quantum entanglement open it with such apologetics to those that might find quantum entanglement offensive? Of course not, if I find quantum entanglement offensive, that's my goddamn problem, not his. You can't possibly be expected to consider everybody's feelings and avoid stepping on them. If the truth hurts them, tough shit.
Is this grade actually going to affect anything or is it just an exercise that will be forgotten within a week? If it's the latter, do Genesis.
Either way, don't be a coward, do it for the sake of your intellectual integrity.
I'd do Christianity anyway. If you get low grades, go to the head of the school (unless they are the same).

Just back it up with a lot of proof that Christianity is false. There's plenty of stuff floating around the nets.

The most interesting one fact of all is:

Did Adam and Eve really exist? How would you know? Did they right their blogs on a piece of papyrus?
Do it bitch. I remember in year 9 we had a to write a paper on creation myths, I did genisis, and my teacher didn't mind (and she was a christian - however she was one of those hypocrytical ones who believe in evolution as well).

A hypochristian? NOT IN AMERICA!
Do it bitch. I remember in year 9 we had a to write a paper on creation myths, I did genisis, and my teacher didn't mind (and she was a christian - however she was one of those hypocrytical ones who believe in evolution as well).

Ain't nothing hypocritical about not believing the Bible is absolute literal truth.
Well. Genesis could only be a parable or story, it is not necessarily true. I, though christian, believe that you may be able to call it a creation myth.
Ain't nothing hypocritical about not believing the Bible is absolute literal truth.

Yes there is. The bible is gods word, and it demands christians follow gods word. If you do not take the bible word for word, then you are not really a christian. Thus, if you call yourself a christian, you are a hypocryt.
So, Christianity is equal to democracy which therefore means that Hitler was the result of many years of fornication by a family tree which enjoyed and followed the ten commandments of the bible.

Brilliant! \o/
So, Christianity is equal to democracy which therefore means that Hitler was the result of many years of fornication by a family tree which enjoyed and followed the ten commandments of the bible.

Brilliant! \o/

The bible is gods word

Says who? There is no evidence to say that this mere book is what God wants or intends, that book is just a bunch of people's own views and interpretations of christianity as far as I am concerned. I mean come on, a magical presence that apparantly created the world and loves all living things, wants us to kill gay people and will purge all the sinners to internal suffering, yes mere stealing constitutes this apparantly, even though he also internally forgiving. Its like 'Mein Kampf', just some lunatic, or in this case, lunatics, writting jibberish and the first things that come to their head.
This is awesome.

Go for it, you lovable heathen guy you.
Says who? There is no evidence to say that this mere book is what God wants or intends, that book is just a bunch of people's own views and interpretations of christianity as far as I am concerned. I mean come on, a magical presence that apparantly created the world and loves all living things, wants us to kill gay people and will purge all the sinners to internal suffering, yes mere stealing constitutes this apparantly, even though he also internally forgiving. Its like 'Mein Kampf', just some lunatic, or in this case, lunatics, writting jibberish and the first things that come to their head.

Agreed, you would be truly screwed up in the head and with what to really believe... (for example, watch the CRAZY JESUS FREAK video in the Video/Flash/Image dump). Jesus Christ himself hung out with sinners and regular people, he didn't freak out like that fat psyco b*tch. So like Shift was saying, you either love people no matter what, or you hate sinners and want them to die... meh. Can't take every single word literally... Yeah guess I'm a Hypocrite then.
Says who? There is no evidence to say that this mere book is what God wants or intends, that book is just a bunch of people's own views and interpretations of christianity as far as I am concerned. I mean come on, a magical presence that apparantly created the world and loves all living things, wants us to kill gay people and will purge all the sinners to internal suffering, yes mere stealing constitutes this apparantly, even though he also internally forgiving. Its like 'Mein Kampf', just some lunatic, or in this case, lunatics, writting jibberish and the first things that come to their head.

You missed the point.

If you actually read the damn thing (pun intended :cheese:), then you'd know that in the bible, Jesus himself states that the laws of the old testament are absolute and eternal. They are stated clearly to be the laws that god wants all Christians to follow.

Obviously, this has no bearing in sane reality, but anyone who calls them self 'Christian' has to follow the bible exactly, or else they are not a Christian.
You missed the point.

If you actually read the damn thing (pun intended :cheese:), then you'd know that in the bible, Jesus himself states that the laws of the old testament are absolute and eternal. They are stated clearly to be the laws that god wants all Christians to follow.

Obviously, this has no bearing in sane reality, but anyone who calls them self 'Christian' has to follow the bible exactly, or else they are not a Christian.

Yeah I see the point. I dunno, maybe some aspects of the Bible are true, and a lot of people who contribute are just giving their own interpretations of the religion, and without realising, are contradicting the entire thing. I mean through all the years the Bible has been apparant, it must have been doctrined many times, especially during Medievil times and the Dark Ages, when Christian power was being incredibly abused.

Maybe the Bible when first written, was the true word of God, but over the years it has been changed and filled in with complete and utter crap. Maybe not. But to be honest, the entire subject is incredibly tedious and complex.
Yeah I see the point. I dunno, maybe some aspects of the Bible are true, and a lot of people who contribute are just giving their own interpretations of the religion, and without realising, are contradicting the entire thing. I mean through all the years the Bible has been apparant, it must have been doctrined many times, especially during Medievil times and the Dark Ages, when Christian power was being incredibly abused.

Maybe the Bible when first written, was the true word of God, but over the years it has been changed and filled in with complete and utter crap. Maybe not. But to be honest, the entire subject is incredibly tedious and complex.
I'm pretty sure the first bible is no different than the modern one.