My theories on HL:Opposing Force 2, or at least what I'd like to see *spoiler

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I don't know how many people actually played Opposing Force, but for me, It was better than the original, simply because in this case, I was someone a little more like me... a soldier.

But to the point.

I warn you, that this will spoil the games and expansions if you have failed to play them, but I'm not going to bother with censoring myself. Just, if you don't want to ruin it for yourself, chances are you should have regarded the spoiler tag in the post name.

I begin by stating my hyopothesis. This is that Adrien Shepard is going to appear in an expansion of Half-Life 2. In a longer description, I also think he will make his entrance right before Alyx and Gordan take their week long teleporter trip. I'll explain the details of this later.

Now, as for indications that Adrien will even come back, there are definetly very few.

One of which is during "Our Benefactors", during your ride on the cage thing. While you're cruising along, you make a fly by over a number of Combine mobilizing on something in a hallway. If you were to ask me, I'd say that'd be Adrien. What the hell is he doing in the citadel you ask? Why, he's there to cover your ass. A distraction of sorts. Compared to the number of forces the Combine was eventually able to mobilize on you while Alyx was opening the gate, do you seriously think the number of troops you took out on your way to Breen was all they could muster? ESPECIALLY while you were in the middle of THEIR base?

Personally, I'd think not.

But if there was a gun totin' super soldier crashing through the front gate and dragging all of the resistance troops in tow, then I'd say that a "rogue physicist" might very well be of lower priority.

Now beyond that, there are no direct indications.

One can potentially cite the resistance's mobilization and assault on City 17 as a potential time where a hero such as Adrien's influence might have been involved, but then again, it could have just as easily been Barney. I personally think it's a mix of both.

Continuing on the thought of it being a mix of both, I believe that there will be another two expansions, one starring Adrien, and the other with Barney. The latter of which taking place during the week in which Alyx and Gordon were gone. It will likely be like the first Blue Shift, and it being about Barney mobilizing the resistance, and it'll also help fill in some of the plot gaps involving the resistance and the vortigaunts.

But that's not what I wanted to talk about. (Boy, I run in circles don't I?)

We all know that much like Gordon, Adrien was preserved by the Gman, after his exploits at Black Mesa.

For future reference, the speech given to Adrien was something along the lines of the Gman putting him in a place where no harm could come to him, and he could do no harm, that and something about seeing something of himself in Adrien. I can't remember the exact words, and my copy of Half-Life and Opposing Force are long gone. There's a story behind that, but I worry that if I start telling it, I may never make my point.


In the theme of Opposing Force, I will assume that to an extent, Adrien will have the "good fortune" of encountering a lot more of the other side than what Gordon dealt with. This will allow for valve to do some more story telling, and help us theorists fill in some of our gaps, and confirm theories, thus giving us the right to gloat, in places like this.

So I've been going through ideas, specifically how Adrien could wind up in a place where he could learn about the Combine.

So I got to thinking... my mental formula was something around the lines of... g-man's love of irony (see: trains) + viable storyline + cool factor. (yes, I realise this is about as ingenious as something an eight year old might come up with, but it suited me).

So I rolled through some ideas, places where G-man could drop him, and I thought that the best place for him to learn about the enemy, was the citadel.

If you remember, the G-man purposefully confiscated all of Gordon's weapons, while with Adrien, he merely left him in a place he could "do no harm".

Meaning, when Adrien drops in, there's a chance he might be fully armed.

Imagine the good Mr. Shepard arriving right in the middle of the citadel, fully armed, with every weapon he had at the end of Opposing Force. Of course, the teleportation gun isn't working, for whatever reason, but everything else is working nicely.

So Adrien makes his way through the base, running around in the equivalent of god mode, thanks to his vast array of alien and seemingly archaic (by that point) weaponry, until he arrives at one of the cages, he locks himself in, and off her goes, it's the same path as the one Gordon takes, and soon, he finds himself in the office of Breen.

At this point, Breen would give a speech about Gordon and Adrien's returns, reminiscing over Black Mesa, and likely noting Adrien's vast array of "Archaic" weaponry, he then offers to have a soldier of Adrien's calibur join him (Much like he did with Gordon at the end of Half-Life 2). Breen will likely say something about how Adrien was from the begining supposed to take out Freeman, and if he joined him now, he could finally complete his mission, lead Breen's forces, and help fill the world with shiny happy people. After that, he'll give Adrien "some time to think it over" and send him to have his weapons confiscated, "just as a precation".


Don't you love it when singularity generators get put into strange devices?

The weapon confiscation... thing... then zaps everything away, and finally zaps the teleportation gun. It's time for a teleportation trip again! A few locations Adrien could possibly visit: Nova Prospekt-"Hey, isn't that Gordon getting into that portal thing?", Xen-"This looks familiar!", Barney-"ADRIEN? Is that YOU?!?", and finally arriving at Dr. Kleiner's lab.

At this point, I can easily see him getting excited, and saying "Thank god you made it Gorda..."

From here, I see Adrian joining up with the resistance, and helping to attack various Combine bases at the edges of City 17, which allow Resistance forces to move into the city. At some point, I'd think that Adrien would want to pursue something more, tangible in the way of information explaining the grand scheme of all that's going on. For this, I'd think he'd leave City 17, and perhaps go to another city, perhaps another dimension (I'm sure I'm not the only who can see Adrien blasting his way through giant slugs), but eventually ending up back in City 17, of course after filling in a few plot holes.

He'd arrive to see Gordon drop in the hole, and then spend a little while blasting down striders and gun ships, until he sees a fleet of drop ships heading back intot he citadel, and blaring announcements for forces to assemble on Freeman, "Stop Freeman at all costs." So Adrien then breaks into a Combine tank, and rams through the front gate of the Citadel, leading the assault as the resistance forces follow. I could see this as a full out war. Thus, he makes a little distraction, allowing for our primary hero to make his way to his destiny.

After taking out most of the big stuff, Barney will say something like "We've got everything under control here, go help Gordon!"

And then it's time for YOU to go into the Citadel. you make your way through everything, and just when you think you're gonna run out of ammo, you find your old gear. Including the teleportation gun, which still isn't working right. So you make your way up, just like Gordon did, and arrive at the control room, just before the explosion, coming near the energy beam/plasma ball dealies causes your teleportation gun to automatically draw and start crackling, you run forward, and suddenly see Gordon dissapear, your gun crackles, launching beams about, making things dissapear, including Alyx, and then just when you're about to be blown up, you get hit too. You're at a train station, a train stops, and out steps the G-man, he comes up to you, and tells you that he did not forget about you, and that much like Mr. Freeman, you did a very good job, but it was time for you to wait again, Mr. Freeman might need your help again. Bam, you're back on the train... and it all goes black.


That went from being just my theory to being a whole story, I apologize. :rolleyes:

I'm... gonna go now. ;)
errr ..... it will never be like that !
and barney will not has an own expansion again , forgot about his "speaking role" eh ?
Ahh, but barney has a week during which he could have a solo adventure. Remember the slow teleport?
As badass as the idea of Adrian busting in on a tank at the head of a battalion of resistance peeps, I think we know none of that is going to happen.
That's a ****ing awesome idea. I can just imagine Adrian running around with his old-ass weapons, like some lamer in CS, going 'KEKEKEKE!' and busting combine ass.
What about a storyline where Breen bought Shephard's services, not Gordon's from the Gman? It makes sense, because Breen has the "you were up for the highest bidder" line.
I think that an opposing force 2: the rebellion or sum such shit is probably in the works now by gearbox coz you know, its what they do.

anyways, some of the stuff you said talfrey is pretty cool, and would be awesome to actually do but you got some of your timeline mixed up me thinks

Shepard couldnt be below gordon while gordon was in the chair thingo, coz gordon then goes to breen, and then kills breen.
So theres no time to see breen at all.

The best time would definitely be once gordon and alyx have gone into the teleporter and have a week to chill b4 getting out.

g-man would say some nonsense like "the worlds a bit short of heros at the moment shepard, get your ass in there now!"
and off you go on another trail of destruction.

see barney, help him out

see one of the scientists, that would be funny scene

I think a good little single player mod would be like the 7 hour war thats depicted through the game, you could be military and do various tasks and shit. that would be more like opfor1.

so many possibilities, but then again, i dunno if id play it

those gay ass resistance soldiers are too clingy.
Some very interesting ideas there. While the chances of most of them happening are small (if only because of the sheer amount of things that could be done with Adrian, should he come back), it does get the speculative juices flowing. There does seem to be a chance that an Alyx expansion will probably be first, but after that... Well, I certainly wouldn't mind a second expansion, particually in such esteemed company as Mr. Shepard.
Shepard was made by Gearbox, and Valve didnt acknowledge the story arc in OpFor as genuine, so it's not likely Shepard will make an appearance... we can hope though
Just because You are up for the highest bidder dosn't mean you can get sold to anyone... if the seller (Mr Skin Disease) dosn't like a particular buyer (Combine) then they can simply refuse to deliver, or just ignore them completely.

And Shepard kicks ass. Nice story, but it won't happen. We can hope Valve gets the storyline integrated, or something...
wouldnt it be ironic if sheperd became one of the combine also mabey thats why he was detained :borg:
Talfrey ur story idea sounds very interesting :)
and the part about the Displacer Ball (thats the name of the teleport gun from OP4) being affected by the Combine technology just like the Gravity gun was affected for Gordon.

i have sent Marc Laidlaw an email (no response yet :( ) concerning the IP of the Adrian Shepherd character...hopefully Valve has access to it.. in which case a return is quite possible :)
Jenga said:
Shepard was made by Gearbox, and Valve didnt acknowledge the story arc in OpFor as genuine, so it's not likely Shepard will make an appearance... we can hope though
Exactly. I knew someone would think about that.
I can see this happening...I like it because it offers an explonation as to what happened in the week when Alyx and Gordon got stuck in the transporter, and it also offers and explonation as to what else is going around the citadel, i mean Gordon and his 4 other buddies couldnt have taken the entire thing down by themselves.
I was just having a quiet revelation about how Gearbox (Or valve if they just deviate from being the usual tough-guys and actually give us wat the community wants) could again blend in the Opposing Force gameplay and story into the Half life 2 universe.

Instead of boring you all, im just going to run over a few points which i think could be of a use to all you fellow lovers of shepards adventures and the op4 expansion.

/// Shepards Arrival \\\

A similar scene to Gordons re awakenment could be estabilished in the opening shots of the game, You are awakened and inside a dirty old cell within the walls of NOVA PROSPEKT! wow! i know there are many gamers out there that dont like the whole Nova Prospekt area so you wouldnt spend much time there.

Instead, the opening say 10-20seconds would be like guards patrolling and people talking from cells that kind of stuff to build up atmosphere, anyways, this soon changes as gunfire, explosions and whatnot sound off in the background...

anyways to cut a long story short, gordons incursion into the jail stirs up some excitement, the guards get shot or leave, a fellow prisoner escapes, grabs a shottie and shoots the lock letting you leave the cell.

the prisoner that freed you would then be shot by adrian coz hes a tough bitch that works alone. rofl just jokes i dunno whateva from there
its just a beginning to what could be a great expansion.

/// Suit \\\

Now, instead of using the outdated military protective vest that adrian used in Op4, he gets a combine uniform (like the one barney is wearing) which has same but changed a little head up display counters and whatnot. This allows adrian to become a little like a combine for all yous out there that want him to become a bad ass combine soldier, but still allows him to work directly with the rebellion.

the same powerups and shit could then be used.
the suit is a viable option coz we know from HL2 that the suits have power and protective systems just like the hev because of all the chargers and health refills around the place.

/// Allies \\\

One of the main allies and link to HL2 is the colonel that gives gordon the RPG. With a bit of tinkering you could make him an old officer that was affliliated with shepard before black mesa.

It is possible that Shepard could also be re united with some of the old guys from opfor, like the black guy and the medic or something. its open for discussion.

/// Mission \\\

Shepard would escape from NP, then head back to City 17 via a way that we havent seen yet, like the air exchange or something.

once there, he would have already met up with friends and got his suit and weapons and would have been ordered to find a important person and take him to a safehouse before the uprising begins, this could be a scientist who needs you to retrive some part from a combine area so he can finish a weapon that would come in handy, eg (displacer)

areas you could visit would be places like precinct 13, possibly the citadel but i dont really like that place. Maybe the sewers, a factory, anything really.

im not sure how shepard would complete his mission, and where he would be when he is finally retrieved by the gman

any ideas anyone?

anyways, i think that to make the game as close to the feeling that gamers felt during the last expansion, some guns and people would have to be brought back. eg: shock rifle, satchels, maybe the machine gun.

thanks for hearing me out.
Warlock said:
Some very interesting ideas there. While the chances of most of them happening are small (if only because of the sheer amount of things that could be done with Adrian, should he come back), it does get the speculative juices flowing. There does seem to be a chance that an Alyx expansion will probably be first, but after that... Well, I certainly wouldn't mind a second expansion, particually in such esteemed company as Mr. Shepard.
omfg dont u get it ? alyx has got a 'SPEAKING ROLE' , she wont get her own ****in expansion same as barney cos it would be kinda odd if u saw her or him talkin and then play them and they dont say a word , besides they would have to meet gordon which means we would hear him talking right ?
anyway did anyone noticethat the 'real war' begins after u finish ur 1 week teleport ? alyx sends u outside and everything is ruined , the whole ****in city is 1 big battlefield ... cant remember such before i stepped into the teleporter ... something really big must have happened in that week or do you think a few of those dumb resistancefighters would be able to screw up the combine alone ?
i really think that shepard will make his comeback for the second expansion pack (opposing force2) i dunno how it will fit into the story but im very sure .
well nice idea bboymatty that sounds awesome , i really like that idea with shepards escape from the prison lol , and i really think they should bring back some of his old weapons ,i mean the shockrifle and the diplacer.
Unfortunately, Valve doesn't own Adrian Shephard, Gearbox does, and Marc Laidlaw doesn't acknowledge the OpFor storyline in the HL series so.....:(. The only thing left is fan fics and mods.
eber said:
errr ..... it will never be like that !
and barney will not has an own expansion again , forgot about his "speaking role" eh ?

so i take it alyx wont get an expansion

geez u nub:P

I enjoyed reading that, but since u posted it , it deffinetly wont be like that =(
DeusExMachinia said:
Unfortunately, Valve doesn't own Adrian Shephard, Gearbox does, and Marc Laidlaw doesn't acknowledge the OpFor storyline in the HL series so.....:(. The only thing left is fan fics and mods.

no. stop spreading lies plzkthx

eber said:
omfg dont u get it ? alyx has got a 'SPEAKING ROLE' , she wont get her own ****in expansion same as barney cos it would be kinda odd if u saw her or him talkin and then play them and they dont say a word , besides they would have to meet gordon which means we would hear him talking right ?

no. stop spreading lies plzkthx
I thought Marc Laidlaw said that OpFor fits into the storyline, but does not play an important part in the "trilogy" (such an overused word). HL and HL2 could exist without OpFor, but not vise-versa. Even still, a Shepard expansion would be badass and is already set up with OpFor's ending.
your 100% right scotsman, the gearbox guys consulted with the valve team to make the mod so that its outcome would have no effect on the eventual travel of freeman. also, the new monsters and that stuff in Opfor was limited to opfor and wont be in any valve production.

I love opfor so much, if a company wont do it, then we should get together a crew and make it ourselves! i can draw and map!
I could work on the storyline. I've already got a shephard fan fic in the fan fic section.
whoever says shepard sucks is simply suffering from a case of inferiority complex as shepard poons so much you feel uneasy.

Just accept that hes a born ass kicker and that gamers like to get another perspective sometimes in games, and in this case shepard is the medium.
Originally posted by Sid Burn
yeah... but he owns much cooler weapons than Gordon.

What the most ridiculous weapon known to the half life series....the Barnacle was in a creative mood that day. Quick, jam, your hand up its ass, tickle its inards and force its tongue out! Wheeee!

Then we have his Portal gun...which also doesn't make any sense at all. Look gordon we have these massive teleport relays to port things to a another dimension. BUT NO. We can also do it with this useless teleport gun, with the click of a button! Maybe if it did what it did with the primary fire, but the secondary fire was god awful.

And now we come to the squid shooter, i mean Spore gun sorry....which is green and pelts enemies with apples....

On the plus side....Shepard does have a gattling gun but who cares? Gordon would have him flattened with a nearby Crate.
Originally posted by DeusExMachinia
Care to explain why you hate Shephard so much Samon?

*Sniff* Ok, here goes...

I don't know. :x

Basically, i didn't like what Gearbox did in Opposing force, i thought Race X was a convolted and completley ridiculous idea, the weapons Shepard wielded were also ridiculous...well some. (He did have a kick ass desert eagle)

Also, alot of people seem to really love the character, and seem to think he is of importance because he was recruited by G-man and, you know, it just made me hate him and him more and more over time :sniper:

*Thrusts dagger into Shepards chest.

:sleep: = Shepard.
Tantalus said:
Seems a bit far-fetched, but I do hope Adrien reappears.

I agree - i would like to think that there will be a second visit from corprol shepard (apologies for spelling).