My theory on the whole G-Man Plot --May contain spoilers if you havn't played HL2:EP2

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LMAO, you know that he wans't even called the G-Man in Hl1? Thats a term the fans gave him meaning Government man bcause he always carried a briefcase and wore a suit, making him look like he works for the Government, not that hes god lol. Comparing him to god is taking it too far, but i agree he definitly has loads of power not even comprehended.

Honestly, these theories are getting old. Valve is purposely making him a mysterious figure, so lets stop trying to act like we've figured him out... I mean, i'm still waiting for someone to compare him to Jesus lol!

Fans already knew that term from hl1 files, even in "Rising in the bar" VALVe writes G-Man.

Government ?! Prove it.

If this a true it means that Government has the most powerfull technologies which G-man has used. BUT there is one serious question. Why Black Mesa and AS competed with each other for Government Award, trying to create and develop technologies such as teleportation (BM) and portals (AS) if Government already has these technologies which were more powerfull and superior compare with both BM and AS ?! No Sense!!

I think it's the unknown third side which will see in HL3.
The main question is not "who is this G-Man" but "What G-Man can do"
All we know that Scientists were developing teleportation technologies in Black Mesa, but G-Man has destroyed Black Mesa
All we know that Eli continued to develop teleportation technologies, but G-man killed him, because G-Man already knew what will happen with Eli and said to him "prepare for unforeseen consequences".
All this is called "Kill all competitors, maintain own leadership in the world and to become the most sole powerfull person (or maybe with his employer's together) in the a Gods."

In HL1 G-Man talked with one scientist and he said: "My employer's destined to lead".
You completely misunderstood his post. He's not saying that the G-Man works for the government or anything like that. He's saying that the name "G-Man" is just a fan-made nickname based off of the way that he looks. The "G-Man" clearly isn't affiliated with the government (not Earth's anyways) in any way at all.
G-man is Valve's term for the character. In all of the files for HL1 he is called gman. G-man is a slang term for a goverment agent. It refers to his appearance and not any actual alegences or abilities.
G-man is Valve's term for the character. In all of the files for HL1 he is called gman. G-man is a slang term for a goverment agent. It refers to his appearance and not any actual alegences or abilities.

He had no name for hl1, if he did, it wasn't g-man. Hl1 came out and all the fans started calling him the g-man, valve used that name for their games foward, like hl2, and the episodes. But valve did not call him that when hl1 came out...
The G-man is incorporeal because he is a ghost. In the 1960s, the G-man was taking a shower and slipped; he grabbed onto his shower curtain to try and balance himself, but due to cheap manufacturing standards by one Aperture Inc., the curtain ripped and the G-man's head smashed right into the faucet, killing him instantly.

Since then he's dedicated his afterlife to the demise of Aperture Science. With some exertion on his part, he can appear to others and make himself temporarily corporeal--he began to haunt the Black Mesa Research Facility, chief rival to Aperture. No one ever questioned the mysterious man in the business suit because scientists are a meek and trusting lot who simply assumed he was supposed to be there.

Everything with the aliens was all happenstance. G-man brought the sample from Xen (ghosts can cross dimensions with ease) to put BMRF further in their teleportation experiments and wrest the Department of Defense contract from Aperture.

It was G-man who pulled the cord on the red emergency phone in GLaDOS' chamber.

Once Aperture was finished, the G-man blew up BMRF for no other reason than the fact that he no longer needed them.

20 years later when the Combine started nosing around the arctic and word spread from citadel to citadel that they were on the verge of uncovering an earth vessel called the "Borealis," owned by one Aperture Science, the G-man sprang into action again and unleashed Gordon Freeman.

And in Episode 3, you will be the instrument of his vengeance.
The G-man is incorporeal because he is a ghost. In the 1960s, the G-man was taking a shower and slipped; he grabbed onto his shower curtain to try and balance himself, but due to cheap manufacturing standards by one Aperture Inc., the curtain ripped and the G-man's head smashed right into the faucet, killing him instantly.

Since then he's dedicated his afterlife to the demise of Aperture Science. With some exertion on his part, he can appear to others and make himself temporarily corporeal--he began to haunt the Black Mesa Research Facility, chief rival to Aperture. No one ever questioned the mysterious man in the business suit because scientists are a meek and trusting lot who simply assumed he was supposed to be there.

Everything with the aliens was all happenstance. G-man brought the sample from Xen (ghosts can cross dimensions with ease) to put BMRF further in their teleportation experiments and wrest the Department of Defense contract from Aperture.

It was G-man who pulled the cord on the red emergency phone in GLaDOS' chamber.

Once Aperture was finished, the G-man blew up BMRF for no other reason than the fact that he no longer needed them.

20 years later when the Combine started nosing around the arctic and word spread from citadel to citadel that they were on the verge of uncovering an earth vessel called the "Borealis," owned by one Aperture Science, the G-man sprang into action again and unleashed Gordon Freeman.

And in Episode 3, you will be the instrument of his vengeance.

Best Gman theory ever. :laugh:
His briefcase contains ID, pencils, papers and a gun.
Why whould a zombieghost need an ID, pencils, papers and a gun?
I've always liked to assume his briefcase contains a collection of commemorative plates.

Probably ones that have kittens printed on them.
Darkside that is the most brilliant idea about the G-man ever. It all makes sense except for who the G-man's "Employers" are anyway you should ship your genius idea to Mark Laidlaw stat.
Here is what i think about the G-man :)

He is sort of a divine being, bound by none of the physical laws we know of. I'm not saying he is godlike but rather a greater force in the universe or perhaps an Alien, greatly evolved and both psychologically and technologically advanced. He is not really a human but simply takes on a human form when talking to Gordon and other humans. The reason for his suit and briefcase is simply so that he will look like a serious man, like a Government man (G-man). Maybe he thinks this will give people more confidence in him.

G-man is hired by even greater forces in the Universe. The good guys. They have seen the Combine go from world to world, destroying civilization after civilization and they must stop it, once and for all. They need to keep the balance in the Universe. G-man is one of their operatives and it's possible that he has psychic abilites and can see in to the future and stuff like that, predicting which person he should choose for his tasks. He knows the final battle must be on earth and that's why he leads the Combine there. Using Gordon and the Resonance Cascade to achieve his aims. He knows that salvation lies with Gordon and mankind and so he must lure the Combine there at any cost. May it be at the cost of billions of human lives. It's all for the greater good. It's even possible he's luring them there so their homeplanet becomes vournable for an attack from G-man's employers.

He is sacrificing alot of people for the greater good and i think this is what he plays at when he says at the end of HL2 that he is contemplating offers he normally wouldnt take. He is taking extreme measures to get the job done, sacrificing alot of people. He knows that Alyx will take part in the destruction of the Combine and therefore take her under his wing, protecting her from harm, making her his puppet. Just like Gordon.

The reason why he seems kind of evil is because of what i said before. He is sacrificing alot of people for the greater good. He does not care much for one race when there is a whole interstellar extermination going on. He does what he must to end the Combine.

Him not talking like a normal human also shows that he in fact is otherworldly.

My 5 cents, discuss ^^
Okay..... here goes.....

*big breath*

The Gman is Gordon!

Hao'd i du, guyz?!
Sometimes Gman reminds me of a guy in a movie called ghost ship. A guy that works as a "shipper" for the devil and needs to fill his quota with souls so he can ship them over to hell.
Gman does the same thing except he works for something/someone else that is in a higher position then him. and since he cant hurt anyone physically he needs to manipulate what happens in our world to make as many creatures/humans/combines as possible to lose their lives and he uses Gordon as his mainpuppet.