My thoughts on shield being removed from CS: Source


Killer Koala

I hope someone from Valve pays attention to what I am going to say. Removing the shield from CS: Source by listening to what the majority of ignorant players is wrong! The big problem is that the majority of players didn't even give the shield a chance, they played it for a few minutes and that was it in its entire lifespan.

Look at the majority of CS servers, shield is banned from them. If you find one where the shield is not banned, it was a fluke. If you pick up a shield, you must be prepared to be kicked, vote kicked, or threatened to put the shield down. Now how can Cliffe honestly listen to people based on their opinions with the shield if they don't constantly use them or even use them at all?

I can forgive a few servers as they were expecting the shield glitches to be fixed that were unfortunatly never fixed by Valve. The glitch being the one where you can hold a bunch of primary weapons and a shield at the same time. Now I don't know why Valve chose to just take out the shield out of source, when they could of had more acceptance for the shield if they had just worked out its bugs. Why not start by eliminating the bug first and seeing if people would like it any more?

Shields add strategy to CS. You must effectively use strategy, teamwork, and timing to be an effective shielder even if you just use yourself as bait. There are many ways a shield can help your team out as it can block rushes and bait enemy players into members of your team. This is something people would find out if they chose to use it. I've tried to get as much time as possible using the shield when I can but unfortunately I have to usually deal with being vote kicked every few mintues just to use it.

I'm disappointed in Valve for listening to ignorant players. I would rather of them listen to players who have used the shield and know what effect it has on gameplay. I hope Valve will fix the shield bug in CS, not use the small shield in CZ, and keep the CS shield and port it over to CS: Source.
Ignorant or not, if the majority want it out, then why keep it in? They aren't going to cater to a small section of their fan base. If you want the shield, you can always play HL-CS or try a different game altogether.
They're actually taking it out?! I liked zee shield... ;(
Yes, democracy in action.
On the whole I would have preferred the shield to have stayed (provided it didn't have the hitbox and exploit problems) but I don't really care if it stays or goes.

Perhaps they will resurrect it in CZ:S.
The shield is not used, and when it is, it's annoying..
Just because people have different opinions from you doesn't mean they're ignorant.
Man, I bet the CS: S shield would have had realistic bullet decals on it, that would have rox0red.
I wouldn't mind the shield if a version of it was available to the T's. I like using it, but never liked the fact that only one team has access to it.
If they would make the shield more expensive, I think the shield in CS:S would be great.
If they find a way to remove the bugs and make the hitboxes for the shield narrow then why not? I think Valve is just trying to please the community too hard now. The only reason people disliked it was because someone could run around with it open and it would be impossible for you to shoot at them from the front, you would either have to run at them (taking the chance they don't blow your face into pieces) and circle them. It is also very random, like I could shoot twice in the same spot on the body of someone with a shield and once it would be blocked, and the other time it would hit them.

In respond to ritual: the reason why it isn't used is because it is removed on 90% of the public servers there are.
In respond to Snakebyte: He called them ignorant because nobody has been able to use the shield effectively without being banned or kicked and whatnot.
shadow6899; I'm guessing your crystal ball is telling you what the developers are thinking? Or are those tarot cards?
i didn't mind the shield.. and i think pple who whinned about the shield were those who actually couldn't use it to begin with..

i kind of view the shield vs no shield arguement like this..

in the CS beta stages.. we had the colt scoped + silenced.. and well eventually they changed it.. sure some pple didn't like the change.. but in order to improve CS.. they introduce changes.

the whole shield issue is the same way... except this time around with CS:Source, Valve are listening to the whiners and giving into them by taking out the shield.

1.6 is not perfect.. but damn.. it ain't horrible by any means.. :|
I agree the shield isn't the be all n end all. It just changes tactics. The problem is the very good players adapt to tactic changes, and it doesn't really effect them. Its the wannabe very good players. They have trouble adapting to the change while maintaing a high score. So they whine.

The sheild has some serious weaknesses but players are either too lazy or too stupid to find them. A shielder vs two guys is going to be dead very quickly. But then again that requires teamwork, and I find the CS community have a hard time in general working out the meaning of the word on public severs.
I am glad there are some people out there who liked the shield. It gets a little bit frustrating just trying to play a game but the second you buy a shield, you get kicked just as fast. It does take strategy to counter and strategy to use. Some people just don't know how to beat it and would unload a whole clip into you then try to reload, but then the shielder opens up and kills them then they start whining. But I wish people would actually give it a chance before just tossing it aside. I would hope they reconsider putting it back into Source, it was a lot of fun to use.
I liked it too....

I guess it was kind of silly considering the competitive side of CS... was never gona be all that popular.

But it was definatly good for a laugh! :)

Btw, I am GingerNinja on the steampowered forums Killer Koala. :)
I cant understand that Valve will remove it completely. (is it confirmed ?)

I could be turned of anyway .....

The shields always been far to exploitable, ever since the begining of 1.6. Its been so long but yet there still things you can do with it to get multiple weapons and invincibility.

I think its served its purpose and let the average gamer get their few kills, but I applaud Valve in taking note of just how pointless it was and removing it so they can add something better later.
It was confirmed from an interview with Jess Cliffe at CS-Nation:

CS-Nation: How have you responded to community feedback on the Riot Shield? Will it be removed from CS: Source?
cliffe: The riot shield has been removed. It remains to be seen if we will experiment with alternative shield behavior in the future.
AHHHH! Its killer koala!

He was the most annoying pest on the steam forums... please dont listen to him. The shield sucks, its getting taken out. It makes too many bugs and is not even realistic enough for this game. End of story.
I found the shield ironic. You can shoot through 4 feet of stone, yet you can't shoot through 1 inch of steel?
The shield is much better now. You can shoot the player's feet if they're not ducking.. this is how it SHOULD be. And it makes the shield much harder to whore (not that I've ever really seen anyone shield whoring [that was good].. but meh)
Shuzer said:
The shield is much better now. You can shoot the player's feet if they're not ducking.. this is how it SHOULD be. And it makes the shield much harder to whore (not that I've ever really seen anyone shield whoring [that was good].. but meh)

I haven't played Couner-Strike in months; when did they change this?

It makes sense that it's shorter, no longer dragging on the ground and eliminating the campers who would just hide in the corner with it.

The Shield was the only way that I could successfully counter the awpers in some maps.

It would have been cool to see the shield get damaged through the power of the Source engine. Also to actually have the "glass" part breakable.

I'm still surprised that the duel barettas lasted longer than the shield.
A True Canadian said:
I haven't played Couner-Strike in months; when did they change this?

It makes sense that it's shorter, no longer dragging on the ground and eliminating the campers who would just hide in the corner with it.

The Shield was the only way that I could successfully counter the awpers in some maps.

It would have been cool to see the shield get damaged through the power of the Source engine. Also to actually have the "glass" part breakable.

I'm still surprised that the duel barettas lasted longer than the shield.
I believe he's talking about cz's implementation of the shield.
I liked the shield cept it was to powerful

It should only block pistol and smg rounds, assault rifles and the awp should penitrate it with half damage or something
Righto, it was a CZ only update. Not sure why CS shouldn't get atleast that.. but go figure.
CSX has done the best with the shield. Its like having a really thick wall infront of you, instead of an inpenetrable(sp?) one. So you can kill people even if they have the shield up if your bullets pass through it. If they should do anything with the shield, thats what they should do.
Desolator said:
but hwat do the terrorist get instead of the shield?

Hmm, they're removing the shield, they're not adding anything yet.
The shield was supposed to be the anti-awp for things like cs_ maps where the terrorists can all camp and watch the approach of the CTs.

And about the original poster, I agree entirely, nobody uses the shield ever so how can they get used to it.

Being able to ban certain weapons from a game that is designed with that weapon in mind therefore destroying the balance is one of the most annoying things in online games...
i think the shield should take damage and after its shot enough or what not it breaks apart or you start getting hit like the bullet penatrate after a bit... :sniper:
they're getting rid of the shield? that blows, IMO. One of my favorite things to do is to take out people with shields. It's really fun. And not exactly tough to do, if done properly. Many people who whine about the shield being unfair just don't understand the concept of flanking people.
I am kind of glad to see the shield go. IT CHANGED GAMEPLAY. Thats the last thing you want to do, completely change a games gameplay with a patch. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the awp, but the shield was not a reasonable answer. there was a much better solution : increase running speed. POW. The game is more exciting because of a faster pace, and awping is harder. A simple change that I think would improve the game and unbeliveable amout. However, the shield could work if done like this:

1. Fix all the bugs
2. Make it a bit smaller
3. Lower running speed with the shield
4. Make it for hostage and VIP maps only.

I mean, you cant buy a defuser on a hostage map, somthing has to take its place. Personally never liked useing the shield, because it felt like a cheap kill. Not a big fan of ripping other people off.
pinkerton said:
4. Make it for hostage and VIP maps only.
Yeah I think that would make it a lot better. CTs don't seem to really need the shield on de_ maps.
I hate the shield. im glad its gone. it was cool for like the first day of 1.6
deep down, honestly I think the shield was a cop-out answer to some really poorly designed hostage maps. examples: assault, siege(used to be good, but and the weapons and gameplay changed, the map didnt like it), and militia.