My thumb hurts!!


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
It's been a long while since I played a console game that made my thumb hurt to bad to play anymore. Today I found that game that made me do it, again, in a long, long, while. It's called.... TOP SPIN! Lol, yes, a Tennis game! It's a lot of fun and a great game. If you own an Xbox give this game a try. I bought this and True Crimes and have only played True Crimes for five minutes. This game is very addicting and fun. If you played, and liked, Virtue Tennis for Dreamcast and own an Xbox you should pick this up, it's a blast to play. It even has Xbox Live so you can play people over the internet. Heh, ok, time to go soak the thumb in ice :p
My friend and I were playing Punchout Kings 2002 on PS2 and I was tapping the []square button so much my forearm got real sore. Didn't help I just got done kicking his a$$ 4 previous times.
I hate consols games, PC forever.............
Gorgon, no-one cares.

Id be Xbox Live games if I didnt have to pay for access to a server list. Hell if they hosted content servers, cheap sobs MS.
Originally posted by azz0r
Gorgon, no-one cares.

Id be Xbox Live games if I didnt have to pay for access to a server list. Hell if they hosted content servers, cheap sobs MS.

Thats not true, I care

Im with Gorgon, f**k consoles :)

Apart from street fighter and FF games, they can all die, mwahha

well if you do not care for PC games why you are here?

HL2 is a PC game, Q3 is a PC game, D3, FARCRY, MAX PAYNE1+2......the list is endless. 78% of the gamers care about PC games. Man explain fully next time.
Originally posted by G0rgon

well if you do not care for PC games why you are here?

HL2 is a PC game, Q3 is a PC game, D3, FARCRY, MAX PAYNE1+2......the list is endless. 78% of the gamers care about PC games. Man explain fully next time.

he didn't say he didn't care about PC games.. reading problems? hmm...
wow lotta drama on this thread, you sound like a bunch of candidates for ridalin.. He he

BTW Consoles suck azz... I own a ps2 and xbox.. they were fun for all of about 1 month.. Now they set in a corner of my living room collecting dust..
Now everybody shut up. Consoles have their merits. For a start, multiplayer action is admitedly on a smaller scale but its more personal-you can clobber the guy who just killed you. It makes for excellent gaming at parties or with a few friends. Consoles are also better for certain types of games-driving games, for example. Not only that, but consoles never have to be upgraded.
One the flip side, PCs are capable of far better graphics, have a much larger-scale online component, and are extremely versitlile. Personally, I think PCs are better all round, simply because of the amazing scope that allows you to surf the internet while posting on a messageboard while finishing off a model for your mod, and then playing it to test it out. While PCs are better, my point is that consoles dont totally suck, but, and here's a helpful hint to all those who are bored with their console-you have to buy games for it, you see. Oh, and try playing Tony Hawks-the ultimate thumb buster-on a PC.
Oh, and try playing Tony Hawks-the ultimate thumb buster-on a PC.

That is unless you own a PS2 type controller for your PC.. Which I do, and I got that Tony Hawks Underground for PC which I might add.. Kicks A$$
gamecube? woohoo gotta love that smash brothers, nintendo games always amuse me.

console's are FAR better for multiplayer fun, either you dont play them with friends or you have a lot of pc's.
pc for loner gaming though (i was being serious about loner gaming, but you get the point)