My very own G-Man theory.

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Dr.Eli Vance

Jan 11, 2009
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so, ive seen alot of the theorys on this forum, and here is my own thoughts about the G-Man, this is my first thread, so please do tell me if i "misplaced" the thread :)

now, lets get started: i dont agree with the "gordon is gman" theory, although i will admit that they could be related. Another theory says that GMan is there to stop Gordon from making a mistake, but the one thing that bothers me the most is that i cant figure out who these "employers" are. you might have noticed in the cutscenes, that he often mentions the so called Employers, and throughout HL1 and HL2, we see him talking to different characters. for instance, we see him talk to Breen in the start of HL1 (Breen is the administrator of Black Mesa). in addition, we see him talk to Odessa Cubbage in the sequel, HL2. My guess is that some of these people are "Employers" and that GMan, offers Gordons "services". my theory is, that GMan is related to Gordon, and that he wishes to correct his mistake, and then seizes the opportunity to offer gordons services to different characters. about this mistake, i think it was the black mesa incident. As Gman fails to prevent the incident in HL1, he wants Gordon to prevent the consequences in HL2. then another puzzle is to be solved: Why did GMan kill Eli? it is certain that Eli knew about the Gman, as he describes him: "our mutual friend". but why kill him? my first thoughts were that GMan had to kill Eli in order to scare Gordon away from the Borialis, and eventually, he and Alyx wouldnt go there. now, the Borialis was an Aperture-science ship, and as we know from Portal, their main field of work is portals. we know that Portals can affect time itself, because in HL2 you escape from Nova Prospekt and turn up in City-17 a week later. My guess would be, that the Gman is travelling back in time using Borialis's portal-technology. this would prove my theory about elis death, and the dissapearing of the Borialis.

this is just a bunch of thoughts and words, so dont expect it to make sense, but still tho, take the time to read it all XD
You really shouldn't have bothered.


And G(ordon)-man that joke was not funny the first time , what makes you think its going to be funny the hundred and tenth time?
I am Gman, son.

for the love of god, reply seriously or dont reply at all, i want to hear if people agree with me, and just hear peoples reactions, not things like "dont bother" or lame jokes like "i am GMan, son"

Hmm....How come Gman uses Borealis technology? I haven't seen him with ASHPD, so do you mean he has invisible portal gun? Some holes are in it. And Gman didn't kill Eli, Combine advisor did. So get ur facts rite.
For the love of god, make non-idiotic threads or don't make threads at all. We've all heard thousands of G-man theories, each one more idiotic than the last. If you wanted reactions, AKA people admiring you for your wonderful insight into Half Life you should look for forums with less intelligence, such as a Halo forum or even worse a MMORPG forum.

PS I don't mean to give this place any credit in the way of intelligence, this place is dumb. Which is even sadder when you compare it to the outright stupidity seen on a day to day basis everywhere.
Hmm....How come Gman uses Borealis technology? I haven't seen him with ASHPD, so do you mean he has invisible portal gun? Some holes are in it. And Gman didn't kill Eli, Combine advisor did. So get ur facts rite.

true, an Advisor did kill him, but i think GMan has proven what things he is able to do... after what we have seen the gman do, it shouldnt surprise me if he could call an advisor, or even change destiny. If you bothered to listen to his speech, he actually predicts Eli's death, wich is why i assume he had something to do with it. im not saying that gman directly killed Eli, nor that GMan carries a handheld portal device in his suitcase, im just suggesting that he might have acces to stationary portal-technology, if, of course he is aboard the Borealis. (finally find out that its "Borealis", not "Borialis" :p)

as i said. this is just words and thoughts mixed together, dont expect it to make sense
and another thing, im not telling people to admire me and my theory, i just want to see if people agree, disagree, if they have their own theory, that fits into mine, maybe doesnt, that sorta stuff, not stuff like "OMFG, GTFO mah interwebz!" :|
For the love of god, make non-idiotic threads or don't make threads at all. We've all heard thousands of G-man theories, each one more idiotic than the last. If you wanted reactions, AKA people admiring you for your wonderful insight into Half Life you should look for forums with less intelligence, such as a Halo forum or even worse a MMORPG forum.

PS I don't mean to give this place any credit in the way of intelligence, this place is dumb. Which is even sadder when you compare it to the outright stupidity seen on a day to day basis everywhere.

well YOU dont seem too glad atm...

"We've all heard thousands of G-man theories, each one more idiotic than the last"
just because its not how you like it to be doesnt mean its idiotic, something can make sense even if you dont understand it. and well, if you look in Mythology threads, then youre likely to find, well, mythology... AKA spoilers, theories, ideas, that kinda stuff...

"people admiring you for your wonderful insight into Half Life"
i only want people to admire me, if THEY want to admire me.

seriously, go get some coffee, you sound cranky, like me at 7:00 AM :p
I think G-Man got those Advisors to kill Eli because he was afraid that Eli would tell Gordon about G-Man.
But then if the Advisors do take the knowledge of their target The Combine would find out about G-Man too.
I think G-Man got those Advisors to kill Eli because he was afraid that Eli would tell Gordon about G-Man.
But then if the Advisors do take the knowledge of their target The Combine would find out about G-Man too.

Hmm. As I always thought, , Gman working on himself. He use Gordon to take a benefit of the situation. Especially he is envolved to resonance cascade(IMHO)
I'm sure he is able to control time and space mentally. Could explain why he has difficulty talking properly, because he is using his full brain capacity to do the impossible.
Why brain? May be all his secrets are inside his briefcase :)
tl;dr we don't need anymore gman theories. -_-
@Dr. Eli Vance: stop double posting, or GTFO. No one likes a double poster.

@Skygge: If you were being sarcastic, kudos. If you weren't, STFU, G-Man does not employ advisors. It just doesn't work that way.

@Eger: See above.

@DEATH eVADER: See above.

@Everyone Else: +1

This has been a message from the No One Likes G-Man Theories Association (NOLGTA) which I just started right here.
...If you were being sarcastic, kudos. If you weren't, STFU, G-Man does not employ advisors. It just doesn't work that way.

@Eger: See above...

Hey, I think he is not on advisors side too )) _but_ He is on his own side...
we see him talk to Breen in the start of HL1
no, we dont

As Gman fails to prevent the incident in HL1, he wants Gordon to prevent the consequences in HL2.

he made it happen, he didnt want to stop it.

we know that Portals can affect time itself, because in HL2 you escape from Nova Prospekt and turn up in City-17 a week later.

that was the teleporter, not a portal like from the portal gun.

My guess would be, that the Gman is travelling back in time using Borialis's portal-technology. this would prove my theory about elis death, and the dissapearing of the Borialis.

we dont know for sure whats on the borealis, its going to be more then just a portal gun because a portal gun cant cause 'another black mesa'. portals do not allow you to travel in time. even if it could, there would be no way of knowing how far it would send you back. the teleporter in hl2 was slow, which was why it was a week slow. if it was FAST it wouldnt send you a week back in time......

heres my theory: g-man is gnome.
Get your facts straight. Why would G-man control the advisors to kill Eli? Did you ever think that maybe they were pissed at the scientists for destroying the citadel and portal? Since G-man can control time, maybe he knew that Eli was going to die, or maybe he was talking about something that would happen later. I always thought that the G-man and his "employers" were transdimensional beings.

Also, please improve your spelling and grammar. I made the same mistake when I joined these forums, though people were much more unkind about it:hmph:, and I was quick to improve.

Originally Posted by nightlord
that was the teleporter, not a portal like from the portal gun.

The teleporters use portal technology, though the portals from the portal gun do act differently.
This thread makes me lol.

And feel like vomiting. You really should have gone to the Ep2 forum and seen the "I WILL HAVE NO MORE GMAN THEORIES!" thread. It really was serious business. We have all read the same stuff before.
Get your facts straight. Why would G-man control the advisors to kill Eli? Did you ever think that maybe they were pissed at the scientists for destroying the citadel and portal? Since G-man can control time, maybe he knew that Eli was going to die, or maybe he was talking about something that would happen later. I always thought that the G-man and his "employers" were transdimensional beings.

Also, please improve your spelling and grammar. I made the same mistake when I joined these forums, though people were much more unkind about it:hmph:, and I was quick to improve.

The teleporters use portal technology, though the portals from the portal gun do act differently.

Gman probably told them about the White Forest base Eli was in
gosh, so many people goes "YOUR GRAMMAR SUCKS" and "GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT", i posted in the mythology threads as i should, and if you want people to stop the theories HOW BOUT POSTING THE WARNING IN MYTHOLOGY thread, seriously, im outta here and defenetly not returning.

goodbye, fellow asswipes xD
Goodbye, and good riddance. :D

****ing g-man theorist. How dare you. -.- (Though, what I don't know.)
I don't think there are necessarily a problem with new theories. I think most people are angered by the fact you haven't done your basic reading into the story before coming up with absurd ideas like "we see him [Gman] talk to Breen in the start of HL1". We really don't. The rest is really flaky too applying rules of teleportation tech to portal tech, very odd.

No matter, considering you've made an exit, lets end this here.
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