Myspace got owned!

Aww, just found out it was due to the power outage in los angeles. : (
Yeah my friend from LA was saying there were power outages.
That music is so appropriate. :)

Too bad this couldn't have been celebrated for longer.
Plus it tempts me to ban you just so I can say "No, but YOU are."
Yeah, there was a power outtage, the news lady kept on asking if it was a Terrorist attack, her paranoia was so annoying. But, some spokesperson from DWP I guess reassured her that some idiot accidentally cut some wrong cord or something... Bah, probably WAS Usama.
i ahte my space with a passion, changed alot of my friends. Apparently their real friends are 500 miles away from them. grrrrrrrrrr
I hate everything about MySpace.. This will sound cliche, but MySpace is for a bunch of EMO kids trying to make friends 3594285728932750325^5555 miles away from them. They honestly think they have better relationships with their MyFag friends.. Its just horrible anymore, but why does it matter to me? :(

JK...but yeah Myspace blows. It is full of EMO kids and kids who wish to be EMO. Also full of failed writers/poets/people who are going no where in life/attention whores/fat girls who cry about how it isnt fair that they are so fat while they eat a bucket of ice cream.
I use myspace. usually post bulletins about whats going down on the weekend or good recipes.. i would never not use something because some other group used it and thus it was deemed by society as tawdry. it lames to make generalizations, lemme guess everyone on half life 2 . net is a nerd with no girlfriend whos never been laid ? :rolling:
nofx said:
I use myspace. usually post bulletins about whats going down on the weekend or good recipes.. i would never not use something because some other group used it and thus it was deemed by society as tawdry. it lames to make generalizations, lemme guess everyone on half life 2 . net is a nerd with no girlfriend whos never been laid ? :rolling:

Emo wiener.

You post recipes? WTF.
myspace hungry will make one. yes will it.:farmer:
I have a myspace and I want to delete it for the sole reason of bulletins. Everyone posts dumb crap like "bla bla bla bullshit, repost this and your wish will come true in 15 minutes!" and theres a million of them every friggin day. I hope those people die. Darn my friends for peer pressuring me into this crap, also darn all the people that have good pics and you have to sign up to look at them!
NEWSFLAH: Myspace accounts corrupted, thousands of emo's commit suicide.

My plan is working! :D
I've got Myspace, I'm not THAT emo, I mean I don't have EMO friends on Myspace, I didn't even think there were EMO infestations in Myspace until I heard from you guys. Stop making fun of Myspace to cover up the fact that if you guys signed up you'd probably have like 4 friends.

Yes, most of my friends on my buddies are people that are my friends or acquaintances, but there's some amount of random people that requested to be friends with me.
vegeta897 said:

:) I hope for the worst.

We hope the worst for you.

I have a myspace, I use it for friends around here, and ones that moved away and I don't have the ability to talk to online via AIM,MSN, etc.
I use myspace because i can check with my friend's blogs pretty easily via msn.

Besides, if you don't like it then don't read it. It's like renai games. (My friend likes them, he is t3h scarey)
See people, nobody uses phones anymore, get with DIGITAL AGE.. get on with it! ON THE SUPER-HIGHWAY OF INFORMATION.

I always see people excuses “checking up on friends", when in reality it's just a space to vent about your boring life, making yourself feel important, as someone cares about your life on internet.

For some reason whining in threads about myspace always fun.
Neither one is greater then the other, because they're both EMO. :D
I've not got a myspace, but i don't see anything wrong with it... If people wanna make a blog or whatever then let them :/