

Aug 14, 2003
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Does anyone watch that show on the Discovery Channel? I love it. It is interesting and funny at the same time. I am awaiting a new one though... I want to TiVo it. :farmer:
From what ive heard of it, it sounds likea thing we have (had) over here called Braniac: Science Abuse. Where they basically blow stuff up, and do other such fun things in the name of science. A long running thing they had was a safe which they would try to brake into each week. They dropped it from a crane, hit it with a car, got fire men to try and saw it with the huge equipment they have, called in bomb experts to try and blow it up, they even shot it with a tank...unfortunately i never saw the one with the tank. I dunno what happened to that program, it was fun.

They also did things like eating poppy seeds and going for blood tests, walking on a pool of custard and testing out other so called "facts". For instance staring at a womans breast is for 30 minutes is apprently equal to 30 mins wasnt true but one volunteer was a very happy man afterward.
I love that show, but I keep forgetting to catch it =\ must remember sundayyyy
Farrowlesparrow said:
From what ive heard of it, it sounds likea thing we have (had) over here called Braniac: Science Abuse. Where they basically blow stuff up, and do other such fun things in the name of science. A long running thing they had was a safe which they would try to brake into each week. They dropped it from a crane, hit it with a car, got fire men to try and saw it with the huge equipment they have, called in bomb experts to try and blow it up, they even shot it with a tank...unfortunately i never saw the one with the tank. I dunno what happened to that program, it was fun.

They also did things like eating poppy seeds and going for blood tests, walking on a pool of custard and testing out other so called "facts". For instance staring at a womans breast is for 30 minutes is apprently equal to 30 mins wasnt true but one volunteer was a very happy man afterward.

i liked that show :) pity its over now though :( the tank one was the last [it completetly obliterated the safe]. on a side note, my dad has that safe :smoking: hes a jeweler.
Cool. Well if i ever need a safe opening...and all its contents destroying, i know the British Army can supply.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Cool. Well if i ever need a safe opening...and all its contents destroying, i know the British Army can supply.

Anyone know what they are doing this sunday on MythBusters?
I can only hope it has something to do with fire and methane gas... :laugh:
Love that show...I'm always watching stuff like that. Anyone see the one where they checked out the rocket car myth? One of the best things ever on TV.
anyone know what movies they worked on?
They never say.

My friends cousin does special effects makup and the blood and guts stuff. Steven Speilburg always has him do the stuff for his movies.
I know he's done Saving Private Ryan..and the other one I know he did for sure was Jurasic Park (only the first one)
I watch it sometimes. I saw the one where they disproved the "Cell phones cause gas fires". It's in fact sparks, not cell phones.
I always try to watch it. It's one of my most fav tv shows ever, toghether with Seinfeld, Red Dwarf and Scrubs. I don't know which episode I liked the most, every episode is funny AND interesting :thumbs:
yeah i watch that show, good to know that theres atleast 2 people out there bigger nerds than myself.
I must have missed this one, the only sciency program i ever saw was How2 :p
ray_MAN said:
Does anyone watch that show on the Discovery Channel? I love it. It is interesting and funny at the same time. I am awaiting a new one though... I want to TiVo it. :farmer:
wow, its ray_man. and yes i love that show.
Fender357 said:
They never say.

My friends cousin does special effects makup and the blood and guts stuff. Steven Speilburg always has him do the stuff for his movies.
I know he's done Saving Private Ryan..and the other one I know he did for sure was Jurasic Park (only the first one)

My cousin worked on the Anamatronics for Jurrasic Park (mainly the T-Rex), and If you guys ever visit Hollywood Studios California, and go on the tram ride, my cousin made the bananna breath for the King-Kong part.. :E
Yeah it's pretty good. The latest one I've seen was where they tried to figure out if you could survive in a plummetting elevator if you jumped right before it hit the can't. :D
Yeah thats a good one, I loved how they made buster jump. Nice bump :D
The first 5 posts made me smile...but then I saw the date ;(
I have every single episode and special up to date on my hdd. And that won't change any time soon :) Mythbusters F***ing owns.
Wow, this got bumped so hard even post-pregnancy Britney Spears must have felt something.

But yes Mythbusters is a totally awesome show, Bay Area pride!
:flame: I like Mythbusters, but none of my friends do. I thought I might have been the only one until I saw this all. I liked the one with the civil war rocket that almost killed those guys. :flame:
I love Mythbusters. Must have seen every episode on ESS now.

I loved the special on sharks... especially the FBI using the C4 at the end to blow up the scuba tank.
Yes I watch that show here and there, but mainly because Kari is FINE!

OMG! This is my favorite show. Those two (Jamie and Adam) are prefect together they just make the show.