N.K. and S.K. warships fight each other (again)


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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But this time it seems to have been more minor.

What the news is saying now:

1. N.K. patroller invades S.K. seas, below the NLL (Northern Limit Line, a kind of a border between the two Koreas).

2. S.K. patroller on guard warns to stop

3. N.K. ignores

4. S.K. fires warning shots

5. N.K. fires direct shots

6. S.K. retaliates, pummels boat to near fracture

7. N.K. patroller runs away, its hull smoking.

No S.K. casulties reported, although the Northern side should have taken "extensive damage".



The two Koreas engaged a naval clash yesterday off the west coast, and no South Korean casualties were immediately reported. According to a defense source in Seoul, a North Korean ship crossed a western sea border and the South Korean navy fired warning shots at 11:28 a.m. The North vessel ignored them and instead fired at a South Korean navy vessel, prompting the South to shoot at the North ship.

The official said the North Korean ship suffered some damage and returned north of the border. Nine South Korean fishing boats in the vicinity were moved to a safe area, the official said.

We should have sunk the bastards as payback for 2002.
Just nuke North Korea they do nothing good for anyone, not even themselves.
No, lets wait until AFTER they have MULTIPLE nukes of their own. It can be discrete as shit too, uboat near their waters, launch the shit, claim innocence.
Just nuke North Korea they do nothing good for anyone, not even themselves.

Do you know where Sol is located? Do you have any idea how much artillery is aimed at the city? Nuking NK equals everyone in Sol or near the border getting wiped out. Also there is the radioactive fallout.
You know I was just kidding, right...? There are still lots of innocent people there too, you know.
Hmm, yeah. :p

From top, right to left.

1st Line: Western Sea Skirmish Map

2nd, 3rd: 10th (of November) 10:27 AM Southern and Northern ships fight near waters of Daecheong-Do

Skirmish Location: East 9km of Daecheong-Do (In yellow)

The islands west of the big red splash:

(from top to bottom)




Red line: NLL Northern Limit Line

Island in middle: Yeonpyeong-Do

Island to the far right: Kangwha-Do

The two black markers note N.K. and S.K., respectively.
Giant solar flare blinds North Korean warship and it unknowingly sails into South Korea waters.
South Korea needs to learn to finish the job.
Let's see you try to wrestle with an emaciated bear. It's still going to maul the shit out of you even if you manage to kill it.
I've got a revolutionary new idea: build a giant wall to separate the two countries. :grin:
I've got a revolutionary new idea: build a giant wall to separate the two countries. :grin:

Lol. :p


The Korean wall is a concrete barrier that was allegedly built along the length of the DMZ in South Korea between 1977 and 1979. Dutch journalist and filmmaker, Peter Tetteroo shows footage of what he believes (at the prompting of his North Korean guides) to be the Korean Wall, dismissing South Korean denials as propaganda.[17] North Korea contends:

In the area south of the Military Demarcation Line, which cuts across our country at its waist, there is a concrete wall which [...] stretches more than 240 km (150 mi) from east to west, is five to eight meters (16 to 26 ft) high, 10 to 19 m (32 to 62 ft) thick at the bottom, and 3 to 7 m (10 to 23 ft) wide in the upper part. It is set with wire entanglements and dotted with gun embrasures, look-outs and varieties of military establishments [...] the South Korean rulers built this wall over a period of many years from 1977. They consumed over 800,000 tons of cement, over 200,000 tons of steel, and over 3.5 million cubic meters (123.6 million cu ft) of gravel and sand.

Of course, we and the US deny its existance, so I harbor doubts about its existance. I mean, I've never been there.
Google Earth?

Unless you Koreans forced Google to censor it.
With all of the nukes NK wants to build... and knowing how shoddy NK workmanship is, hopefully they'll just nuke themselves by accident.
What is the point NK is trying to make? They know they can't do anything drastic or the world (mainly China) is gonna be up their ass.