Naph's Work in Progress


Companion Cube
May 8, 2007
Reaction score

This is my first artwork in a while. I'm posting here so I can give a clear reference in documentation for my assignment this term. The head on the left is a 'Cyborg' and the story is revolved by a quote:
"If the world was opposite in retrospective to machines, the sheer vision of organic life to them would be like our awe towards the latest robotics"
There will be more added to help the story/quote, but here's what's happened so far.
Please comment on the bird; no LOL BREAST pun jokes that I hauled onto myself in Steam chat not so long ago. :laugh:

Will post updates, you post crits.

//the head is a place holder
very impressive! Good quote too. Keep us updated as to the progress.
Bird is like "once upon a time, this tree...". Anyway, nice job on the bird.
Thanks :D

There has been no photo reference too.
Just to put it out there.

I'm off to bed
Awesome, but why did you remove the head?
looked like it was just a placeholder so he could see where things should be.
Thats awesome dude. I commend your artistic style. I want to get around to learning how to do that in photoshop. I've tinkered around with it, but nothing epic yet. Still this is inspirational, so thanks man. Keep it up! (thumbs up)