Tthe in-progress thread

Found and started playing Future Shock in low, low res. It's awesome.
So I finished FEAR 2 and I have to say it's TOTALLY WORTH IT
spoilers ahoy:

So the last level is hard as hell: survive a ****ing shitload of assaults from those ****ing soldiers but in the end? Alma has sex with you, that's what she wanted all along (I guess if she gets you beforehand it's just that you're dead in that 'you're not supposed to be having sex right now' kinda way). I mean if she wanted you dead the whole time she would've done it the same way she did it to your black team member: tentacles of flesh melting, but if you let her get you in the appropriate sequences all she does is grab you herself (doing nothing really). So pretty much: this game rocks because you get to do it with an undead telesthetic girl who just wanted to have a baby. Hell it makes as much sense as it could I suppose, it's what she wanted back when Point man and Fettel were taken from her.

Jesus I did not expect that to happen, and Keegan was jealous lol.

You just finished it now? It's amazing that you managed to avoid hearing about it since there are spoilers about the ending in pretty much any video or discussion about FEAR 2. Throughout the game there are several scenes where she makes herself look "pretty" for you, and others where she kills enemy soldiers to protect you, so it was kind of obvious that killing you wasn't the idea.
I never saw any video for the game. I actually wasn't even very interested in it after playing the demo so damn long ago. I guess it was curiosity that kept me playing and the desire to see Aristide dead (deeface).

I know there were a number of scenes she does things in your favor but there's also the fact that she was controlling the ones shooting you in the first place (undeniably in the last levels). I think the thing is that she wanted them to 'get' you for herself but the only thing they're programmed to do is fight so...yeah.

It's ironic, I wanted to go back to playing Point man for a long time but at the end it's like LOL YOU'RE IMPORTANT NAO *end.
I cannot get through FEAR 2. It was such a downgrade from the first in my opinion, which was a great shooter.
The gameplay is kinda like COD, I like those games in their own right so I was able to keep playing.
BC2 - Played through the first couple single player chapters. They were both challenging and rewarding. I'm eagerly awaiting the time I can hop into Vietnam multi. However, all my video game playing time has been usurped by:

Super Meat Boy - 100%ing my way through each world. 2 bandages left on Chapter 3 and about 70% of the way through Chapter 4. God damn the Hell Dark World to ... uh ... hell. It's stopped me cold.
Got a lot further in No More Heroes 2. I believe I have only two more bosses left. The game seems to be trying to be building up for some sort of twist or surprise but I wouldn't be surprised if there was none. This game lies to you about what to expect a lot and an anticlimax really wouldn't be a shock to me at this point. As for what's been happening, some weird stuff, some random stuff and some bizarre stuff.

Some characters who're apparently returning from the first game have shown up and they brought weirdness with them. There were a few bosses in a row there where I really wasn't sure what was happening. A guy showed up on my bed with no explanation with none of the characters even taking notice of him until he started stirring while Travis was in the middle of jerking off.

One boss battle was fought in someone's mind or something? I don't really know. I've got the hang of the game I think but I'm surprised at how much the money doesn't seem to matter. I've barely bothered to do side jobs and I've had no trouble leveling up strength and stamina. Is the money just for buying clothes? The French woman implied at one point that you'd have to pay to do missions but I haven't noticed paying. Have I been? I seem to be getting by fine on cash earned during the missions in any case. That said I forgot to go back to the sword shop place after I bought the first one. Maybe there's another sword I should buy? The three I have seem to be doing fine though (in fact I mainly use the default one).

I do hope that I get my giant robot back before the end of the game, but it looks like that mightn't happen :(
I really look forward to trying the franchise for the first time when No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise comes out here on the PS3 later this year.

Anyway, I am slowly working my way through Two Worlds II but it gets quite boring quickly, so I am planning on playing through Yakuza 1 on the PS2 tomorrow, then going back to TWII.

Overall, currently my progress in the games I play is real slow, sorta come into a phase where I find gaming quite boring for some reason, hopefully I'll drop out of it soon enough.
Raging through Demon's Souls. I have to say, DS alone is a reason to buy a PS3, it's just that good.

Having heard, that this game was hard, I set myself a goal to not use any guides or look for help. So I've probably already f'd my character. Just got to some fire demon boss in 2-2 I think, the one after the spider.
I have a PS3 but haven't bought Demon's Soul, watched the Let's Plays and whatnot, it just seems to require so much patience, something I currently am in an extremely short supply off.

It's funny that Demon's Souls spiritual sequel is multi-platform, same developers, different publisher and name.
No More Heroes 2 finished. Will get around to posting a full review of it and Silent Hill in the rate & discuss thread when I get around to it.
Requesting help in Penumbra: Overture. At the part where a giant worm is chasing you and you have to open the door with the wheely thing, what are you supposed to do? I've done it as efficiently as is possible and the worm always gets me with the door open only like two inches.
I cannot get through FEAR 2. It was such a downgrade from the first in my opinion, which was a great shooter.

Enjoyed the second more TBH. The greyness of the first got to me.
I played both games on the harder difficulties without that slowmo stuff. Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout.
I dunno why everyone ignored this thread
Because... Christmas day?

In Progress:
Knights of the Old Republic: Three hours in, forgot I was playing something with the semblance of a 'real' RPG. Hence, thinking I should start over, as letting the game do all the rolls for me means I have a pistol heavy scoundrel character in a franchise where nobody wants a ****ing gun.

Super Meat Boy: I'm around the 200 level completion mark, but it seems very much like the difficulty curve just got vertical. I'm stuck on the last boss of the light world, done bits and pieces on the dark world. If you want another name on your high-scores list, add me

Ikaruga: Always In Progress Damnit. I can one credit to Level 4 on freaking "easy". My mother has disowned me, but I think she was just looking for an excuse anyway.

Call of Duty 4: Whatever the hardest setting was, I was playing that. Got to the point just before da bomb is dropped, and I'm dropping my much more violent F-bombs at how ****ing stupid the spawning mechanics are. Will revisit soon, but Multiplayer didn't seem to be working through Steam either :/

Professor Layton And That Game You Know The Third One With The Clocks: Occasionally dipping in to finish off those bonus challenges, having polished off the main game. This was my trophy

On the Back Burner:
Amnesia: Thanks muchly to my Secret Santa, but with so many games to work through I'm saving this one for when I can do the whole 'lights out, in the zone' thing properly.

Recettear: Liked this, a gazillion games took its place

VVVVVV: Well, I do already have Super Meat Boy to deal with.
Progress is very slow on Two Worlds II.

Pondering starting a playthrough off Zettai Hero Project on the PSP, an absolutely insane Japanese-made roguelike!
Replaying Dead Space 1 on impossible mode. Pretty much hard mode except you die in 1-2 hits. Hasn't really changed my strategy.

You so hardcore.:p

The story starts a few years back when I was introduced to Need for Speed, I used the speed breaker (slowmo) and my friend was like "why do you use that shit? It's for noobs." And since then I'm hell bent on not being a noob :p
I beat dr fetus in super meat boy. Literally took me days to beat him, I had such a huge wave of relief flow over me when i finally got it done. Now doing cotton alley, that's damned hard too :laugh:

Also just finished MoH Frontline aswell. I can see why people liked this game back in the day, it aint too bad but it does get pretty tedious and a lack of checkpoints can make it very frustrating in parts especailly near the endlevels.

I played both games on the harder difficulties without that slowmo stuff. Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Actually that's really impressive :O
Depends on if you're playing offline with a modded/flashed console.

Heck, now there are hacks in online games on PS3, I mean hacks, not glitches.

Since the PS3 managed to get jail-broken, MW2 has been hacker-o-rama, people walking through walls, having god-mode on etc.

This isn't a problem on the 360 though, due to the differences of architecture of the PSN/XBL-system.
Well it's not a problem on the 360 because the 360's root key wasn't discovered.
Certainly that indicates MS did something better than Sony did in that aspect?
Or there is a larger PS3 hacking community because of things such as the alternate OS installations you could do when it was first launched.
Or there is a larger PS3 hacking community because of things such as the alternate OS installations you could do when it was first launched.

I guess that most certainly plays a part, but the XB consoles aren't exactly foreign to the hacking community either.

I don't believe it's as simple as the PS3 hacking community being larger.
Been playing Echo Bazaar. It's a free, in-browser, story based MMORPG. I've found it pretty delightful in its world, writing, and core gameplay, so far. My one problem with it is all friend activity is conducted via either Twitter or Facebook. I don't like to constantly blast game shit on Facebook, so I went with Twitter, on which I go by Sheepopolis. Friend me (or whatever it is on twitter) and we shall get drunk and brawl. The game's quite fun and engaging, but what I find most interesting is how passive it is. Rather than encouraging grinding and non-stop play, it requires patience. It's the perfect game to play for a couple of minutes as a break from working on a computer for a while. The longer you wait is directly proportional to how much you can do.
I'd not mind trying that, problem is I don't have twitter or facebook(I know, I know, I'm probably in minority on here, but I just haven't been entranced by this social networking thing.)
Well, as I've recently discovered, it takes all of ten seconds to make a twitter account and then ignore it forever.
Super Meat Boy: I'm around the 200 level completion mark, but it seems very much like the difficulty curve just got vertical. I'm stuck on the last boss of the light world, done bits and pieces on the dark world. If you want another name on your high-scores list, add me
Cool, that's about where I am. My friends are all skubs and I don't have anyone to compete with.

Ikaruga: Always In Progress Damnit. I can one credit to Level 4 on freaking "easy". My mother has disowned me, but I think she was just looking for an excuse anyway.
To level 4...LEVEL 4 ... YOU MONSTER! You are a f*cking maniac. And I salute you.