Natural Lambdas?



I have noticed a couple of these made by things like fire or light.I was just going to ask if someone knew where all of them are? (sorry if it's already posted, didn't see it)
No, those are painted, these are natural. just wanted to know if anyone else had seen any.
Try Ravenholm, the part when you're in a small room with two windows, one zombie inside, three outside on a ledge, and a bunch of explosive barrels below.shoot the barrels and look around, you should see a lambda made of fire.
Could you be a little more specific with the location? I want to see this for myself.

Also are there any more you know of?
Or are you just trying to bs us and make it up? "shoot the barrels and look around, you should see a lambda made of fire." How has nobody else mentioned this? Sounds fishy to me...and why don't you post pictures first. Then I'll go look. :|
I have the console version, won't be playing the PC version for a while so I can't take a picture. I do have another location but it's not as clear. The bath room where you first fight the antlion guard in Nova Prospekt. Before you jump down look at the light on the floor. As for the first one, small room, Father gregori shoots a zombie through the right window, room contians one can of paint, a large wardrobe, two explosive tanks, and there will be two poison headcrabs on a ledge across from you. As for why no one has noticed, I don't know.
hey, that's interesting. like... hidden mickey mouses at disneyland :O
I checked it out. There does appear to be a lambda in Ravenholm. When all the barrels blow up that car should be on fire. Get above it using noclip and it sort of looks like a lambda. The one in Nova Prospekt is less obvious. Look at the way the light falls on the floor in the room where the Guard attacks.

I don't think the Nova Prospekt one was intentional by the designers (it looks accidental), but the Ravenholm one might have been.
It was on the PC version. I have two screenshots (see attachments). The first one shows the Ravenholm one, which I think was put there deliberatly. The second is the one in Nova Prospet. I put orange lines on in Paint in case you couldn't see it. I think this one is a bit too ambiguous, so was probably an accident.


  • lambda1.JPG
    100 KB · Views: 238
  • lambda2.JPG
    95 KB · Views: 262
I'd say that both are unintentional and you're just seeing things.
The first looks rather vague, but the second might actually be an easter egg by a level designer. Who knows?
I dont think so... I realy think thats just a coinsidance.
The one at Nova Prospekt looks like you made it in G-Mod with the rope tool :D

As for the Ravenholm one, who knows.
Wow. This is even worse than the "I see Gordon's image in the water where the combine is shooting in the new screenshot!"-thread from pre-hl2 release.
No, just no. Using this logic, any lines that intersect are making a lambda.

It's not even a coincidence. There is no lambda.
Sybot has the right pics, but the car shouldn't be there.Say what you will though, I really don't care. Because for some reason, everyone I've told about this outside of this site thinks they're Easter Eggs.