Natural Selection Update (finaly)


Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Finaly... after almost 4 weeks we get a news update. :bounce:
As is typical in the world of software development, the 'few days' that we thought we needed for upgrading the site has turned into three or four weeks! We're sorry for the 'information blackout' caused by this delay. We're doing everything we can to make sure the new site functions properly, and that it is open again as soon as possible. The site is now going through a last testing effort by the QA folks to ensure that once we open it, it will stay open. Right now we're planning to release it around Christmas.

The issues with the new site did not halt development on the actual game, however. NS v3.0 beta 6 continues to be worked on and is looking good, which is why we are at last comfortable with making this announcement: we will soon open the testing to the Constellation members, both to thank them for their continued support, and to help ensure that this release represents a well-balanced and polished gaming experience. We expect to open testing to our donors by the 30th of December, just when everyone's digestion will have made it possible to control a mouse again.

So what will the Constellation members test? The following is not a 'complete' changelog - it excludes minor 'polish' items as well as fixes to exploitable gameplay aspects, but it should give you an impression of what we have been working on since the release of NS v3.0 beta 5: beta 6 changelog.

Thanks for your patience and interest, and we'll see you soon on the new site!

-- The Natural Selection team

I can't wait to test out b6! :cheers:
I don't think they're even going to do a source port which kind of sux because we'll be lucky to see a hl2 mod that comes close to ns' unique gameplay.
Their thinking about porting over to Source. If you listed to the interview on GameSurge (before the SDK came out), you would have heard them that they wanted to wait untill the SDK came out to see how difficult it would be.

So their undecided.
Do you know if it would be a direct port or more of a full overhaul? I know some ns diehards would loathe the idea of vehicles...but goddamn driving an APC with 10 marines into an alien hive with.....metallica playing....would ****ing rock. Shotguns and grenades a blazing. Pwnage.
Vehics would be really imbalanced.
rines would just ride in, open the back hatch and nade the hive, mine the inside of the APC and just HMG anything that tried to rush in.

Plus theres nothing that would really make sense for aliens to use for vehicles.
if they did vehicles the right way and didnt **** up it could add to the gameplay, you could make even bigger, more epic battles!

i would love a full overhaul, updated graphics, maybe even new gameplay things like assault
Interesting. Never liked ns tho. Loved the idea just not how they made it.
i never got NS working right, so ive never played multiplayer.

the servers dont show up...
Thadius Dean said:
i never got NS working right, so ive never played multiplayer.

the servers dont show up...
You have to select "Natural Selection" from the drop-down menu in the server list...
Ahh, at last. NS is one of the best mods for Half-Life IMO.

Thanks for the info. :)
"Players using Cloaking upgrade will no longer be fully visible at any time unless attacking."

oh dear oh dear :/
OMG this update is once again gonna be awesome...
I love Natural Selection! and more invisibility will be even more shocking...

I hope they'll make a port of it.. not like HL:S but CS:S everything shiny new. that would scare the crap out of me anytime :p worse then DOOM III
They've said that if they did make it, it would probably not be a direct port, but would make full use of the engines features. This, while it would be awesome, probably means it'll be a long while before we're playing ns source :)
Thadius Dean said:
i never got NS working right, so ive never played multiplayer.

the servers dont show up...

If you are using a software firewall that might be your problem. I had a problem once with Norton Personal Firewall. Just shut it off and the servers will start showing.

And make sure you have NS selected in the server-browser filters.