NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Great episode. Love the scene between Gibbs and Tony.

Can't wait until next week's episode.

This. So much this.

Saw a lot of what happened coming, down to Ziva leaving. But Gibbs choosing and him having been played by her father was a shock. And omg the last 20 seconds or so. ****.

I'm kind of feeling like her torture is a set up on behalf of her father to get information about NCIS and test her loyalty.
I was left with my jaw wide opened at the very end.
Poor Ziva. :(
Her life is basically over, I don't see this ending well for her at all.
Eye plucked out, ****ed over by her dad, what else can go wrong?

This wasn't the finale was it? D:
****. :frown:

Oh well, back to the rerun marathons on USA.
Hooray... lets watch it fail after half a season!
NCIS is actually a really nice show... mildly interesting plots, and a warm fuzzy attitude about basically everything.
New season and new series starts tomorrow at 8pm EST.
Waited all damn summer to find out what happens.

I don't have much hope for NCIS: LA though, not after seeing the previews but I'll give the first episode a watch.
I'm not checking out LA, the best part of NCIS for me is the characters, and LA just doesn't have that appeal.

I'm really excited to find out what happens after last season's cliffhanger, though.
Well, we didn't really get to meet all of the new characters.

But, I see where you're coming from.
NCIS didn't really have a single bad apple in the entire cast, loved them all.

LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnel's characters however, both seem like massive badly acted douchebags.
We'll see how the rest of the cast is.
Well, we didn't really get to meet all of the new characters.

But, I see where you're coming from.
NCIS didn't really have a single bad apple in the entire cast, loved them all.

LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnel's characters however, both seem like massive badly acted douchebags.
We'll see how the rest of the cast is.

Exactly. That's kind of enough to kill it for me right off the bat. I don't know if the other characters who were introduced in the crossover are still in, but I didn't really care for them, either.
I didn't really notice anyone else but them two, heh.

I was also too busy wondering what the **** they were doing with that Minority Report tech.
Great season opening, though I'm a bit irked by just how misleading the cliffhanger was.
Yeah, could've sworn they plucked her eye out.
Was really fun though, lold at the Caff-Pow.

Los Angeles was ****ing garbage.
Jesus, it didn't feel like NCIS at all... they basically made this a "cool" NCIS with camera focus on the cars and good looking guys just kicking ass and a team full of people who look like total douchebags.

I'll give it one more shot next week.
Yeah, could've sworn they plucked her eye out.

Dude that's what it showed, even in the "previously on NCIS" bit. Apparently we're supposed to believe that it was some other Israeli?

Pretty disappointing that we're lead to believe she's near death and then it's just "Oh, she's a tiny bit beaten." DiNozzo looked worse than she did.

Was really fun though, lold at the Caff-Pow.

I did, too. And DiNozzo's acting skills impressed me yet again. I mean he's always good, but there are a few episodes (this one included) that he's just goddamn exceptional in.
Yeah, he was great.
I love seeing him talk to women and such, hilarious.

Also, was it just me or did Gibbs get from his sniping spot on the mountain to the hallway to save the team way too fast?
Unfortunately not. :(
I'd probably break my legs running down the mountain and end up getting shot by the guards.

Although, I'm sure we're to assume that Gibbs called in reinforcements.
Such a great show. This case in particular kept me guessing.

Glad Ziva got a bit of a slapping around, rather than it being all "OH HEY WELCOME BACK".
It had a couple of great twists too.
Also glad that they took a realistic approach to reinstating Ziva.

Skipped right over NCIS: LA, the build up for the case made no sense whatsoever and just felt way too gung-ho for NCIS.

Never watching it ever again.
Skipped right over NCIS: LA, the build up for the case made no sense whatsoever and just felt way too gung-ho for NCIS.

Never watching it ever again.

I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking. Everyone does.

Welcome to the dark side.

Sidenote: It's rofl to me that this thread is like, you and me, talking about how much we love NCIS. And no one else even cares. I bet no one even looks in here. We could probably talk about porn.
Oh well.
I made the thread in hopes of attracting more people to the show but alas, no one gave a shit.
Well, isn't there a pretty decent number of people watching this show? I too watch this and I love it.
I mostly wanted to raise awareness and maybe find lots of fans on these forums.

One of those few TV spin-offs(spawned from JAG which was a pretty mediocre show that really only old and horny war vets wanting to see Catherine Belle in a tight military uniform would watch) that are really great.
Every single preview for NCIS LA looks like it's being directed by Michael Bay. "Hottest new show on TV" my ballsack.
That was a fun episode.
Wtf'ed @ the Next On though, I want Ziva back in action damn it. :frown:
Yeah, this one was a bit more formulaic than some of the previous ones, but still not bad. I can't believe McGee was so dense with that woman, haha.

And I'm glad we're gonna find out what happened to Ziva. And it'll be interesting to see her actually being an NCIS agent.
I'm annoyed that the plots between NCIS and LA are starting to be connected. It's an incredibly cheap way to get more viewers over to LA, AND IT'S NOT GONNA ****ING WORK.
I lost interest in the show after Ziva was officially put back into action, tbh.

Might catch up again once I have nothing else to watch.
My interest in this show has also spontaneously plummeted. I wonder if this is a universal phenomenon?
I think it's because the ongoing arc just sort of, you know, ended, rather suddenly in fact. And now it's back to the standalone episodes, which are still good, but don't have the same suspense.
Yeah, that's probably it.
Felt like they just sort of brushed off everything that just transpired.

But, now that I've got nothing else to watch on Wednesday nights I'll probably start watching NCIS again.
The latest episode (7x10 - Faith) is absolutely amazing. I was totally losing interest this season, but this episode was just fantastic. Probably one of my favourites.