Nearly Carjacked

This country is going to shit... I hate it :(

Probably be in USA sooner rather than later
I'm moving to Canada hopefully.

<3 it.
Uh.... no municipal police? No regular police patrols? Crime everywhere? People trying to carjack you in broad daylight? People trying to carjack you at all?

I'm just guessing, but that sounds like hell.
We don't help people over here in the UK

If someone talks to you they're either crazy or they want money.
Ok, it's bloody weird (not to mention stupid) that he was jumping out in front of your car, but how does that equate to him trying to carjack you?

Solaris said:
We don't help people over here in the UK

If someone talks to you they're either crazy or they want money.
Oh bitch, bitch, bitch.
You know what pisses me off easily as much as the scumbags? The people who relentlessly whine and complain about what a dreadful state the country's in. It's self-perpetuating negativity, 'cause they're loathe to acknowledge any good or any fun that might occur in the country or in their miserable existence. I'm f*cking bored of it.

And yes, I am fully aware of the irony of bitching about people bitching.
He wasn't after help, he was being a nuicanse to car drivers infront of and behind me - He maybe wasnt after the car, but he did want me to stop ... and given the fact he was being openly abusive to everyone (and booting my car) I figured he wasn't in need of help. Well, not that kind of help, anyway.

el Chi - if nobody complains, nothing will be done. The country could be so much better if it werent for the mindless individuals that get let off so much by the absolutely ludicrous judicial system. You can't be a ned flanders all your life, shit happens.
lePobz said:
el Chi - if nobody complains, nothing will be done. The country could be so much better if it werent for the mindless individuals that get let off so much by the absolutely ludicrous judicial system. You can't be a ned flanders all your life, shit happens.
Yes but the vast, vast majority of the miserable bastards who do nothing but whinge offer no solution otherwise or take no action to make the country better or anything. They merely drone on and to be quite frank, it's f*cking tiring.
I know shit happens - I'm nort trying to bury my head in the sand here. I'm just saying that I find it incredibly annoying when people only see the bad things and seem to wallow and revel in how awful life is with no apparent desire to better it. Hence, the self-perpetuating aspect of their negativity.
For every judicial f*ckup, there are hundreds of proper convictions and good sentences. I know it can be crap; I know the legal sytstem can be a shambles; I simply refuse to focus all my attentions on the bad stuff. I'll acknowledge them and consider ways to change them in order to make things better, but I'm not going to let them define my existence.
Sorry - that may have no structure and make no sense to anyone but myself, but I'm tired and pissed off.