Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

Jun 24, 2004
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Dissapointed about the whole GOLD fiasko I downloaded the newest half life 2 trailer and noticed this.

I doubt this is anything new, but I can't place the weapon this guy is carrying. I checked a couple of HL2 websites and looked at their weapons page but I couldn't find it.

If somebody can identify it, can you point me to a video where Gordon is holding it.

PS: I tried searching for this, this is how certain I am that somebody already disscussed this, but no luck :)

[EDIT]: Who's the girl in the poster ;)


  • Weapon.JPG
    76 KB · Views: 737
Its believe to be the IRifle (the big disintegrator gun) but dureing the movie several citezens are using them as big machine guns.
Looks like a screwed up shottie....

And the chick kinda looks like she has an HEV suit on.
The gun looks like the irifle
the girl in the poster is the new mascot/spokesperson for ATI
i think shes called ruby.
Well the gun the guy in blue is holding is a Franchi Spas 12 and I think the other is holding an RPG.
well its yet to be seen(either a machine gun like the one in the video the citizens are using or a Spaz 12 with a bullet-proof face protector)
Just speculation for me!
I think it's a variation on a rocket launcher.
The gun the people are obviously holding are figments of your imagination, bare with me people. The gun can be anything at the moment, why because the game isnt out. The gun could be a freaking HeadCrab shooter and the Secondary fire could be a Gordan freeman T-Shirt shooter who knows, just wait till the game is out before trying to figure out what it is
Nopes its the I-Rifle (Or greande launcher some people like to call it). It was used in the tunnels video.
You mean the gun that the huge ass Snider used agianst Gorden? i highly doubt it, why would the enemy give the good guys the same weapons they use agianst them, this makes no sense
New Gun

It is not a rifle, I have watched the video and it is a fully-automatic weopon.

It is a new gun that we haven't seen before, if you look at the screenshot below you can see it in the inventory. :E
The projectile it fires looks similar to the weapon on the airboat .
Good find Freemanhl2, u deserve a HIP HIP Hooooray for your discovery of a spoiler that i wish i could forget but thanks anwayz for ruining a piece of my halflife2 experience.
Good find Freemanhl2, u deserve a HIP HIP Hooooray for your discovery of a spoiler that i wish i could forget but thanks anwayz for ruining a piece of my halflife2 experience.

How is that a spoiler? You can just see it when you watch the video it's not like it's from the *gasp* hl2 leak. Honestly, you need to go away.
D@Linkwent said:
Good find Freemanhl2, u deserve a HIP HIP Hooooray for your discovery of a spoiler that i wish i could forget but thanks anwayz for ruining a piece of my halflife2 experience.

It's not really a spoiler if it was in the videos for anyone to see.
OK if it wasnt a spoiler than this thread didnt need to be created, IF i had just watched that video i woulda been like damn what is that gun they are holding, Oh well i just wont know because the game isnt out. That information is a spoiler until i find out legit.
D@Linkwent said:
OK if it wasnt a spoiler than this thread didnt need to be created, IF i had just watched that video i woulda been like damn what is that gun they are holding, Oh well i just wont know because the game isnt out. That information is a spoiler until i find out legit.

lol, your a funny guy :LOL:

this picture is the feeling i get every time i read your posts
I don't think VALVe expected someone to analyse 15 frames of a BINK video to find a new gun in the inventory. Gordon had the gun and did not use it, I assume this is because VALVe did not want anyone seeing this gun.

If you take note of the soldiers using it, you can see it is clearly more powerfull than the other weapons.
I am kinda funny, but im just trying to prove my point. My point is im a newb :)
I don't think VALVe expected someone to analyse 15 frames of a BINK video to find a new gun in the inventory. Gordon had the gun and did not use it, I assume this is because VALVe did not want anyone seeing this gun.

If valve didn't want us to see it than they could have turned off the hud, or drop the weapon.
Well it isn't spoilt anyway, the most we have seen is a soldier holding the gun and a small yellow icon.
I don't think VALVe expected someone to analyse 15 frames of a BINK video to find a new gun in the inventory. Gordon had the gun and did not use it, I assume this is because VALVe did not want anyone seeing this gun.
This proves my point in the spoiler fiasco, Valve just wanted to prove they were making a game that actually worked, AI in tact, Graphix look good, Sound is amazing, THey didnt want you to go and spoil what every little detail is, those are ment to be experienced First hand WHEN U PLAY THE GAME!!!!!!
THey didnt want you to go and spoil what every little detail is, those are ment to be experienced First hand WHEN U PLAY THE GAME!!!!!!

By your logic, valve shouldn't have given us any videos, media, or information at all.
you didnt understand, Valve gave us all that media so that we actually have proof the game exists, unlike DukeNukemForever which u could honostly say doesnt exist because all of the media we knew is scrapped and is now being worked out, but as of right now there is no proof that DNF is working, UNlike DFN Valve actually has a working product and by showing us videos of it and other media, we know for a fact that Halfife2 does exist, The game does have AI, IT does have Sound and it does have a plot with characters and physics and holy crap ive soiled myself.
We didn't even see the gun being used! The first thing you would have noticed when entering this thread is someone requesting information on a weapon, if you didn't want to know you should have gone somewere else.
Yeah freeman, u tell em whose boss and that together we can rule this thread.
It's the IRifle. It looks like it might have a machine gun like primary fire and a disintegrating secondary fire.
True, it could be a IRifle or it could be a machine gun with primary fire that shoots dogs out of it, and when they bark they shoot bees out of its mouth yes, its all plausable, but is it physically possible... Now thats the 1 million dollar question.
you didnt understand, Valve gave us all that media so that we actually have proof the game exists, unlike DukeNukemForever which u could honostly say doesnt exist because all of the media we knew is scrapped and is now being worked out, but as of right now there is no proof that DNF is working, UNlike DFN Valve actually has a working product and by showing us videos of it and other media, we know for a fact that Halfife2 does exist, The game does have AI, IT does have Sound and it does have a plot with characters and physics and holy crap ive soiled myself.

Then why are you complaining about seeing the weapon we're speaking of?
D@Linkwent said:
True, it could be a IRifle or it could be a machine gun with primary fire that shoots dogs out of it, and when they bark they shoot bees out of its mouth yes, its all plausable, but is it physically possible... Now thats the 1 million dollar question.

Please. Stop. Posting.