need everyone for sweet mod



i need anyone i can get to help with this mod i'm making. coders, modelers, voice actors, assistant mapper (i'm lead mapper), ect. the idea is that you are in the middle or the atlantic ocean on a boat and there is an elcipse. during the eclipse, the sun explodes into a supernova. because you are the only one behind the moon, you are the only one left, you think......
so ahhh, anyone who can help, email me at [email protected]
Sounds cheesy... Plus, you'd die from the explosion... Super Nova's could destroy hundreds of solar system... And if our solar systems sun were to explode- the earth'd be microwaved... even if the earth somehow uneffected by the blast- first off... You'd freeze almost instantly... and Even if you do SOMEHOW keep your body from freezing (At temperatures over -100C) you won't see a damn thing... Pitch Black- no sun... No light- no vision :)
does anyone else want a best mod recruiting post contest?

(though i like the general idea of this post, the idea is kindof cool actually, everyone has died and the lead is the only one left)
what's the aim of the mod? if ur the only one left... *shrugs*

edit: oh, u think ur the only one left. right
Sounds a little poor and unrealistic
1. Our star is not big enough to super nova
2. If a star does super nova you kinda wouldn't be there anymore.........even if you were on pluto.
Stars expand before going Super Nova, we would be melted long before it "exploded".
jesus christ, enough! i get it, how bout it's a bomb or a goddam laser or something, and you are on the boat with like 2 or 3 people. how bout helping with it instead of just bashing the hell out of the concept?
mr manhios mods is awsome so all of you other gay asses should shut the hell up!!! Why does it matter if it is realistic or not. Its a game it is supposed to be unrealistic and fun!!!!! Every game doesnt have to be scientifically correct. When it has to be real liike you guys think it should it gets gay cause it sets limits on what the game can do and how much fun it is. He could make a cooler mod than all of you. Cause your ideas suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG NOT AN0THER SWEET MOD CONCEPT!!!!!11! T1S IS t3h 1337z04z!!!1!

Seriously... sounds like an interesting idea, but, I agree, I think you'd be best off with the bomb or laser. And at metamttmc...

shut up.
Seriously... sounds like an interesting idea, but, I agree, I think you'd be best off with the bomb or laser. And at metamttmc...

shut up.

oh now wasn't that very nice. the guy is trying to make a mod, and u just have to put him down? if you don't like the idea, don't say anything. that way everybody is HAPPY :D
nobody is putting him down ... they are giving him honest advice a vast majority of his audience would disagree and find fault with his story line it is better that he is aware of it now than to regret it later ...
metalmattmc said:

Nice to see there are still 12 year-olds posting absolute crap.
ranga said:
oh now wasn't that very nice. the guy is trying to make a mod, and u just have to put him down? if you don't like the idea, don't say anything. that way everybody is HAPPY :D

I wasn't putting the modder down. I told him it seemed like a promising idea, but needed some reworking. I don't consider that a put-down :monkee:

And if all else fails MANHIO, you could always go back with the old Nuclear Apocalypse routine... I'd kind of like to see a game where everything is in nuclear winter.
he already said he had scrapped this idea in other threads....
no a story line could be after ww3 in space a nuke got lost and being in the future they have much more explosive power and can probobly resist heat to re enter the atmosphere
so it accitdntly drifts into space and 10 years after the war it comes back like a comet and collides with the sun and boom there it is a gigantic explosion able to be seen any where in the universe the explosion is so big it creates a time warp buble and out pops gordon freeman :D
The anoying part about this thread is the people, getting all nerdy about the nova thing and going into realism. Obviously the mod is based on realism. End of point.
You know, same thing happened to my mod. Got flamed by people that didn't HAVE A F***ING CLUE! Just give advice! Is that so hard?? I know the 12 year old mentality is running rampant here but please, spouting insults is not helping ANYONE!

Personally, i would go with the
no a story line could be after ww3 in space a nuke got lost and being in the future they have much more explosive power and can probobly resist heat to re enter the atmosphere
so it accitdntly drifts into space and 10 years after the war it comes back like a comet and collides with the sun and boom there it is a gigantic explosion able to be seen any where in the universe
No gordon freeman, but could be interesting idea for single player...

My $0.02
t3e l337 /-//\xor
So... the point of the modification is? You're the only one alive... is your goal to kill all the cockroaches or what?
look at the part were it says "OR YOU THINK......."
hint hint forshadowing cough cough. anyway this mod is over.i'm working on a map for Combine Assault (it was Invasion)
its called criticism, you can either learn from it or... well... do what your doing
i think a solar flare would be more realistic. because the process to a supernova would take 100,000s of earth years.
Stamp said:
i think a solar flare would be more realistic. because the process to a supernova would take 100,000s of earth years.

Waiting around is half the fun...