Need for Speed Underground 2 Rides


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Yo, Everyone post there Need for Speed Underground 2 ride in this topic. I havn't been playing the game long, but this is what I have so far:

When did this come out? Or is it the demo?
Harryz said:
Novemeber 15th I think.

Ya, that's right.

But I don't think you can build cars in the demo version. Though there is suppose to be a warez version floating around.

Hmm... :dozey:
Some people have already got theres delivered. I just happen to be one of those lucky people :D
You're just rubbing it in :(

Actually... while you're doing so, post some ingame screenies :p
I have the game too. But I haven't really gotten into it yet. I pimped a Hummer though, but I haven't got a screenie at the moment.

I currently have 3 rides. Honda Civic, Cadillac Escalante?, H2 (Hummer).



audi tt




gonna have all black cars with white neon lights. too lazy to drive the audi to the paint shop ;)
im not surprised you have this game already with a username like x84D8OYx ;)

Btw, what makes this game any better than the first one? i can get the first one for a tenner...
oldagerocker said:
im not surprised you have this game already with a username like x84D8OYx ;)

Btw, what makes this game any better than the first one? i can get the first one for a tenner...
many stores have released allowed the game to be bought early, EA already has a patch for the game. we have been postin pics for a while at the [H]. so just cause my name is 1337 ;), doesnt mean what you think it means. lol

seems like you can mod alot more things than the last one, the online is definately better, and the free mode makes you feel more, well, free :imu:
x84D80Yx said:



audi tt




gonna have all black cars with white neon lights. too lazy to drive the audi to the paint shop ;)

wow the Audi TT is in the game? cool
RJMC don't quote image posts :( and yes thats rendered, its not a video or random image.
Fonnie, you riced up that ae86, I shall tell chris martin to kick your ass now.

Ichi, I bet my civic could smoke that bitch irl ;)
Anyone else think the graphics on the ground and roads are kinda lame?

Anyways...I've been playing it for an hour or so. I have one problem. I had my first car and 1st tier upgrades. Another car unlocked in the car lot that I I traded my car in for the new one. I assumed since I "traded it in" that I would get the net cash back that I spent on upgrades and visual stuff...or at least like 1/2 of it. Nope...I got nothing in return and now I have a stock car to race with because I have no money. Thanks NFSUG...damn autosave.
I've got it to now...not really played it though because WoW is owning my free time like its gone out of fashion :p I've got a bug with my ati which was in the demo and they didn't even fix it (lazy bitches) but i'll post a screen in a sec.
What French cars do they have ?
any Peugeot or Renault ?
IchI said:
Yo, Everyone post there Need for Speed Underground 2 ride in this topic. I havn't been playing the game long, but this is what I have so far:

nice, thats exactly what i want my future car(in real life) to look like for a while now ive been dreaming about it. i cant wait til iget the game for christmas!
Darkknighttt said:
nice, thats exactly what i want my future car(in real life) to look like for a while now ive been dreaming about it. i cant wait til iget the game for christmas!

You want a riced out civic in real life?! Damn! I figured this game would stop the amount of ricers on the road once they see how dumb their car looks in game. :imu:
TheHitman5 said:
You want a riced out civic in real life?! Damn! I figured this game would stop the amount of ricers on the road once they see how dumb their car looks in game. :imu:

LOL...being a former member of that crew, I wholeheartedly agree.
Darkknighttt said:
nice, thats exactly what i want my future car(in real life) to look like for a while now ive been dreaming about it. i cant wait til iget the game for christmas!

Riccceeee. You've been dreaming of The Fast and The Furious, don't lie.
AmishSlayer said:
Anyone else think the graphics on the ground and roads are kinda lame?
To fix the roads, you should up the game to a high res, and bump the texture filtering to the max, then set them back to what you want again. This should fix the 1 foot by 1 foot pixeled roads :LOL:

AmishSlayer said:
Anyways...I've been playing it for an hour or so. I have one problem. I had my first car and 1st tier upgrades. Another car unlocked in the car lot that I I traded my car in for the new one. I assumed since I "traded it in" that I would get the net cash back that I spent on upgrades and visual stuff...or at least like 1/2 of it. Nope...I got nothing in return and now I have a stock car to race with because I have no money. Thanks NFSUG...damn autosave.
Ya this really does suck, it would be nice if you could just buy all the parts and put them on w/e car you wish. Once you are rich you could do it for all the cars, but that would take a lonnnng time :sleep:
Modded out cars are the best.....if a lowered skyline came past u fully modded out externally you would turn your head to look at insticnt...sorry im pissed up to the full my spelling is bad. :bounce:
I dunno about you guys, but the new garage system they had makes changing your car up a real pain in the ass. In the first, you had body, accessories and graphics all together, now you gotta drive around...

Awesome game, GET IT! Even though I am a speed junky (velocity, not the drug ;))
Nice car! But it could look better with a couple little changes.

This game looks worth a download.

I bought the first one though..
I'll try that to fix the roads. Right now I'm sorta back on track. I'm still using my first car because I'd need to work up enough cash to get the new one upgraded enough to actually win races. I wish you could have the option to drive around. It gets pretty tedious driving to each shop (and finding them if they aren't on your map) and race. Sure it's kinda cool, but since there's nothing to do but's kinda annoying.

I'm also disappointed that there's only 2 sets of packages for performance improvements. Sure there are like 10 categories or something to improve, but I could've sworn NFSUG had 3 packages of perf. upgrades.
AmishSlayer said:
I'll try that to fix the roads. Right now I'm sorta back on track. I'm still using my first car because I'd need to work up enough cash to get the new one upgraded enough to actually win races. I wish you could have the option to drive around. It gets pretty tedious driving to each shop (and finding them if they aren't on your map) and race. Sure it's kinda cool, but since there's nothing to do but's kinda annoying.

I'm also disappointed that there's only 2 sets of packages for performance improvements. Sure there are like 10 categories or something to improve, but I could've sworn NFSUG had 3 packages of perf. upgrades.
ummm there are 3
play the game a little more, you'll see
Ichi that evo is ugly man :p..the evo is my all time favourite car so meh. ;)
The enhanced contrast is cool for looking at your cars, but can you guys actually stand driving around with it on? It's so annoying to me.
just need a wide body kit on this baby and itll be complete :thumbs:

So which track do you all think is the best/suits the game the best?

I'd have to make it a tie between Chingy - I Do and Terror Squad - Lean Back (plus i actually think them 2 tracks are even worth a download :p even though i listen to dance/trance/house)
My fav track so far is "Riders on the Storm" cover that Snoop did.

My Ford Mustang GT