Need Help pls



Firstly Hello!
I have just decided to try and make a multiplayer mod for half life 2 I have all the programs Steam offer for editing even XSI (although softimage website wont give me the code to activate it, so im waiting for an email from them but thats another story) I have read a lot of valve documentation and tutorials as well as several third party tutorials and forums to get to where I am now (which is not very far)

Hammer is no problem I can use it save my map and compile with no problem but its running the map that im stuck on, I no i sound like a noob when i say this and im sorry but ....does the map need to be in a certain directory? do I encorporate it into my mod? how do I make my mod run as a stand alone program?

Well if your already made your mod, with the 'create a mod' option. All you have to do is open up the sdk, and select your mod on the bottom of the window. Then open up hammer, and then you can compile your maps and it will save it in your mod folder.
I tried that

I tried that a load of times didnt work infact I had been working on this and a few other problems for 20+hrs (following valve and other 3rd party tutorials) in the end I gave up on doing it their way...I have go it sorted now tho I just downloaded a random 3rd party mod and modified that!

So that would be a... eh... modified mod? a mod-mod? scary.