Need some advice


Jun 23, 2004
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Well, I'm in a pretty stupid situation. There is this girl I met on a chat site and she seemed like a nice girl and she gave me her email to chat on msn. Well, I talked with her on msn, she told me she was the same age as me and she asked for a picture of me. Well, I wasn't really thinking so I sent one, and she immediately went "Oh, you're so hot" etc. Now guess what she did? She printed it off and she keeps it under her pillow. She also takes it to school and goes to the toilet and kisses it (wtf?). Now every time I come on msn, she goes like "I'm so in love with you, you're so pretty, bla bla bla". I also found out that she lied about her age (she's 1,5 years younger) and I'm 35 cm taller. Above that, she lives about 400 km away from me (thank God!).
But the problem is that I don't want to really hurt her when I tell her it's not going to work out. Every time I come on msn I want to tell it, but she immediately goes "I so love you" and she talks dirty to me. I wont go in detail about that.

Now, what do you guys think I should do? Block her and ignore her (the slow pain) or tell it in her face (the quick pain)?
Insano said:
Well, I'm in a pretty stupid situation. There is this girl I met on a chat site and she seemed like a nice girl and she gave me her email to chat on msn. Well, I talked with her on msn, she told me she was the same age as me and she asked for a picture of me. Well, I wasn't really thinking so I sent one, and she immediately went "Oh, you're so hot" etc. Now guess what she did? She printed it off and she keeps it under her pillow. She also takes it to school and goes to the toilet and kisses it (wtf?). Now every time I come on msn, she goes like "I'm so in love with you, you're so pretty, bla bla bla". I also found out that she lied about her age (she's 1,5 years younger) and I'm 35 cm taller. Above that, she lives about 400 km away from me (thank God!).
But the problem is that I don't want to really hurt her when I tell her it's not going to work out. Every time I come on msn I want to tell it, but she immediately goes "I so love you" and she talks dirty to me. I wont go in detail about that.

Now, what do you guys think I should do? Block her and ignore her (the slow pain) or tell it in her face (the quick pain)?

#1 your age?
#2 Social security number? :E
#3 what do you mean, 1,5 ?
#4. block her.
#1 16
#2 I have no idea what you mean by that, I live in Belgium :p
#3 one and a half
#4. roger
...or pressure. :D Well 15 might be a little too old for him.
JellyWorld said:
Lucky you, I wish I had someone obsessing over me :(

A part of me thinks the same as you, but a part of me thinks that it would be bad.
15357 said:
A part of me thinks the same as you, but a part of me thinks that it would be bad.

Is it the communist part that thinks it would be bad?
kirovman said:
Is it the communist part that thinks it would be bad?


btw, insane, you have a pic of yourself on here?
1. I posted one in the "post a picture" thread :)

2. It's Insanooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :p
Hell, sechs her. Arrange to meet up at some point. :p
That's the point. She keeps screaming over msn "I want to have sex with you" etc. It's getting scary :(

She says that she thinks about me 24/7, and stuff like "I woke up at 3 am today and I thought about you and guess what I did?" etc.
...and you're sure it's not an insane internet pervert stalker?
Insano said:
Well, I'm in a pretty stupid situation. There is this girl I met on a chat site and she seemed like a nice girl and she gave me her email to chat on msn. Well, I talked with her on msn, she told me she was the same age as me and she asked for a picture of me. Well, I wasn't really thinking so I sent one, and she immediately went "Oh, you're so hot" etc. Now guess what she did? She printed it off and she keeps it under her pillow. She also takes it to school and goes to the toilet and kisses it (wtf?). Now every time I come on msn, she goes like "I'm so in love with you, you're so pretty, bla bla bla". I also found out that she lied about her age (she's 1,5 years younger) and I'm 35 cm taller. Above that, she lives about 400 km away from me (thank God!).
But the problem is that I don't want to really hurt her when I tell her it's not going to work out. Every time I come on msn I want to tell it, but she immediately goes "I so love you" and she talks dirty to me. I wont go in detail about that.

Now, what do you guys think I should do? Block her and ignore her (the slow pain) or tell it in her face (the quick pain)?

Sulkdodds said:
...and you're sure it's not an insane internet pervert stalker?

'She" is probably a 45 year old male :E
No, she sent me a couple of pictures of herself so I'm pretty sure that she's really a girl ;)
Insano said:
No, she sent me a couple of pictures of herself so I'm pretty sure that she's really a girl ;)

Search google for girls pics. There are milllions.

I'm actually a girl. Look, here's the proof!

She sent me about 12 pictures with all the same girl :p
Yes, so stop talking about that. I just want advice how to stop her, not to decide if she is really a girl :p
She sent me about 12 pictures with all the same girl

I could send you 20 pictures of that girl, if she wasn't so photo-shy.

But point taken.

Is there any massive event in a central city where you can arrange to meet up?
I mean even if a relationship can't work you could at least git some. Say "hey, well, let's both meet up at the Brussels Sex Shop Fair next month!"
Only way to confirm it's not a 45 year old man is to demand she starts a webcam and you look and go "OH NOES!11 IT'S SNOT THE WMOAN IN THE PICTAREss"

1. My parents wouldn't let me go alone to Brussel ;)
2. I doubt her parents would let her go either.
3. I don't really want to get laid with her, I want a decent girl :p
4. She is going to buy a webcam.
Maybe she is a decent girl, just a rather strange one.
@ Insano : We have social security numbers, but no one uses them for anything :p

And this girl seems completely crazy bout you. Demand she sends you something. If she does, she's for real and you probably have a live sex doll in your hands :p
No way I'm giving her my adress, then she knows exactly where I live :/
I'd hit it. I mean seriously.

(does she want a relationship or just sex? Because at that distance, unless you go there very often, it's never going to work. That's what I'd say... "A relationship just can't happen, but I'd love to come over and **** you some time!")
Beerdude26 said:
@ Insano : We have social security numbers, but no one uses them for anything :p

And this girl seems completely crazy bout you. Demand she sends you something. If she does, she's for real and you probably have a live sex doll in your hands :p


Sulkdodds said:
I'd hit it. I mean seriously.

(does she want a relationship or just sex? Because at that distance, unless you go there very often, it's never going to work. That's what I'd say... "A relationship just can't happen, but I'd love to come over and **** you some time!")
So you want me to abuse her? :O
I would. :p

Although I don't know about 'abuse'. I mean it sounds like she's somewhat obsessed with having you so...I say again, does she want an actual relationship? I'm just talking about "I'm really sorry, a relationships not possible...but we can always :naughty:"
I wouldnt be convinced that she's serious with this shit if she wont send nude pics with your name tattooed to her butt. And ofcourse post it in here... No, really, it could be just a troll, even if she is a girl and your age. Anyway, if you sechs with her, you could end up with a crazy girl stalking you for the rest of your life, so I dont know if it's worth it...
Or then again it could be some teenager who's just OMG IM TALKING TO A BOY LOL and all excited.

I'll stop talking now.