Need some serious advice

As I said before, talk to him, tell him what you have told us, and tell him what you will need to do, and why, if he doesn't get his life in order.
True. I'm not saying that depression is easy, or insignificant, but how you deal with it is what counts. I'm also not saying that I thinkhe deserves to die. What I'm saying is that, if he wants to die, that should be his call. And if hes faking for attention, then I don't care if he dies.

I would give this as an example. Someone is drunk. They need to get home. Its to far to walk and theres no public transport. They can either drive, or ask someone they don't like for a lift. It would be far harder to ask somone you don't like for a lift, but if he drove and wrapped himself round a tree, would you care? I wouldn't.

Sure, I'd let a drunk driver drive his way home. He deserves to die for doing that. So do the innocent people he crashes into on the way home. They deserve a horrible violent death as well, right?