Need to get away from hl2 for a while?

Um....we never got TO hl2
Agent Smith is so awesome. His facial expressions, his way to talk... It's just amazing. Hugo Weaving deserve an award... Just imagine any other actor saying his lines, it just wouldn't be as great. The "I will enjoy watching you die, Mr Anderson" is one of my favorite. Or the whole speech he does to Morpheus... When he sees Neo in the helicopter, and he says "No!", look at his face, it's extraordinary how much anger there is in a 2 second shot. Oh and btw, you may find 30 sec. trailers on the internet. DO NOT WATCH THEM. Heavy, heavy painful spoilers. I regret it so much... The worst part is that I can't really talk about it with anyone because that would be cruel.

Oh and a question: I'm reading The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (the monomyth thing) and I know it applies to The Matrix films but something just doesn't work. The monomyth is a hero who goes on a quest or whatever in a strange unknown world. There, he finds something, the object of his quest, and then come back to the "normal" world, where the object of his quest benefits the whole humanity. Every real myth applies to that, and I'm pretty sure Matrix film does. The object of the quest of Neo (which is obviously the hero) is to find that he's the one, or to free the people inside the Matrix? If so, then the "normal world" would be the Matrix? And the strange unusual world would be the real world? It's confusing. Anyway, if someone read that great book, just share your thought on that.
Yeah, I almost spewed when I saw him in LOTR, he's pretty good but IMO was a little... intense in Reloaded. Still looks cool.
I agree that Hugo is perfect for the Agent Smith part and he's awesome. A while back, people on these boards were talking about HL2: The Movie and what actor should play what part. Many people said Hugo as G-Man. That'd be just way too familiar for me. Everyone wouldn't take him as the G-man. He'll forever be known as Agent Smith to me. When I was watching LOTR, I was just waiting for him to say, "Hear that? That's the sound of inevitability...that's the sound of your death..." That's one of my fav. lines. Not sure if it's totally correct with the movie though..