Never touch Sasha...

yea this made me laugh my ass off pretty good , the end made me tearing
That's a win avatar.

Movie was AWESOME. I hope they can get this to work with the voicecomm :D
There was noise, many years ago, about having a lightweight version of Source's lipsynching making your mouth move when you spoke in multiplayer games. Fingers crossed we finally get that :D

There was noise, many years ago, about having a lightweight version of Source's lipsynching making your mouth move when you spoke in multiplayer games. Fingers crossed we finally get that :D


Didn't CS have that in 1.6?
The lipsync in hl2 trys to match whats being said. previous stuff had the "goldfish" open-close-open-close when you talked.
However the lipsynch in HL2 requires someone to type in what's being said as well as feeding in the waveform, and last time I checked was far from realtime too.
very nice Valve, can't wait to see how this is implemented in the full game. Maybe in 5+ years, they can have it where when people talk on the mic, it translates their voice to the characters voice and lipsyncs it.

Man this is some kickass footage. Didnt expect this at all.
The lipsync in hl2 trys to match whats being said. previous stuff had the "goldfish" open-close-open-close when you talked.
Yeah, but it did listen to the various open (ex. "o") and closed (ex. "v") vowels and opened less or more depending on that.
nice to see they've kept the depth of field blur in the trailer... but I miss self-shadowing :(
Yeah, but it did listen to the various open (ex. "o") and closed (ex. "v") vowels and opened less or more depending on that.

Really? Didn't know that. Got a link to the source (Of this info)?
does his name sound a bit like shashta or whatver that infamous poster's name is..?
Thought this was awesome, and I'm glad to see there're more coming up. Wasn't sure if they were going to put together movies for each class- since it seemed like a technology showcase more than a character showcase-but I'm happy to be proven wrong!
Impressive interesting to see how this revamped tech looks in EP2 as well. I wonder if they will patch HL2 and EP1 retrospectively when it is released..
Mike Durand said:
On the PC we are definitely going to update Episode 1 with dynamic
shadows when we release the updated Source engine, but are not sure
whether we will do this for HL2 since it changes the minimum system
requirements for the game. On the 360 and PS3 we will be updating both
Ep1 and HL2 to support dynamic shadows.

I assume the same applies to the other new tech.
Couldn't the dynamic shadows be set as an option so the minimum system requirements can stay the same.
That was awesome!
That heavy has been on the roids a bit methinks! deff the character i'm gonna play most :)
That is just ****ing pure pleasure.
Great editing and dialog.
I always knew it would just be a matter of time until value has gotten this far with their facial animation tech. It looks pretty damn convincing I'd say. Also, I'd like to see videos for the rest of the classes too!
I have a feeling we're gonna have different accents for each character.
HW Guy - Russian
Sniper - American
Spy - British
Engineer - German
Scout - Australian or somethin...
I wrote to Gabe about this and he said that unfortunately there wasn't enough time, but didn't discount some retrofitting after the event.

Hopefully patches..but it really depends on how difficult it is and time consuming (it's not like they are getting more money for it).

I think you misunderstood his answer. This tech will be in EP2, but not HL2 and EP1 at the time when EP2 is released.

qckles said:
