New Aftermath info

Anti G-man rebelion sounds cool!
And this Zombine will be unique NPC or generic enemy?
oik said:
it would defenitally put a smile on my face to see a hydra somewhere in there,even one that u dont fight,just one u see through some unbreakable glass or sumtin.

That would suprise the hell out of me.
Polaris said:
Anti G-man rebelion sounds cool!
And this Zombine will be unique NPC or generic enemy?

Probably a generic enemy.
There are lots of Combine soldiers and lots of Headcrabs.
ríomhaire said:
Agreed, WTF? A zombie with a weapon!
:borg:DOES NOT COMPUTE!:borg:

lol thats good.

Black Mesa corp said:
May I ask Samon how you got the information from May PC Gamer when it's due out April 13th?

EDIT: If I read that right you got the info from a scan from the american PC Gamer then?

I got my Pc gamer like 3-4 days ago.
Who hasnt got the scans yet? i could send them to now that UltimaApocalyspe and Codefire sent them to me.
Hello, would anyone be nice and send me the a PM with the links to the new screen shots of Aftermath?
Thank You in advance!
Kr1z said:
Hello, would anyone be nice and send me the a PM with the links to the new screen shots of Aftermath?
Thank You in advance!

yeah me too...
Would it be at all possible to PM me the scans. I would buy the Mag but I can't afford to fly the the USA lol.

Thanks very much :D, sounds amazing.
The scans were very nice, but I'm wondering if we'll get anymore video coverage of Episode One before the release of it, no spoilers of Episode One of course but I think that it would be nice to see some vids.
I don't want to see any trailers or gameplay footage. Episode 1 is a small game, any number of trailers could spoil it.
Samon said:
I don't want to see any trailers or gameplay footage. Episode 1 is a small game, any number of trailers could spoil it.

Yes, we have recived enough info on the game. Must discover some stuff yourself :D
I already saw the scans. I don't want to know anything else about Episode 1 until it comes out and I play it.
Amen to that, reading articles is one thing, but gameplay videos are a no-no. I was actually wary of watching the HL2 binks before the release, but I figured that most of them wouldn't appear in the game in that way, and was right. Except trainstation, I think that one is, in fact, exactly the same in the game and the bink.
Wow, some amazing stuff. 7 pages and I just seen this thread! :(
Rizzo89 said:
Yes, we have recived enough info on the game. Must discover some stuff yourself :D

Right, sorry for the question...I'm just so interested into it.