NEW Aftermath scans!

Would you please send me a PM and a link to these new scans you claim you have

Would you please send me a PM and a link to these new scans you claim you have got your hands onto. I would greatly appreciate it. Do i open my email to find these scans and the link by the way? Please respond to me. Thanks!

Homer_Simpson said:
Would you please send me a PM and a link to these new scans you claim you have got your hands onto. I would greatly appreciate it. Do i open my email to find these scans and the link by the way? Please respond to me. Thanks!


Just just check your message box on the forums. I sent you the scans
I dont understand... if every one wants the scans why cant you just put a link on the thread instead of sending a whole bunch of privet messages? cuz hell, I'd like to see them to and if a pm is the only way you can get it then I'd appriciate it if you could do so. but really? if you can send the link in a pm why not in the thread... hell i really dont even know what im talking about, considering i dont even know what a "scan" is... maybe I missed a rule some where... who'm I kidd'n i never read the rules... i should probably do that...
Because technicly it's "illegal content" if the magazine hasn't been released yet...I think. :D
Could someone send me a PM with the link too? Thanks :)
Someone please send me this...I really have no opportunity to buy this magazine...
UltimaApocalyspe said:
How do you know if you've found the right ones?
Because it mentions all the shit in Samon's post. And BTW, I think you can see a zombine on the big pic on the second page (It's dead, next to a live grenade)
ríomhaire said:
Because it mentions all the shit in Samon's post. And BTW, I think you can see a zombine on the big pic on the second page (It's dead, next to a live grenade)

It definitely looks like a dead Metrocop or Combine. Can't see any claws or wounds or anything, so can't be sure :D
how did you get the Cremator? I want a Cremator!!!
Can someone, please, send me the links too. I'm extremely curious. Please!! ;)

-ine is a common ending for female names... that's why. :)
I know many people have asked this, but oh well.

I was wondering if someone could PM me the scans if possible?

Yeah, sorry to ask this question: Can someone PM me the scans too?
New combine-Zombie..that's going to be pretty awesome.

I can't wait until ep 2 3 4 and possiblt HL3
The pictures spoiled a few good scenes for me :( (in the text).
I reccomend not to watch them.

PC Gamer Scans

That's all you have to do.

I wish I hadn't found them... Way too many spoilers. Though only one part was spoiled for me, but it sounded like a fun scene. Now to erase those memories!!

/me grabs shotgun
thanks smash, gotta think whether or not i wanna do this....

edit: i think im an idiot, because i still cant find those pictures... can anyone just pm me a link? thanks
ozan_03 said:
edit: i think im an idiot, because i still cant find those pictures... can anyone just pm me a link? thanks

Tehe, I didn't wanna spell it out.

When you searched for what I said, it's the first link of the results, the Joystiq link. There's BF2142 & Episode One in that article.