NEW Aftermath scans!

Indeed, I'll take some of that new Scan action.

Mmm.. I do like to be Spoiled.
ríomhaire[COLOR=black said:
]I think there are a few people on mars...[/[/COLOR]quote]

Lol, that's probably true.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just say where you cloud get the scans, hm?
As for "the G-man loses control of you and you begin to work for yourself" thing. I think this was theorized from the early Aftermath teaser, although I think there was some discussion if it was offical or not? Alyx finds you from the pod where G-man had put you and so you escape with her. In the end you hear G-man saying "We'll see about that" (again some people said that it wasn't the voice of Michael Shapiro).

Hm, just noticed, there's little text "Every character from Half-Life 2 will return for Episode 1 (if only for a cameo), including Alyx's pet robot, Dog." what about including Breen?
Dr. Breen survived, from HL2's conclusion I find that quite clear.

There was nothing official regarding Gman at the release of the trailer, and no Alyx doesn't find you in a pod where Gman put you, that was actually some Stalkers on a Combine train.
And yes it was Mike Shapiro and yes it was confirmed to be Gman.
it makes sense to me as HL2 is always from Gordon's perspective that Dog is looking inside a pod in the starting scene of that teaser to find Gordon. Also in HL2 when G-man is having his speech you see the pods, so it might hint that you have been kept inside a pod (inside some other citadel, perhaps) between HL1 and HL2.
Between HL1 and HL2, you were kept in a place where time does not exist, a slow time warp. The idea behind showing you the pod was waking up and smelling the ashes, humanities fate - being treat like machine parts.

In episode 1 you start in the Citadel, and the area that Dog is in is not the Citadel, clearly. Besides, just because he pulled you out of some rubble does not really mean thats the beginning.
Samon said:
Between HL1 and HL2, you were kept in a place where time does not exist, a slow time warp. The idea behind showing you the pod was waking up and smelling the ashes, humanities fate - being treat like machine parts.

In episode 1 you start in the Citadel, and the area that Dog is in is not the Citadel, clearly. Besides, just because he pulled you out of some rubble does not really mean thats the beginning.

i bet that part is the end of aftermath, or very well near the end
Samon said:
The idea behind showing you the pod was waking up and smelling the ashes, humanities fate - being treat like machine parts.
Although I like that idea, it makes sense poetically, I think that if this would be an image of what world has become we would see more things outside of citadel; things that makes sense to us, like cities being (familiar things, seeing the pods first time is just an abstract image) being destroyed, and human faces and such. We also see a picture of the reactor so it might mean that these are both memories, Gordon remembering how he was inside a citadel. When I was playing the game the first time and I got to the chapter where you come to the citadel it had kind of deja-vu feeling.
I honestly doubt Gordon has been kept within a Citadel - it completely defies the point besides, Gordon has not aged - time passes through a Citadel, where Gordon goes doesn't.

The collision of those scenes is both a reminder and a telling of past and current events. Everything that transpired on Earth and elsewhere began in that test chamber, where Gordon caused the resonance cascade. That is where it began.

Gman keeps Gordon where he cannot age, and where he does not affect the goings on within time.
has it been somewhere comfirmed by Valve that Gordon "were kept in a place where time does not exist, a slow time warp"? why can't the pods have that same ability? I mean, they have to keep people inside those pods for a long time for reserve and possibly in some cases for eternity
Because the Combine do not have such a power, and the pods are merely transport. Gman is not Combine. Its really out of the question to say Gordon was kept in a pod.
Could anybody share them with me as well?
Thank you in advance...
I would greatly appreciate it if any of you "homeboys" could hook me up with some of those "scans".
I would also appreciate if someone could send the links to the scans. :)
there not rlly that good, and plus the only pic with the Zombine in it, and you can barely make it out
Sufferin-rebel said:
there not rlly that good, and plus the only pic with the Zombine in it, and you can barely make it out

(note: zoom in...)
since no one has asked till now,
could someone send me scans plz? kthxbai