New (?) Alan Wake screenshots

When Open Source operating systems such as Linux distributions get the ability to run DirectX 10 based games with the same (or perhaps better?) performance as Windows Vista - I will also get a Linux and never bother with Windows.

Call me crazy, MS-sponsored idiot, but I like Vista. As soon as I get a better computer, I'll get Vista with it.

Also, I don't see why Alan Wake should run on XP at all. Everyone who wishes to see DirectX 10 effect will be forced to buy Vista. Or don't play new games ;)

VictimOfScience, perhaps I should give Silent Hill a try. Should I start with the first part of the series, or go with SH 2 or 3?
Vista only?? Well blow me down!! That seems like an exceptionally dick move basically forcing people to buy Vista to run that game?? What a bunch of crap--you don't see Crytek doing that do you and their game looks arguably better!! Ugh...

VictimOfScience, perhaps I should give Silent Hill a try. Should I start with the first part of the series, or go with SH 2 or 3?
Well, as good as the first one was, the graphics are quite dated by today's standards, so I think 2 would be a great place to start and the story is so weird anyway that any continuity will not be that big a deal for you. Enjoy and keep those lights off!!! :D
Can't say I care.
Then why are you even posting here, expressing your opinion, if you don't care? A tad pointless no? And if you're so busy with things other than gaming, that makes it even more pointless. Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, as good as the first one was, the graphics are quite dated by today's standards, so I think 2 would be a great place to start and the story is so weird anyway that any continuity will not be that big a deal for you. Enjoy and keep those lights off!!! :D

He might have to play the first one to get some stuff in the SH3. Alot of the events are kind of tied together :x
He might have to play the first one to get some stuff in the SH3. Alot of the events are kind of tied together :x
Technically yes, but the story is such a mess that you can jump in at any game and have a fully satisfying (and seriously scary) experience without previous knowledge of the events from 1.
Then why are you even posting here, expressing your opinion, if you don't care? A tad pointless no? And if you're so busy with things other than gaming, that makes it even more pointless. Do correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd say your post is the pointless one. I was displaying my displeasure with the fact that it's Vista only. I don't care enough about this game to get Vista to play it. I know that I'm not the only one that feels this way. Does the fact that I only have about an hour or so to play games in any given week mean I'm not allowed to play games anymore? I'd really like to know because your permission would mean everything to me.

How about you mind your f#cking business and I'll mind my business. If you dont' want to see my posts put me on your ignore list. Maybe if you post more nonsense like this you can get your post count over 4 thousand and then you'd be really cool.
So, I assume this game is survival horror of some type??

yeah pretty much, but it's a heavily story driven game with a lot more freedom than most SH games. i'd call it silent hill meets GTA
Looks great, but I REALLY wish developers would slow it down and allow gamers to be able to play these games on average gaming systems.

When released only a tiny fraction will be able to even play that game as intended.

I'd be MUCH more impressed with a company that released a game that was fully optimised and ran like a dream on average specs insead of needing a a quad core 'NASA' machine.
The Brick, the devs have said themselves that it will run decently on a Dual-Core CPU, good on a quad-core CPU, one-core CPUs won't run it, they might if they have Hyper Threading but even then they will run it very poor. The Quad-Core version of the engine is the one the 360 version will be running on, it's basically the maxed game, and requires a quad-core CPU in your PC to unlock it for usage.
The Brick, the devs have said themselves that it will run decently on a Dual-Core CPU, good on a quad-core CPU, one-core CPUs won't run it, they might if they have Hyper Threading but even then they will run it very poor. The Quad-Core version of the engine is the one the 360 version will be running on, it's basically the maxed game, and requires a quad-core CPU in your PC to unlock it for usage.
Son of the b1tch. That may be some of the lousiest news ever. Well, looks like another 360 exclusive as far as I am concerned because my CPU is the only thing I didn't plan on upgrading this round. Crud...may have to rethink things...:x
The Brick, the devs have said themselves that it will run decently on a Dual-Core CPU, good on a quad-core CPU, one-core CPUs won't run it, they might if they have Hyper Threading but even then they will run it very poor. The Quad-Core version of the engine is the one the 360 version will be running on, it's basically the maxed game, and requires a quad-core CPU in your PC to unlock it for usage.

They also said it would run aswell on a 360 as on a quad core system. In this case, pc ftl.
wow 360 might win the war if it can do things like that
Pfftt to consoles, the modding potential of a game like that will always make the PC version king (if you can run it)
It wont run on a single-core? Damn.
Now I am glad this game is comming out in 2008. I may have a new pc by then :P

If not it looks like I'll have to get it on the 360 D:
Pfftt to consoles, the modding potential of a game like that will always make the PC version king (if you can run it)

Why slum it playing crappy mods when there's so many great console games to play ................... only playing, i'm hoping this game will kick ass on all platforms.

Does A.Wake (see what they did there ;)) remind anyone esle of a Stephen King novel? There's something about the creepy small town US look that's oddly familiar.
Does A.Wake (see what they did there ;)) remind anyone esle of a Stephen King novel? There's something about the creepy small town US look that's oddly familiar.

Twin Peaks anyone? anyone?
Ah, that'd be it - but with a touch of Evil Dead thrown in.
They did, I am interest in the whole gameplay aspect, it's supposed to be all but conventional, and during night you have to seek light for shelter, because everything that's not light is/can be dangerous.:D
I was too lazy to read back.

I agree about the whole light/dark part of the game - running about at night, with noises and things all around, frantically searching for a safe, lit place to hide sounds great :)
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to wandering about the beautiful landscape during the day, getting on with other things to do then desperatly running for my life as soon as the sun starts to set.

Is this using real time or what? Or is every hour going to be like 10 minutes or something... ? Gonna be a little tedious if it's real time, but this is the first game I've seen that has focused so much on day-night cycles and whatnot.
Nope. :P A quick Wiki search brings up that it's an old game, on the NES, so I've most certainly not played it. :P