New Boss Infected?

As far as I know, you will not be able to select which Boss Zombie you will spawn as.
Yeah another concept failed by retarded people. That's why TF2 looks like Las Vegas with arrows pointing you where to go to fight the battle. :rolleyes:
Yeah another concept failed by retarded people. That's why TF2 looks like Las Vegas with arrows pointing you where to go to fight the battle. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure whether your post was an attempt at humour. Some sort of irony formed from your hypocritical use of the word "retarded".
I'm not sure whether your post was an attempt at humour. Some sort of irony formed from your hypocritical use of the word "retarded".
In my L4D video that I recorded, you will notice people will get lost because there are no big flashy arrows pointing you where to go. You have to look for things in the real world (and to bail yourself out of that situation) such as a small "EXIT" sign, etc. Valve might say they fail because a fan says he got lost but if I were giving tips to Valve, I would say screw them.
How come every other preview for Versus states the director chooses your class.
Because he does. I've played both campaigns in versus and the Director always chooses your class.

Yeah another concept failed by retarded people. That's why TF2 looks like Las Vegas with arrows pointing you where to go to fight the battle. :rolleyes:
Where are those in L4D again?

And while we are at it, aside from Hydro* (which really needs them), where are they in TF2?

* I'm assuming by "Las Vegas" you mean the colourful flashing ones.
In my L4D video that I recorded, you will notice people will get lost because there are no big flashy arrows pointing you where to go. You have to look for things in the real world (and to bail yourself out of that situation) such as a small "EXIT" sign, etc. Valve might say they fail because a fan says he got lost but if I were giving tips to Valve, I would say screw them.

That's why you're not making games.