New Cs:s Movie

Looks good, looks exactly the same. Is there a vid where I can hear what the interviews are saying in english (without the loud german guy)?
When they first showed cs_italy I was like WTF that looks like regular CS, then I smacked myself in the forehead..
yea where's the god damn link to it? i can't find it on this PC Gamer site... :/
Dang, i just wish someone would get a high quality rip....its off a stinkin DVD for crying out loud.
According to the translations, CS:S will be a free addon to all versions of HL2.
the thought of being on Assault for example, on the roof, and shooting an enemy right as he gets off the ladder and onto the roof, only to see him fly backwards off the roof in all it's ragdoll glory...well it's awesome
TheWart said:
Dang, i just wish someone would get a high quality rip....its off a stinkin DVD for crying out loud.
He is right. how does it look good? its bad quality
TheWart said:
Dang, i just wish someone would get a high quality rip....its off a stinkin DVD for crying out loud.

I actually think that is how good it is, if you look at the PC Games stuff edited into the movie it looks very detailed and not blurry compared to the video.
will sum1 please translate what they are saying and post it here?....sorry if u already have i havent read the thread, im just assuming nobody has from the chat on this page :P but seriously, i want to hear waht they are saying but its voiced over :(
riTuaL said:
When they first showed cs_italy I was like WTF that looks like regular CS, then I smacked myself in the forehead..

Lmao same here...." I was like CS: S SUCKS! They didn't change thing!11"
thankyou :D
CS:S., i dont know about u guys but the graphics look all smoothed, like X-box models. i dont want CS to lose its rustic feel of the old technology :)... also whats the 4 person logo in the hud on the T version of Italy with the mp5 ? Is that the hossies following?
Looks decidedly unexciting to me. Same ol' Counterstrike really. Meh.

I will be very dissapointed if HL2 has no new multiplayer content.
ofcourse HL2 will have new multiplayer content... they are called Mods !
Watched it

To bad it was low quality

Blocking doorways with tables looks cool

Oh yeah will HL1 source be incuded free too?
"The version shown in the video is still being tweaked, textures for example are still being improved. CS Source will soon be available as a free add on for everyone who buys Half-Life 2. Its release date is getting closer but VALVe won't provide us with a better release date than..."

Source : CS Banana
Play4Fun said:
"A forums member visited VALVe and took a digi-cam shot of CS SOurce running on Dust. The sot isn't the best quality but we take what we get when media is rare."

Gahh, they linked to the Vivendi site for merc's shot. Fools.
I really hope there is vanilla HL2 deathmatch. Are we going to know before the release? I doubt it.
It's an .avi file so winamp or win media plyr will do fine. It's fairly low quality making it quite difficult to make out the finer details, but all things considered it's shaping up very nicely. Free to! Get in! I was going to wait and see what was in the collectors edition but......./runs off to order copy from play :rolling:
Holy s*** CS:S looks AMAZING. DAMMMMNNN :burp: :burp: :eek: :eek: :naughty:
smsKONG said:
It's an .avi file so winamp or win media plyr will do fine. It's fairly low quality making it quite difficult to make out the finer details, but all things considered it's shaping up very nicely. Free to! Get in! I was going to wait and see what was in the collectors edition but......./runs off to order copy from play :rolling:

I have both and it wasnt working. I grabbed the DivX codec again (recently reformatted) and it worked fine... but yeah, its avi so I thought I might need a different codec rather than DivX
Doesn't hurt to have the xvid codec in as well.
Xcellere said:
Holy s*** CS:S looks AMAZING. DAMMMMNNN :burp: :burp: :eek: :eek: :naughty:

Quoted for emphasis :)

I don't know why people complain about the models being hunched over, though.. what, you're gonna run and engage in firefights with perfect posture? Yeah.. suuurreee :rolleyes:
I was just pointing out a difference I noticed from the current version of cs.
Lep said:
I was just pointing out a difference I noticed from the current version of cs.

Oh, I wasn't directing that comment at anyone.. just everyone in general, sorry :) :cheers:
The CZ models, for the terrorists at least, are hunched over too so I don't see the big deal.
Soundwave said:
The CZ models, for the terrorists at least, are hunched over too so I don't see the big deal.

Heck, if I was being shot at I'd be hunched over too.

Wait, that's a lie. I'd be groveling in the dirt.
It looks absolutely awesome - as for the people commenting on "hunched over" models, that's actually correct - play a realism game like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon and you'll understand not only that they do this but they do it for a reason - less of you to hit and, possibly, less of you to see. I like it. :D
It still irks me that he's holding an auto-shottie like a riffle though, of course i've never seen someone fire an auto-shotgun in real life, so he may be doing it right.
Well I saw the movie and showed a friend that knew german (to translate it).There trying to make it slower like rainbow six (more like a sim) and there is gonna be new maps along with remixed verisons of the old ones.Also all they talked about was the engine and shizzle like that.
Something about women speaking German turns me on. I couldn't concentrate....
Mmm, from HL2Fallout:
Update: As it turns out, we can post the mirrors. The 31.1 MB video is from a CS: Source preview to be featured in the August 2004 issue of PC Games. The magazine will find its way onto German newsstands by the end of the month...
link here.

So.... HL2.Net, u can now post a link to a mirror on the frontpage.