New Doom 3 Picture

Devilphish said:
Doom3 will be the most graphically advanced game of 2004, no doubt about that. And I doubt anything coming out in 2005 will top it either. And the engine is capable of so much more than what is shown in Doom3, Doom3 really only scratches the surface. There is no doubt in my mind the Doom3 engine will rule the FPS genra for many years to come, just like the q3 engine did.
I find that hard to believe with games like stalker and FEAR on the horizon.
Doom 3 may have the latest graphics technology in the world, but does it have SEXEH WOMEN!?!?


Hrm. Doom3 does have teh topless female zombies.
I find that hard to believe with games like stalker and FEAR on the horizon

I don't think Stalker looks all that good, not good enough to compete with the Doom3 engine. Fear is plain fugly.
If you're a massive Doom 3 fan then you're not going to like what's coming. My impressions of Doom 3 are almost wholly disappointing because I think Doom3 is going to be a very average game. Why? Because everything points to it!

The game is not novel. It is a first-person shooter with seemingly no new gimmick going for it and I'm very afraid it's going to be quite boring. From what we know, the game is going to be fairly claustrophobic - albeit intentionally claustrophobic, in order to induce fear when turning corners and coming face-to-face with a large sopping-wet demon. Well, yeah, I will be scared... but I'm not convinced I'll be particularly interested. To me "scary" does not necessarily mean enthralling. For me, fear is not an accurate indicator of whether I'm having a good time. Scaring the player ought to be part of setting for the story, and not an excuse for a storyline. Fair play to id, I don't know the full story of the game, but I can't see how it would make much difference. Disagree with me if you will but the prospect of spending hours walking around corridors and shooting zombies and demons again and again and again, does not excite me. It also seems that the pace of this game has been set much lower than the original Doom, from interviews with Tim Willits and John Carmack it seems that they have slowed down the game in order to concentrate the player's fear whilst playing.

The previwer seems not taken aback...I told ya so, gameplay wise Doom 3 might not be all that great.

but the gfx....*droolage*
Devilphish said:
I don't think Stalker looks all that good, not good enough to compete with the Doom3 engine. Fear is plain fugly.

Finally someone agrees with me!

Though, add source and D3 engine in the winners list.
Yeah STALKER dosent look all that good I think either, and WTF is up with teh gunz, tehy look retarted.
Hmm. Picture?!

Hmm, no. Just be sure that when you get to the morgue in the Alpha Labs, you check every room. Eventually on one of the tables you will come across a topless, panty clad vixen who isn't quite as deceased as she should be. How she compares to Alyx depends largely on how zombified her body has become, but she does have the nudity thing going for her. I doubt you will see Alyx in all her glory.
Devilphish said:
Hmm, no. Just be sure that when you get to the morgue in the Alpha Labs, you check every room. Eventually on one of the tables you will come across a topless, panty clad vixen who isn't quite as deceased as she should be. How she compares to Alyx depends largely on how zombified her body has become, but she does have the nudity thing going for her. I doubt you will see Alyx in all her glory.

Modders anyone? ;)
I gaurantee the creativity is going to be flowing once these games are getting going.
Hah they did a mod for FarCry to show Valerie topless, but due to the lack of SDK she still has the knot on her stomach, but hehe that's not what I'm going to be looking at anyway :naughty: it's SEXHAY!
lans said:
The previwer seems not taken aback...I told ya so, gameplay wise Doom 3 might not be all that great.
The guy is making assumptions.

The guys at id know how to craft a fun experience. I have no doubt that if the slow-scary gameplay made it boring, they would have scrapped it.
blindvomit said:
Hah they did a mod for FarCry to show Valerie topless, but due to the lack of SDK she still has the knot on her stomach, but hehe that's not what I'm going to be looking at anyway :naughty: it's SEXHAY!

You sir, have horrible taste.
ShadowFox said:
The guy is making assumptions.

The guys at id know how to craft a fun experience. I have no doubt that if the slow-scary gameplay made it boring, they would have scrapped it.

Just noticed, that's not a preview that's the ramblings of a Half-life fanboi....

oops, I wasn't supposed to disclose that. :P

Anyway, yeah that guy is just making assumptions, from the way he writes he doesn't seem to have even playtested it. The editiors of gamesites have mentioned the game to be pretty scary and a fun experience though (xbox version - E3 2004)
lans said:
You sir, have horrible taste.

Because he likes women with plenty of polygons? Because he likes bumpmapped females? I hardly call this bad taste. :D :smoking:
lans said:
You sir, have horrible taste.

I have horrible taste? HAH ok, anyway I highly doubt they will give us a dull, boring, single-player experience, they did give us games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, DOOM, DOOM 2, Wolfenstein (which launched FPS), do I keep going on? Trust me, they will give us a great, spectacular, extraordinary game, that is what ID does, and that is what ID does best. So please don't ever doubt ID, I haven't played the game, but judging by their recent work, I highly doubt them boming this one, especially since it's their most highly anticipated, advanced and popular game.
Am I the only one who thought Return To Castle Wolfenstein single-player was really dull? I'm skeptical about Id's ability to do a great SP experience -- I know they're good at MP, there's no doubt in my mind that MP will be brilliance. But still, Id aren't renowned for their memorable SP experiences (besides Doom when it came out). It still looks promising either way I guess.
KagePrototype said:
Am I the only one who thought Return To Castle Wolfenstein single-player was really dull? I'm skeptical about Id's ability to do a great SP experience -- I know they're good at MP, there's no doubt in my mind that MP will be brilliance. But still, Id aren't renowned for their memorable SP experiences (besides Doom when it came out). It still looks promising either way I guess.
They didn't make it. Xatrix did.
More than half the people who now work at ID were not around for Quake 2 and before ... so for all we know all the new talent may have Super Single Player Craftmanship Fu.
Eywanadi said:
More than half the people who now work at ID were not around for Quake 2 and before ... so for all we know all the new talent may have Super Single Player Craftmanship Fu.

One of the guys they hired worked on Shrek the movie. I don't think ID software hires anybody who walks in the door.

Just an FYI: Xatrix = Gray Matter Studios
That preview Gorgon posted is about as credible a "preview" as the average review is of a systems flagship title.

For those who don't get my point, the guy who "previewed" Doom3 obviously didn't even play it, and is just using that opportunity to rant about biases he's held about the game since hearing about it.
Yea, the people who think there is nothing to Doom3's gameplay other than walking small halways and shooting random monsters have obviously avoided every piece of information that has come out over the last couple of years reguarding gameplay.
Devilphish said:
I don't think Stalker looks all that good, not good enough to compete with the Doom3 engine. Fear is plain fugly.
From this and previous posts you've made it seems to me that you think D3 will be the only good game to come out in the next 2 years and nothing has a chance of competing with it.
I know but this means new screenshots and new info on the game!
From this and previous posts you've made it seems to me that you think D3 will be the only good game to come out in the next 2 years and nothing has a chance of competing with it.

:rolleyes: What you quoted isn't even referring to game quality, it's referring to graphical quality. I'm very confident that Doom3 will be a great game, and I'm confident that other upcoming games will be also(fear not included). But my comment that I predict the Doom3 engine will dominate the years to come has nothing to do with Doom3 being a good or bad game, or any other upcoming game being good or bad.
Devilphish said:
:rolleyes: What you quoted isn't even referring to game quality, it's referring to graphical quality. I'm very confident that Doom3 will be a great game, and I'm confident that other upcoming games will be also(fear not included). But my comment that I predict the Doom3 engine will dominate the years to come has nothing to do with Doom3 being a good or bad game, or any other upcoming game being good or bad.
Notice how I said this and PREVIOUS quotes, meaning not this one but others.
Even so, that quote you say that 2 potentially great games look bad and can't compare..but I understand, its your opinon.
im seriously betting US gets d3 on august 3rd, and the rest of the world gets it on august 13th (the day of quakecon 04)

but dont quote me on that ;)
Intel17 said:
Source engine > STALKER

'nuff said.

Don't even start with the pointless comparisons of unreleased games. This thread is doing nicely so there's no reason to try to derail it. Plus one is an engine, the other is a game, so I'm not even sure how you're comparing them.
Devilphish said:
:rolleyes: What you quoted isn't even referring to game quality, it's referring to graphical quality. I'm very confident that Doom3 will be a great game, and I'm confident that other upcoming games will be also(fear not included). But my comment that I predict the Doom3 engine will dominate the years to come has nothing to do with Doom3 being a good or bad game, or any other upcoming game being good or bad.

True it will, i just hope iD have made the game run better for ATi cards, because the OpenGL code with ATi cards = Shit Framerate.
But yeah the engine will dominate but i still see Doom 3 as just another scary game like Undying, System Shock 2 or Silent Hill.
I'd say the weapon, player and enemy models are about the same in both games. Doom 3 environments are higher poly while HL2 environments have better textures.
Sparta said:
True it will, i just hope iD have made the game run better for ATi cards, because the OpenGL code with ATi cards = Shit Framerate.
But yeah the engine will dominate but i still see Doom 3 as just another scary game like Undying, System Shock 2 or Silent Hill.

ATi gets crap framerates next to Nvidia cards because Nvidia cards have things like ULTRASHADOW that were designed to speed up games like Doom 3.

ShadowFox said:
I'd say the weapon, player and enemy models are about the same in both games. Doom 3 environments are higher poly while HL2 environments have better textures.

You have it backwords, doom 3 has the better textures (combo of specular map, bumpmap, and texture) but the game is made using very low polygon count ... I have heard it is allmost as low as Quake 3.
Intel17 said:
ok sorry! wont happen again!

Sorry for seeming rude. It's just that so many threads get turned into giant flame wars between people who hate one game and love another. This seems to especially happen in threads on Doom 3, so I thought your statement was an attempt to start up a "comparison" thread.

Obviously it wasn't, so sorry.