New Doom 3 Picture

You have it backwords, doom 3 has the better textures (combo of specular map, bumpmap, and texture) but the game is made using very low polygon count ... I have heard it is allmost as low as Quake 3.

The poly counts arent that low. In 2002 we've heard that the characters will have from 2000 to 6000 polys. I think thats changed since the newer shot of the pre 2003 characters look much more detailed and the polygonal edges dont show nearly as much.
I suggest to anybody who hasn't done so, check out the 2003 E3 trailer. Its awesome.
Why does Doom alays have those weird looking circles with a plus in it? That some sort of occultic connection they're trying to portray or something? And the crosses all over?
Janet Reno said:
Why does Doom alays have those weird looking circles with a plus in it? That some sort of occultic connection they're trying to portray or something? And the crosses all over?

Lol, do you mean the pentagrams? They're commonly used as religious/mystical symbols. In the case of Doom 3 they're used as a reference to demons and hell.
Both games are going to be sweet.

Show me a fps fan who doesn't highly anticipate HL2 and Doom 3 and i'll show you someone who isn't really a fps fan. Simple as that :D
Intel17 said:
The poly counts arent that low. In 2002 we've heard that the characters will have from 2000 to 6000 polys. I think thats changed since the newer shot of the pre 2003 characters look much more detailed and the polygonal edges dont show nearly as much.

Yeah the polycount of models are about 2x of what we saw in Q3. However the maps themself seem to be built of about the same number of brushes as the Quake 3 Team Arena maps.
Warbie said:
Both games are going to be sweet.

Show me a fps fan who doesn't highly anticipate HL2 and Doom 3 and i'll show you someone who isn't really a fps fan. Simple as that :D

'nuff said :)
Warbie said:
Both games are going to be sweet.

Show me a fps fan who doesn't highly anticipate HL2 and Doom 3 and i'll show you someone who isn't really a fps fan. Simple as that :D

I'm don't highly anticipate Doom 3. Then again, i'm not a fan of genre's, i'm a fan of good games.
Raziaar said:
I'm don't highly anticipate Doom 3. Then again, i'm not a fan of genre's, i'm a fan of good games.

Your post stinks of Fanboyism and will not sway anyones point of view :/

Doom 3 is worth getting for the graphics alone, even if the game sucks the MODs will rule. I like to be optimistic and think Doom 3 is going to have good game play.
I'm sad they didn't release a multiplayer demo like they did with Quake 3. I was hooked on the Q3 multiplayer demo and that's what got me to buy the game. I know Doom 3 won't be a let down because I have faith in iD. Anyways it'll hold me over until Half-Life 2 comes out. At that point I'll probably play both games until mods start getting released.
Eywanadi said:
Your post stinks of Fanboyism and will not sway anyones point of view :/

Doom 3 is worth getting for the graphics alone, even if the game sucks the MODs will rule. I like to be optimistic and think Doom 3 is going to have good game play.

How does it reek of fanboyism? He said to show him a person who doesnt like both games, and I told him that there was one I didn't like. My reasoning was that I don't like games based on genre... fps in this instance... I like games based on the game.
Eywanadi said:
Your post stinks of Fanboyism and will not sway anyones point of view :/

Doom 3 is worth getting for the graphics alone, even if the game sucks the MODs will rule. I like to be optimistic and think Doom 3 is going to have good game play.

Umm dude, Just because someone doesnt anticipate Doom 3 or Half-Life 2 as much as you do, doesn't make them a fanboy. I hate it when people say sh*t like that, its so ridiculous.
Besides i didn't see any referance to him being a fanboy at all, at least in that post. Just chill dude.

Also, i really hope my 9600 runs Doom 3 alright at least :S i'll be pissed off if they haven't optimized the game more. Last benchmark of Doom 3 i saw had Nvidia FX cards getting something outrageous like 100 FPS, i'll find the link

Here it is

Notice the MASSIVE difference between the GeforceFX 5900 and the Radeon 9800
I know how you feel sparta - my friend who has a 6800 will prolly get a thousand FPS, heck even a guy with a FX 5200 might get more FPS than a 9800 pro, who knows? :(

Man I hope ID makes is highly optimized for ATI cards too, if not then...

[fanboi] Kick their ass valve, make it impossible to play HL2 on a GeForce FX card. :P [/fanboi]

I mean WTF?

The FX 5600 pwns a radeon 9600?!!
Raziaar said:
How does it reek of fanboyism?

Raziaar said:
I'm don't highly anticipate Doom 3. Then again, i'm not a fan of genre's, i'm a fan of good games.

Sorry I took you saying I'm a fan of good games and I do not highly anticipate Doom3 to imply you thought Doom3 was going to be a bad game before you even had a chance to play it.
I mean look at this....

Our DOOM 3 "test2" benchmark ran flawless on all cards tested, including a GeForceFX 5200 series card.

This sucks, for the first time I've actully found a downfall for the Radeon cards. ;(
ATi just doesn't spend the time to make good OpenGL drivers. However, you do have to take that with a grain of salt since it was done a long time ago and the Catalyst drivers have improved.
Too true, it was...a year and bit ago now wasnt it?
Raziaar said:
I'm still not convinced that Doom III has better graphics than Half-life 2.


That picture isnt' even in the least scary to me. I can barely even tell it's supposed to be dark in the room. Where is the nice spooky atmosphere?

i'm Much more sold on the below picture.

The hl2 picture isnt in the least scary to me either. None of them are, they are still pictures but if i really HAD to choose which picture id rather be in then it would be the HL2 picture because ive played D3 and them monsters in that picture are something you DONT want to be near ;)

You base your judgements of doom3's atmosphere from a 'screenshot' pfft. Go find the alpha, load it up, actually see the atmosphere and amazing sound combined with graphics, combined with freeky looking monsters then come back and tell me the atmosphere isnt scary kthx.
Raziaar said:
I'm don't highly anticipate Doom 3. Then again, i'm not a fan of genre's, i'm a fan of good games.

Well, on a format as devoid of decent titles as the pc I have trouble not being excited about Doom 3. Come on - it's been bloody ages since any games of note have come out. Now there's good handful coming out before the end of the year :)

(I reckon you'll buy Doom and secretly love it ;) either that, or bury the box in the garden to stop the demons coming for you /o\ argh )
It's finally happening... need that Deluxe edition, now.
I bet they were paid by nvidia to do those benchies and put down ATI, dude those scores are impossible.
For those benchmarks you need to keep something in mind.

The Nvidia and ATI graphics cards used different renderers. The Nvidia cards used a custom (and optomized) Nvidia render designed for the FX series of cards. ATI cards on the other hand used a generic (and unoptomized) DX9 renderer. Not to mention that the benchmarks were taken over a year ago (1 year and 2 months to be exact).

From the benchmarks, it appears that both Nvidia and ATI hardware will fly when running Doom 3. I think it is funny how people are expecting Doom 3 to run at 3 frames per second on their 9800 Pro.
Raziaar said:
I'm still not convinced that Doom III has better graphics than Half-life 2.


That picture isnt' even in the least scary to me. I can barely even tell it's supposed to be dark in the room. Where is the nice spooky atmosphere?

i'm Much more sold on the below picture.
Do you have ANY idea of how old that picture is?! That is one of the first screens ever shown of Doom 3.
blahblahblah said:
For those benchmarks you need to keep something in mind.

The Nvidia and ATI graphics cards used different renderers. The Nvidia cards used a custom (and optomized) Nvidia render designed for the FX series of cards. ATI cards on the other hand used a generic (and unoptomized) DX9 renderer. Not to mention that the benchmarks were taken over a year ago (1 year and 2 months to be exact).

From the benchmarks, it appears that both Nvidia and ATI hardware will fly when running Doom 3. I think it is funny how people are expecting Doom 3 to run at 3 frames per second on their 9800 Pro.

I belive Carmack commented someplace a few months back about how they had gotten the ARB2-path up to full speed on the Nvidia cards and that had risend the debate at id wether the old Nvidia path would even stay in.

Haha, yeah it is funny how people tend to think they will get bad frame rates with a 9800 or 5900! I think when people see doom 3 running on their computer at frame rates higher than Far Cry on average (It may not I am guessing it will) this engine debate may die down.
Btw Raziel i had a quick look at you're steam MOD list and i remember the MOD i work on was in there(sig) Why has it disseaperd?

The site was dead for quite a while ;)
Alig said:
The hl2 picture isnt in the least scary to me either. None of them are, they are still pictures but if i really HAD to choose which picture id rather be in then it would be the HL2 picture because ive played D3 and them monsters in that picture are something you DONT want to be near ;)

You base your judgements of doom3's atmosphere from a 'screenshot' pfft. Go find the alpha, load it up, actually see the atmosphere and amazing sound combined with graphics, combined with freeky looking monsters then come back and tell me the atmosphere isnt scary kthx.

I just did that today, played it a couple of minutes ago in fact, and i'm somewhat.....upset by it. Everyone said the atmosphere is terrifying but it only got as scary as Undying :(. Graphics are pretty good though, need to play it on a higher resolution. Although the good news is that the levels were fun and the normal mapping is awesome. Plus it ran quite fast, maybe about 30 FPS average (Radeon 9600 Pro). So i'm happy now :D
Neutrino said:
Lol, do you mean the pentagrams? They're commonly used as religious/mystical symbols. In the case of Doom 3 they're used as a reference to demons and hell.


Well then. With that being said, I'm sure Doom3 with be an uplifting and edifying experience for all to enjoy!
Actually the pentagram was originally a pagan symbol. A symbol that was used for goddess worshipping. It all changed when in the 3rd century Emperor Constantine of Rome (I believe) decided that Christianity would be the main religion of Rome. Hence the creation of the Roman Catholic Church. Also, Emperor Constantine was forced to sway the pagans to following christianity, so he decided to take several key beliefs of certain pagan religions and mixed them with Christianity.

for example, Once every week pagan followers would gather to worship the sun god.
This day is now known as...........Sunday......The same day christians go to church to worship God.

Anyway back to point. The pentagram became known as an unholy symbol when the Church declared war on the pagans. Also the goat head became known as symbol of evil through the same way. Anyway there's a whole lot of crap that the Church has said is evil but really isn't. Its all just politics.