New Doom3 preview. HL2 superior?

I disagree on the D3 "no-story" angle. At the very least, Doom3 is going to be HL1 level of story. id sincerely seems to be trying to add scripted sequences and story elements to their game: they've hired a sci-fi writer (like HL1) and they have NPC characters that follow you around saying random quips, like HL1.
I think carmack saw the half-life 2 presentation shat his pants cried for about three nights in a row and forced his minions to make a phyisics patch
Worse, Doom3's unified lighting system means that any physics interactions come with considerably more overhead, meaning that they'll have to be used much more sparingly.
Expand please.
it would be cool if a game had termperature sub-engine so everything had a melting point that could be reached and freezeing point and uhh like lighting could effect it and liquid was included so things would boil seep simmer leak and drip and stuf
Essentially, complex moving objects mean that the lighting system has all sorts of new raytracing bounces to calculate in every game tick.
the first time I heard someone talk about hl2 when they saw hl2 presentation at e3 they said a dark room with a window to sunshine and the rayss shineing in made dust particles visible
Essentially, complex moving objects mean that the lighting system has all sorts of new raytracing bounces to calculate in every game tick.
Doom3 doesn't use raytracing, it uses shadow volumes. Complex moving objects are just as easy to render as static ones from a graphical point of view, so long as the vertex count is the same.

I really wish gaming forums were less full of bullshitters.
Degobert: I think he means that because all of D3's lighting is calculated on the fly the system has a lot more to do if suddenly a box or wall starts rolling around/collapsing.

Edit: nevermind

I normally stay away from these threads because of all of the "iD just makes tech demos" and "iD's jealous" and "John Carmack is scared" posts. It's really just a bunch of BS. HL1 would not exist in it's current form if it hadn't been for carmack. The whole genre would be different if iD hadn't showed up and pushed the barriers.

As far as the "just make tech demos" statement I just don't get it. I don't know how many times I've seen Carmack say something like "I make games that I think are fun, that I'd like to play. And they're normally pretty simple games". iD isn't making a tech demo, they're making a nice and easy but hopefully fun game. If that isn't your cup o' tea that's fine but a company that has as much money as iD doesn't need to just make tech demos. They could all live the rest of their lives perfectly happy from what they made on Doom/Quake but they keep making games because they enjoy doing it. (I don't know if any of you know this but I think it was Romero that bought a gold-plated lamborghini)

On the physics subject:
I'm pretty curious to see how this turns out. iD's developed their own ragdoll/physics system so I'm curious as to how it will behave when compared to Havok. The thing that really excites me is the per-poly hit detection. So no more hitboxes or clipping. The other thing that I read that just made me say "wow" was that when you fire a rocket through smoke it'll twirl =) that'd be sweet. On the other hand I don't know how D3's physics will factor into gameplay. But I can't really picture the physics related puzzles that HL2 will probably have in a Doom III environment.

One more thing on the "stop bashing Doom/Id" front: I remember Carmack saying that in the begining of the e3 demo there was a scene with a ship flying up to a planet. And it was all mapped/rendered in-game (not real-time, but it used the engine). Sooo as far as the "d3 can't do large areas" thing.... that's exactly what they said about Quake III too.

Alright, I'm done ranting and raving. I'm really looking forward to both of these titles and I just finally decided to speak my piece on the whole d3vsHl2 issue. All I ask is that you show a tincy tiny bit of respect to the company that practically invented the genre.
duke3d could handle 8 players and so many years later doom 3 is still at 4 player hahahahahhh you retards what are you thinking?
yes I think the four player thing was rather laugable as well.... but I dont usually rip on carmacks decisions...
They've stopped limiting multiplayer player counts because of hardware limitations years ago. Its 4 players because of the size of the levels, and it makes it more tense with less people.

You sound like a 10 year old "hahahahahaah you retards what are you thinking".
Originally posted by schweppes
Yea, really. They had ragdoll and box physics WAY before HL-2 was announced.

i bet they started deving hl2 way before d3
Originally posted by alb1221
it would be cool if a game had termperature sub-engine so everything had a melting point that could be reached and freezeing point and uhh like lighting could effect it and liquid was included so things would boil seep simmer leak and drip and stuf

This would be feasible with HL2's setup.. a mod team would have add melting point values for each "material" and then you would need a global and locational temperature entities.. finally, you would need a heat gun to test it out :p
Originally posted by Peks
i bet they started deving hl2 way before d3

So? If Carmack didn't know about HL-2, then its a moot point anyways.
Ah, the verbal battles!

This reminds me of when I try to argue with some of my treky friends about Star Trek. There is absolutly no way to win. Personally I think that both games look good. I think Half-Life 2 will be better, but that's just my biased opinion based on what I have seen.

Also, I was under the impression that Doom3 was just a glorified tech demo and that the real thing would be used for Quake 4...I read that somewhere...maybe I'm wrong but that's just what I heard.

Anyway, they both look good in my opinion. Looking forward to both of them and to reitterate several peoples statements...all we can do is wait and see.


By the way, what the hell is that?---->:bonce:
heat gun.....mmmmm heat...from a gun....... a modder should make a microwave gun like in duke3d........ duke 3d should be done with source :cheers:
1) I don't think you could make carmak cry if u help a gun to his head an cut onions under his nose. He proberly saw the hl2 video and said "nice. time to start coding more in."

2)AI isn't an engine limitation. It's prioritzing. In D3 the idea isn't for the enimies to take cover and fire back forma distance, the idea is run at you, scare the shit out of you, then rip your head off. Why waste time making AI when you won't need it. Maybe crmack will have a free day and code some AI that notices a flashlight opn the ground, picks it up and then knows that it cna shine it in your eyes to blind you.

3)And Fido: Just because HL2 take splac eina city , doesn't mean it's rnedering it. You know how in hl1 you had loading areas, you'll have that in hl2. It doens't render the entire city.

4)Why do You think D3 eeds a supercomuter to run? They have *gasp* settings! like Hl2! In hl2 you need a super computer to run it with everything maxed, as d3 will be. I manged to get the *unoptmized* .02 version of the game to run at an average of 22 fps on my 1.8ghz machine witha GeForce 3. If i cna get that with an unotomized build and that system, other computer wuill not have any probelms.
Originally posted by Slash
This would be feasible with HL2's setup.. a mod team would have add melting point values for each "material" and then you would need a global and locational temperature entities.. finally, you would need a heat gun to test it out :p

No - you'd have to add in a liquids system. Havok is RIGID BODY physics. (That's still very impressive - moreso then simple ragdoll animations.)

There's very little of jumping as well, another thing that sets it far apart from Quake III. The only times you have to jump is across a gap to get the Rocket Launcher, say, or from one platform to another. It's not that you're jumping to make yourself harder to hit. It's more random, intense and crazy.

Very good to hear. I hate those bunny hopping bs in typical DM>
That game still does have WAY better physics than, say, Devastation.
i need that eurogamer article? anyone saved it send me it! (activison shit the article down until september 23rd due to NDA!!!!!!!!_
hmm just a question, how many of you actually played the doom 3 alpha? well considering how old it is- i still think its the best looking graphics ive ever played- you can even adjust the lighting system using the config file- personally it still looks better then the hl2 videos- and i did find it scary, the way the monsters jump out at you is really amazing- also the alpha had physics in it too- you could shoot around boxes and panels that would all fall and roll relaistically- sorry folks but truthfully no one really knows what improvements have been made lately to doom 3, and if the alpha was any indication, doom 3 is gonna give half life 2 a run for its money- however the source engine does look to be the best engine ever and i think its really up to how valve uses it- there are endless ideas and possibilities and its really up to how much time you put into them- if anything i would consider hl2 to be more of a tech demo cause from all the pr from valve that we hear- its all about the source engine and what modders can do with it. Hopefully they are just staying quiet about how good the game THEY made will be-im looking forward to both but really if you havent played the doom 3 alpha and you say that its not that scary or impressive, then you dont know what your talking about.
" if anything i would consider hl2 to be more of a tech demo cause from all the pr from valve that we hear"

..did you see the gameplay videos yet?
yeah i did see the gameplay videos- but i was just saying that basically all we HEAR from the devs is really about what the possibilities are with source- and not the actual game itself- this is probably a good thing though cause when they release hl2 i think they are gonna suprise everyone with just how little they revealed.
Originally posted by kinggi
yeah i did see the gameplay videos- but i was just saying that basically all we HEAR from the devs is really about what the possibilities are with source- and not the actual game itself- this is probably a good thing though cause when they release hl2 i think they are gonna suprise everyone with just how little they revealed.

yeh thats what they are basically going for.

all of the tech info is mainly for the mod teams
I'm not too impressed by the first of those two multiplayer shots... but IMO in the second one the walls look hideous, like everything is made from plastic.
Man, they played the multiplayer demo at Quakecon with a geforce 5900 at 640x480 in a deathmatch 4 players and the game was laggy at time.. I have a p4 3ghz , geforce fx5900 with 512mb pc 400mhz..

And i will not be able to play the multiplayer with more than 4 players at same time with my cpu without gay fps drop????

wow that sucks. go Half-life 2

hopefully they going to optimize the game a little more
Wow... I mean... I knew it wouldn't run well... but I didn't expect it be be that slow... especially not with system specs like that.
640 using a 2ghz and a FX card. And it still went choppy. Not good.
any way I will wait for the next card NV38 or ATI R390.

I ll buy both games and enjoy both. Both games got diffrent type of gameplay and weapons, so you can have two diffrent experience.
how many times have I heard: "doom 3 looks good, but hl2 is still on the top of my list!! yuckety yuckety yuck!!!!"

We all know its on top of everyones f ucking list.

Btw what did the thread starter expect by asking the crowd, "is hl2 superior!?!?!"

this is good conversation and debate , we have nothing else to talk about.