New Doom3 preview. HL2 superior?

Originally posted by schweppes
Yea, really. They had ragdoll and box physics WAY before HL-2 was announced.
Yes, but it would seem they are overhauling their physics engine and attempting a more aggressive implementation of the feature. Kinda like a well known game that is coming out soon. Coincidence? I don't think so!
bla bla bla, whatever you say aint gonna change the fact that those 2 shots look like complete ass.
once again another thread turns into d3 vs hl2 and people's feelings get bruised.
The alpha was a bit shit, but it had a lot of good features already in place. If they clean up the code and tighten up the entire feel and pace, it'll be an ok game.

That's all I know about Doom III.
I think quake1 has better graphics/physics/AI/Gameplay than both HL2 and D3.

(I see almost everyone is talking total BS so I thought I'd join in..)

It's like 5 AM around here.
Ok, someone said somethin' about melting and this other... dude :afro: ... says "Havok is RIDGED BODY".

I say They modified Havok for soft body collision. Like um water.
Couldn't resist now im going back to bed.
If it looks like the pics that weren't supposed to be released Quake 4 does look impressive but at that amount of detail you would be waiting for maybe two years for the hardware to catch up with the game... the high-poly models are most likely for generating normal maps.

HL2 has no soft-body physics... though you can fake it with clever use of rigid-body physics.
Example: For a curtain as seen in Splinter Cell you could make the engine think each vertex of the curtain is its own rigid body that is attatched to the other vertices around it.
The Source engine can simulate cables by putting a spline between vertices. I'd imagine something similiar could be done to simulate fabric, though it would probably be CPU intensive.
I was just looking over all the replies submited and came across Noodlygod's. In it he mentions that in Doom 3 you are supposed to be able to make smoke swirl around when you shoot a rocket through it. I am personally a bit sceptical about that considering that Epic said Unreal 2 would be able to do the same things, but it couldn't.
Are you saying that the water effects are Millions of vertexes connected? UPGRADE TIME!!
I was just looking over all the replies submited and came across Noodlygod's. In it he mentions that in Doom 3 you are supposed to be able to make smoke swirl around when you shoot a rocket through it. I am personally a bit sceptical about that considering that Epic said Unreal 2 would be able to do the same things, but it couldn't.

what? U2 does have this; however, maybe not as great as people expected... still, if you fire a rocket through, say, a smoke grenade, you'll see it swirl and make a hole in that area, then patch back up after a few seconds

go download the U2 test maps from and mess around with them
In my personal opinion the Doom 3 engine looks a bit to glossy, like everything was laminated. Half Life 2 has a more realistic look to it.
In my personal opinion the Doom 3 engine looks a bit to glossy, like everything was laminated. Half Life 2 has a more realistic look to it.

you are among ~1 million others
there are like millions of threads of this but this one is about Half Life 2 and Doom 3 instead of Halo 2.
I wouldn't be surprised if HL2 performs better than Doom 3 at the moments, HL2's been in developement for far longer...
Originally posted by Ahnteis
What games besides HL2 (and STALKER?) have actual physics systems. HL2 is the only place I've seen actual rotational momentum. Limited physics (No rotation for example) are present in many games. However, the HAVOK sub-engine takes things to a whole new level.

EDIT: The preview from first post isn't working for me. Anyway have the content.

Actually, far cry has it too. AND real-zimedestructable environments and free roaming, and the most brilliant drawing distance and dense jungle environment ever, And a Doom3 quality lightning system (real-time)

Personally I consider it as the technically most advanced game of all. As fo gameply, no one really knows yet. I'd say hl2 is going to be better there. And surely hl2s story will be much better too.
Anyway, too bad that far cry never gets so much attention. But yeah, its a hl2 forum:cheese:
Originally posted by freddythefrog
Actually, far cry has it too. AND real-zimedestructable environments and free roaming, and the most brilliant drawing distance and dense jungle environment ever, And a Doom3 quality lightning system (real-time)
The specifications for engine mentions nothing of destructable enviroments, nor Doom 3 quality lighting system (it states it uses a mix of realtime and static, probably the same as HL2 will).

I agree on it being one of the prettiest games ever though :)
Just hope it wont run like crap... And anything below a G4 is out of picture for running it.
I got a movie from a german mag (pc games), they visited the devs and made vids.
You can see there clearly that the light is real time, they shot a light in a dark room for example, as in the doom3 scene in the bathroom where the pinky monster ate the zombie, the light was swinging, making all shadows change accordingly to the swinging light.
The system won't be that of doom 3 though, it's yet to be seen which game manages it better.
But honoustly, if far cry engine really manages to render doom three lighting and open areas and all other extras its got, it ought to be the technically best engine around.

As to system specs, its said the game will need a 2.2 gig rig and a good dx9 card (fx 5600 or radeon 9600) to render the game in full quality 1024 resolution. But of course, that has to be proven first.
Doom 3 seems to take a totally different approach at 3d-ness compared to h-l2, which is why I don't really think they can be compared, to each other anyway. Doom 3 does have some very impressive shadows, but notice they are Hard edged, H-L2 at max detail will show soft edged shadows, which should fit into realism a bit better, if it's implemented correctly. Both games have very strong points, and all out 3d all round, possible doom3 should win, however H-L2's use of shaders is very impressive on the speccial effects front, such as the amazing water with true franel terms, dunno if I spelt that right, but as they expalin in the vid it dertermins the viewing angle and will reflect or refact accordingly.
Degobert: I think he means that because all of D3's lighting is calculated on the fly the system has a lot more to do if suddenly a box or wall starts rolling around/collapsing.
i know that was his point, but it's still wrong. A box rolling takes the same amount of graphics processing as a box completely still. obviously physics means more physics processing, but it does not mean more graphics processing in the context of the Doom3 engine.
dawdler, Doom3 does use (or has the ability) to use Global lighting, something H-L2 doesn't have, but it still looks more 'real' also, why aren't we discussing Far Cry more than Doom 3 and Halo 2? IMHO it puts both to shame graphics wise, but like it's been said, story wise nothing is a match for H-L2, or probaly even H-L1 still.
Originally posted by Dagobert
i know that was his point, but it's still wrong. A box rolling takes the same amount of graphics processing as a box completely still. obviously physics means more physics processing, but it does not mean more graphics processing in the context of the Doom3 engine.

Umm, when you think about it, the physics / lighting engine would still be processing each frame regardless of the box moving or not, why whould the function suddenly change because the box is now at x1,y0 instead of 0,0 ???
that's what I'm saying UDHA - under a unified realtime lighting engine, the graphics processing is not altered by whether an oject is moving or not.

The physics engine would of course be doing more processing if a box was moving.
Early on, Carmack was bragging that a half of the CPU cycles were spent calculating shadows (I'm guessing this was on a medium range system). Now that he's trying to bring the physics up to Half-Life 2 standards, I imagine he's really having to squeeze every drop out of the system just to keep it playable in real-time.
I don't think it's the right time to be concentrating on lighting and shadows, they still don't look at all realistic. I'm waiting for when they can have dynamic dithering and opacity depending on the distances between the light and the two objects and things like that.
Well, real-time shadows are a start. But I agree, while it's a technological achievement, it's certainly not an artistic one.
I am not looking forward to doom3 anymore. (I will buy it) but i am more looking forward to hl2 and Quake 4 (I trust raven for making a brillian SP experience for Q4)
physics"Willits said that the physics engine for Doom III is a unique id Software engine and is not a licensed engine like other games have. Willits described a Doom III test map where 100 boxes are stacked up and one shot can bring the entire stack down. Willits claimed such a scene would bring other game physics engines down to their knees. "

modability"Much was made on the planned support for mods in Doom III. Duffy said that nearly everything in Doom III was text file based so that should make it easy for mod makers to pretty much do whatever they want in the game. The game’s development tools will be included in Doom III’s release and Willits said he expected that there will be a ton of mods made for the game in a short period of time."

source article:

There were also great examples from Doom3 physics in the MP demo at quakecon,do not underestimate ID they are trying to make their best SP game ...

I visit the planetdoom forums way more often,But it seems i'll be playin HL2 first and it will certainly be fun.
So peace bros! :cheers: ..Doom3 wil probably come in 2004 so after HL2 it's still worth waiting for..i think when both games are released i will be playing mostly HL2 and Doom3 MP and mods for a long time
HL2 if i want like teambased stuff or a 20 vs 20 fragfest..and Doom3 whit a few friends when i'm into sneaky and atmospheric deatmatch moods :) ..the SP game's are hard to compare like said a 100 times by many others..different atmosphere,and they'll both be games to lead the way in a new era of gaming
I sincerly doubt the 100 box thing would bring Havok to its knees as its already been done in the havok demos , albeit on a smaller scale.
Originally posted by Yo-Han
"Willits described a Doom III test map where 100 boxes are stacked up and one shot can bring the entire stack down. Willits claimed such a scene would bring other game physics engines down to their knees."
That's quite a bold claim considering there's a Havok demo in Macromedia Flash(!) at Havok's website that does almost the same thing!

One things for sure: the id boys can B.S. with the best of 'em.
I can't help myself, I have to say this:

I've played the doom alpha last year, as a matter of fact it's still on my hd. It's really impressive to see first hand what it looks like: graphics are simply amazing even at a sluggish 10 fps. One thing is for sure, doom's graphics are great; but you can't really judge the game until you've played it. So my advice to all of you impatient youngsters is to wait and see. ;)
ahh teh alpha was teh sexyness although it performed like a heap of steaming dog crap it was beutifull in almost every way and everything seemed to move and ambience sucked your right in..... the light swayed in the opening room and made a creaky noise it was chilling...... I of course magically got my doom III apha and DIDNT use a p2p program to snag it

I wonder if some bastard will leak the mp demo (from quakecon) so it shows up online and attacks my hardrive forceing me to play it