New EP1 Article - SPOILERS

Damn, I had to stop was too spoilerish. Damnit this is my limit, no more spoiler threads until I get and complete both EP1 and Hitman Blood Money!!
okay what do i need to view these videos it wont open it just says windows media player cant open this file??
can someone tell me what i need for these videos please, or just a different link
Wait... that pic does look like it could be a recording because of the angle. Very astute, but where did you get the info/proof?
Loke said:
Nice find, hot. But damn, I want Breen alive.

By the way, this picture... look through the glass... is it just me or doesn't it look like the Combine Advisor in there?}&mediaId=33

Yep thts him or another one of his race, who knows

Greatgat said:
Wait... that pic does look like it could be a recording because of the angle. Very astute, but where did you get the info/proof?

i took a around in the first GCF for Ep1, i put things to together in my head, getting an idea of the plot at hand, but it doesn't spoil the story or nothing, just's makes me wanting to play it even more, it like a sugar rush, you just GOT TO HAVE IT!!!!!11 *breaks for a sec*

sorry got a little head of my self :O

i'd wait and buy it at retail unless this end's up like SiN: Ep1 and comes out a week later for the UK :x

Mr. COWmaster said:
Ah, I see. So Black Holes are in the center of tootsie pops. It all makes sense now!

My god you're right!!! and cat's make pancakes on tuesday as well! i never knew that :O
I listened to the interview but didnt watch any of the ingame footage. How about that TFC 2 news.. :p
wildchild730 said:
I helped your cat

so you're the cat rapest! ;( poor kittie's bum has never been the same

but back on topic, WE WANT EP1!!!!1!
I find it odd the Combine Advisor is just laying in that suit like that in the open..could it be he's in a stasis after being transported into the Citadel, and he isn't awake yet? Cause in a later screenshot, you see the Combine Advisor in the suit on screen with Alyx watching.



Notice the Blue Light reflecting off G-Man from the last part of the video? In the Aftermath GCF, there is a model for a Blue Vortiagunt. Perhaps that's what it is.
Or *gasp* maybe it's just for effect??

The blue vortigaunts...I had forgotten about them.
One of the elements that many gamers were upset about was load times between sections. Taking into consideration the variance between everyone’s PCs, Valve has reworked things after looking at the data they received from the hardware surveys they conduct. By automatically defragmenting files that the game uses, it has allowed for a 7 times performance increase in load times.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!!