New Ep2 Trailer

Ennui, did you pay attention during Episode One? Because you obviously see an Advisor inside a pod thing in the Citadel's "red room", along with several other pods which presumably also contain Advisors. It attacks you and Alyx with some sort of mind blast before disappearing into a transport shaft.

And if you have a good eye, you'll spot the Advisor(or are they different Advisors?) on several monitors throughout the game, which would be impossible if they were on another world due to the crippled communications network.

Finally, you see all the Advisor pods escape from the Citadel during the ending, and two of them give you a brief mind blast as they fly above your train.

So yes, there are Advisors on Earth, and they can attack. Although I don't think they're powerful enough to destroy the bridge in the teaser, that's most likely just a shockwave from the Citadel.
Ennui, did you pay attention during Episode One? Because you obviously see an Advisor inside a pod thing in the Citadel's "red room", along with several other pods which presumably also contain Advisors. It attacks you and Alyx with some sort of mind blast before disappearing into a transport shaft.

And if you have a good eye, you'll spot the Advisor(or are they different Advisors?) on several monitors throughout the game, which would be impossible if they were on another world due to the crippled communications network.

You see all the Advisor pods escape from the Citadel during the ending, and two of them give you a brief mind blast as they fly above your train.

So yes, there are Advisors on Earth, and they can attack. Although I don't think they're powerful enough to destroy the bridge in the teaser, that's most likely just a shockwave from the Citadel.

It proboaly is the Citadel, but I'm not ruling out the Advisors...
The point of origin for the explosion is way too close and way too small for it to be the citadel. It looks like it originates just over the cliffside.

If you watch it frame by frame, you can see what I mean.
Yea, Ennui remember that area where you see a pod going beneath your feet, then starts going up and you get that loud blaring and annoying noise to fend off both you and Alyx?

Yea that's an advisor in there "attacking" you.
The point of origin for the explosion is way too close and way too small for it to be the citadel. It looks like it originates just over the cliffside.

Exactly. It has to be something completely new... possibly a brand-new synth!
The Advisor's mind blast seems too different in nature to lead me to believe that this is another Advisor attack, and we got hit by the Citadel's shockwave at the very end of Episode One. I first thought it could be the impact of one of those pods hitting the ground, but I doubt that impact shockwaves are spherical, (or visible, or pale blue) so perhaps it's some sort of weapon fired by a landing Advisor pod to keep animals away from the physically defenseless Advisor within. Yes, I know about the mind blast, but how well would it hold up against a Starship Troopers-esque horde of antlions?
The Advisor's attack is called mind blast. Since it is called "mind" blast, it blasts your mind, not land or any lifeless object. There is no possible chance for advisor to destroy such large structure, the bridge. If its mind blast had been really that powerful, Gordon and Alyx would have already been killed in the citadel. Well, I assume its blast will not case any resonance with the frame of the bridge and make the bridge collapses unexpectedly. Therefore, it's not advisor's blast.

However, the explosion of the citadel is far too close in Ep:1. It cannot be the blast in Ep:2. And as you can see, there is no incandescent flame or light behind the bridge shockwave. As well as the wave is so weak that it cannot even budge the wrecked cars or the vegetation on the hill a bit. So it can hardly be the citadel shockwave provided that there is no second explosion within the citadel core which generates a ultra-sonic destruction wave.

That is, in short, it is neither the advisor's mind blast nor the citadel explosion.
I have 3 theories of whom the Wave came from:

1) from the remnants of the Citadel.

2) A Strider's main Vaporize Canon.

3) An Advisor Attack? who knows
I have 3 theories of whom the Wave came from:

1) from the remnants of the Citadel.

2) A Strider's main Vaporize Canon.

3) An Advisor Attack? who knows
#1 & #3 disproven by the explanation of john, and #2 looks completely different than that if you payed attention to HL2 and Ep.1
maybe its just a new enemy (boss) who chases you through the countryside ?
The only thing that can do it is Utra-sound.
Unfortunately, utrasound is of no colour. So nothing can do it. :p
but maan the that visual effect looks awesome, how it rush to the screen VOOOOOOOOOOORM
Maybe it's a second type of Advisor attack or from a weapon on the pod itself? It would only make sense that a vehicle meant to hold something that important isn't defenseless.

Also, it may be possible that the Citadel explosion is producing secondary shockwaves, but the whole point of origin thing is hard to argue against.
Can the advisor be really that powerful?


(A second before the arrival of the shockwave)
Maybe that same blast won’t even be in Episode Two. Because the blast doesn’t make sense. It originated from the other side of the bridge, but there’s nothing there. I think they added the cool blast just for the trailer. Because it wouldn’t make sense if Gordon just stood there and all of the sudden the bridge collapses. Maybe in Episode Two something else destroys the bridge, but Valve doesn’t want to spoil what does. Maybe :)
If it was the G-Man, what possible reason would he have to stand way off and to the side like that?
Here's another possible explanation. Are we sure THAT bridge is the bridge Alyx is suspended from? It may be another bridge entirely. Assuming that, this theory might work:

The blast IS from the advisors, but it's not actually destroying the bridge. What if, in fact, it's just screwing with Gordon's mind? That could be possible, in an attempt to keep him away from it (I'm going to assume the advisor's on the other side of the bridge).
The blast IS from the advisors, but it's not actually destroying the bridge. What if, in fact, it's just screwing with Gordon's mind? That could be possible, in an attempt to keep him away from it (I'm going to assume the advisor's on the other side of the bridge).

The player is Gordon. I am a player. I don't feel the mind blast can stop me. The player don't. Therefore, Gordon don't.

It is obvious (not that obvious, actually) that the wave is a destructive wave, not a reminder.
Here's another possible explanation. Are we sure THAT bridge is the bridge Alyx is suspended from? It may be another bridge entirely. Assuming that, this theory might work:

I don't think it is the same bridge.
That Blast Wave is possibly a Resonance Cascade, deliberately set off to screw with the more sensitive Combine equipment. Obviously it has more profound effects such as sending resonating frequencies through material (The reason the bridge did not bear the brunt of the wave, because of damage to it already)
omg omg omg omg omg....................i want the game NOW! it looks soooooo awesome, the halflife series should win best video game ever made, ever! it looks so awesome, and ya with the hunters, i also though thay would trample em then stab em, omg when does it come out plz tell me :eek:
That Blast Wave is possibly a Resonance Cascade, deliberately set off to screw with the more sensitive Combine equipment.
Nobody in their right mind would set off ANOTHER resonance cascade, for ANY reason. They already closed the first one; what good would a second one do? It doesn't mess with anything, it just tears open holes in the dimensions.
If it was the G-Man, what possible reason would he have to stand way off and to the side like that?

I'm not sure...but if I was him and I could do it from my little black void place, instead of having to get there in person, I'd do it from my little black void place.

Remember, he's pissed off right now and he did say, "We'll see that that!" You were about to cross that bridge...maybe he's trying to block your progress?
I'm not sure...but if I was him and I could do it from my little black void place, instead of having to get there in person, I'd do it from my little black void place.

Remember, he's pissed off right now and he did say, "We'll see that that!" You were about to cross that bridge...maybe he's trying to block your progress?

thats a good guess,but I dont think it was the gman..
Well, yes, but the blast didn't come from "his little black void place", it came from behind that ridge and a few hundred feet to the right...

Or do you mean that he engineered the shockwave from the void, and then just dumped it out at a convenient spot in realspace? If so, then for what possible reason would that spot over there be more convenient than any other spot?
I'm willing to believe the G-man could destroy a bridge with his awesome G-powers. He wouldn't even need to be operating out of time and space; he'd just stand on the other side of the bridge and do it. With his MIND.
I'm willing to believe the G-man could destroy a bridge with his awesome G-powers. He wouldn't even need to be operating out of time and space; he'd just stand on the other side of the bridge and do it. With his MIND.

Same here, I really can't think of what else it would be, besides G-Man... where else could it have come from? My only other guess would be that it would be The Citadel, but that was disproven a while ago... I bet that he's going to try and take back Freeman, or just screw up his progress, by doing things like destroying that bridge. XP

Edit: Then again, it could be some kind of new Combine weapon... :p
It could be just about anything. For all we know, it very well could be a combine weapon; I highly doubt we've seen everything they have to throw at us just yet (in fact, proof that we havn't; Hunters, Crab & Mortar synths, Advisors).

Just because we havn't seen the Combine do something like that yet doesn't mean that they can't. The same way that a year ago just because we didn't see headcrabs zombify combine soldiers didn't mean that they couldn't; it just wasn't until Ep1 that we saw it happen.

In fact, an interesting thing to note, we've only seen the combine respond to urban guerilla combat. We have no idea what they're capable of in an all-out warfare environment. They did defeat Earth's militaries in 7 hours, and I doubt they did that only using striders. If RPGs can take those out, then a tank sure as hell could. That leads me to believe that the combine have a lot of weapons they simply havn't deployed yet. (Again, like hunters.)
BIG FAT COW is right.....the combines plan was to take earth with full force....and then slowly reduce the combine presence, and in doing so making humans into combine soldiers. With the world repressed and under control there was little reason for them to have a full force on earth, just enough to keep earth under control and to kill the few out breaks.

So now that they have to fight back me thinks that they will be using some of the weapons that they used to defeat earth in the first place like cow said.
I'm willing to believe the G-man could destroy a bridge with his awesome G-powers. He wouldn't even need to be operating out of time and space; he'd just stand on the other side of the bridge and do it. With his MIND.

Sounds pretty cool :p
