New game, new experiences.



I, like many of us, have played the original Half-Life countless times on countless difficulty levels. We know all the scripted events, all the areas, where you are in the game when _______ happens, etc.

Whoops, here's Half-Life 2. LETS REPEAT THE PROCESS!

My point is, Half-Life 2 is going to be fun for people new to the game, cause of the pretty graphics and effects. But if you're like me, you could care less about graphics. Its the gameplay that will own us all.

With Half-Life 2, we're not going to know any of the events, any of the scripted events, Any of the situations, or how to kill a strider and stand on top of it and shoot the crap out of it until it spews blood an- Well... you know what I mean.

My point is, Half-Life 2 is going to be a damn good experience for all of us.

P.S. the Pretty graphics are pretty damn cool thought :D
so, basically, you like how half-life 2 looks and want to play it? i think that's what i gather from your post, but i can't be sure
Icarusintel said:
so, basically, you like how half-life 2 looks and want to play it? i think that's what i gather from your post, but i can't be sure
Yep, that's about it ;) Welcome to the forums Clappo!
no he said:

most people new to the game buy/play it because of the pretty grapihs and effects

as for us hardcore halflife 2 fans gameplay is more important for us and the graphics are just a delicious extra.

we''l play half life 2 because it will be good gameplay people new to the game play it mostly because the beauty of it
I'll have to disagree and say HL2 will be a complete letdown. The Sims 2 pwnz HL2!
We can't tell if the game is good yet, now can we? We can't tell if the game will be worth playing through again and again...

It may just be a sucky sucky crapgame after all.
I, like many of us, have played the original Half-Life countless times on countless difficulty levels. We know all the scripted events, all the areas, where you are in the game when _______ happens, etc.

Whoops, here's Half-Life 2. LETS REPEAT THE PROCESS!

My point is, Half-Life 2 is going to be fun for people new to the game, cause of the pretty graphics and effects. But if you're like me, you could care less about graphics. Its the gameplay that will own us all.

With Half-Life 2, we're not going to know any of the events, any of the scripted events, Any of the situations, or how to kill a strider and stand on top of it and shoot the crap out of it until it spews blood an- Well... you know what I mean.

My point is, Half-Life 2 is going to be a damn good experience for all of us.

P.S. the Pretty graphics are pretty damn cool thought

Games are about gameplay..
Thats why they are called games... :)

But offcourse some games are just show-offs..
I just Hope that HL2 will be something new...

and i mean NEW!!! not new.
NeLi said:
It may just be a sucky sucky crapgame after all.

Well that is a possibility. However, everyone who has played it at Valve and posted on here says it is absolutely fantastic. The only fear I have is that it is not consistently so.

Having said that, HL had a few less than enjoyable areas. Cough Xen cough

Edit: Valve is called Valve, not Valave lol
Sub_Lon said:
I'll have to disagree and say HL2 will be a complete letdown. The Sims 2 pwnz HL2!

I guess its just me, but i play games were i can do things that in real life is impossible to do.If ur idea of fun is to take out the trash and make the bed, u can start with ur own place, no need to buy the Sims!
*cough* DOOM3 *cough*
DOOM3 is a RE-MAKE..

Now HL2 is more of a Show-off than doom3...

Doom3 = 1 trailer in 3years..
HL2 = 2000 binks, 2trailers so far..

Doom3 = Scary Atmosphere and Horror feeling..
HL2 = Eh.. you can move everything, and push.. and physics.. oh.. dont forget G-man..

but i guess doom3 has to be a showoff beacuse it's a re-make..
Who wants to play a ugly game from 1994??
Are u high on sushi, Doom 3 not a show-off lol.
A game that only a lucky % can run cuz of the insane specs. And plz dont say crap like ur a Hl2 fan boy bla bla, i like games. I dont care u makes them.
Are u high on sushi, Doom 3 not a show-off lol.
A game that only a lucky % can run cuz of the insane specs. And plz dont say crap like ur a Hl2 fan boy bla bla, i like games. I dont care u makes them.
Reply With Quote

If you're replying to my post.. please Quote next time.. :)
if not.. skip this reply.. :|

> Exactly my point..
DOOM3 isn't so much of a Showoff.. but HL2 is..
Seems like Valve are trying to sell their engine more than the actuall game.. All we see is.. Physics.. Eyecandy effects... more physics...
And we also see the awfull light-engine in HL2... makes me lol..

but doom3 is dependant on graphics.. ( it's a re-make remember )..
Ok dude u win, Doom3 didnt do that, eye candy ok ok.
by the way u reply if u want, and use quote if i want to, u got that boy.
the fact its a remake still doesnt take away from the fact its a great graphics engine with possibly 1 of the worst games of recent years built into it.

remake or no remake its still shit
Ok dude u win, Doom3 didnt do that, eye candy ok ok.
by the way u reply if u want, and use quote if i want to, u got that boy.

Im not a boy.. and chill off.. get your family-value aggressions someplace else ok?.. kthx

the fact its a remake still doesnt take away from the fact its a great graphics engine with possibly 1 of the worst games of recent years built into it.

remake or no remake its still shit

Shure it stinks.. I didn't play doom3 for the story or the physics, since i knew about them beforehand..

my question to you is.. have you played doom3?

ok, now back on topic..
sure have. spent a good week playin a couple of hours a night. i wanted to see for myself whether it was good or not before making judgements on what has been said by others.

the atmosphere is done very well and the graphics engine is outstanding. but once the novelty of those wears off, all u are left with is scripted monster spawns that happen behind u after u walk into a room, cant count the amount of times that happened to me. The AI is piss poor, all u need to do retreat, kill, retreat kill, retreat kill. The game becomes very repetative, with the same things happening over and over again. its just boring and the locations and levels are poorly made, its just corridors upon corridors for large portions of the game
She: the atmosphere HL2 breathes, even in screenshots, has eluded you?

And about doom3: saying "ooh it's a remake!" is no excuse to make a game crappy. If you make a game, make a good one. Don't hide behind the fact you're redoing an ancient shooter. Hehe, that only makes it worse...

And about HL2's lighting, the BINKs don't really show much. But Source definitely IS capable of some very nice lighting FX (look at the rendering thingy BINK)
its just boring and the locations and levels are poorly made, its just corridors upon corridors for large portions of the game

Doom3 levels have the best design i have seen so far in FPS games..
Shure they seem simple at first look... but try to look around and examine every bit off design...

r_showtris 1 ;)

HL2's design is just... a real-life city.. (except the BIG-ASS TOWER)
and offcourse the *spoiler* and the other *spoiler*.. and the *spoiler* areas. hehe :p

kill, retreat kill, retreat killkill, retreat kill, retreat kill

Im with you on that one.. It got angry!!
And thats probobly what [iD] was aiming for.. good job.

+ got scared a couple of times ( first time ever in a FPS )..

She: the atmosphere HL2 breathes, even in screenshots, has eluded you?

I... bah.. i dont want to be banned for this answer.. so i dont answer you.. *spoilers* :p:p

even in screenshots,
No.. the screens look like shit.. actually.. try in-motion.. :)
and they are mostly blurred to give you a "photorealistic feel"..
i didnt say the level of detail in the corridors was poor. but the fact that there is only corridors is stupid. its all plain sailing, run through the corridors shooting things up, that formula may have worked in earlier fps games (doom, quake etc) but now people are looking for a lot more from fps games than a load of corridors full of monsters.

your statement about the AI does not make any sense at all, your saying ID made the AI shit on purpose to annoy the gamer.... u must be dumber than i thought
i didnt say the level of detail in the corridors was poor. but the fact that there is only corridors is stupid. its all plain sailing, run through the corridors shooting things up, that formula may have worked in earlier fps games (doom, quake etc) but now people are looking for a lot more from fps games than a load of corridors full of monsters.

[id] had to deliver a DOOM like feeling.. thus, corridors and stuff..

your statement about the AI does not make any sense at all, your saying ID made the AI shit on purpose to annoy the gamer.... u must be dumber than i thought

What?? A spawning monster isn't AI.. :p

If you noticed.. when a monster spawns infront of you, it probobly will be a monster spawning behind you ( this happened 1000 times ).. and i got angry.. my big brother got angry... my friends got angry... you probobly got angry..

and the spawnings aren't random.. thus making it a trigger... and a trigger isn't AI... thank you ;)
lol i was right about u.

u quoted me as saying retreat kill. this is because the AI is shit, now u are suddenly talkin about the spawns and changing the subject? make ur mind up please.

it didnt make me angry at all, everytime i walked into a room i just did a 180 and killed whatever had spawned behind me (for the 100000000 time) it was just so predictable. all the of the monster spawns were done off triggers

and can u please stop using the "its a remake so they made it shit on purpose" argument. because its not even an argument, its an excuse for not putting the effort in to make the game any better than the original
Valve is NOT "showing off" for the public at all. Look at what they'll be donig in the future, after the game ships. They will be putting out a book on how they made HL and HL2, they will be putting out a guide on how to mod the source engine, and have helped out the deaf by incorporating their voice to mouth sync program. What has ID done that even compares to that? in '94 they made their doom game so people could make mods... that was in '94. I don't see them helping the few who want to make mods out of the doom 3 engine do i?
lol i was right about u.

u quoted me as saying retreat kill. this is because the AI is shit, now u are suddenly talkin about the spawns and changing the subject? make ur mind up please.

it didnt make me angry at all, everytime i walked into a room i just did a 180 and killed whatever had spawned behind me (for the 100000000 time) it was just so predictable. all the of the monster spawns were done off triggers

and can u please stop using the "its a remake so they made it shit on purpose" argument. because its not even an argument, its an excuse for not putting the effort in to make the game any better than the original

Damn.. are you an Anti-iD.. love Valve person or what? :p

u quoted me as saying retreat kill. this is because the AI is shit, now u are suddenly talkin about the spawns and changing the subject? make ur mind up please.

I quoted you beacuse "" Im with you on that one.. It got angry!! ""
and i did not mention anything abuot AI in that post..

and.. " And thats probobly what [iD] was aiming for.. good job."

PROBOBLY.... does that word mean something to you?

and can u please stop using the "its a remake so they made it shit on purpose" argument. because its not even an argument, its an excuse for not putting the effort in to make the game any better than the original

Eh.. again, we see that you hate DOOM3 and LOVE HL2.. (nothing wrong with that BTW)..
Are you afraid of something? It's a game lol..
YES... doom3 is a REMAKE.. FACE IT!
.. and i stated.. IT STINKS!!! did you read that line?? or just jumped over it.. ( blindspot?? )

"" Shure it stinks.. I didn't play doom3 for the story or the physics, since i knew about them beforehand..""

so.. what im saying is..


EDIT: oh, and back on topic...
hmm.. given choises in the game.. do you think there will be servral endings??
Clappo said:
I, like many of us, have played the original Half-Life countless times on countless difficulty levels. We know all the scripted events, all the areas, where you are in the game when _______ happens, etc.

Whoops, here's Half-Life 2. LETS REPEAT THE PROCESS!

My point is, Half-Life 2 is going to be fun for people new to the game, cause of the pretty graphics and effects. But if you're like me, you could care less about graphics. Its the gameplay that will own us all.

With Half-Life 2, we're not going to know any of the events, any of the scripted events, Any of the situations, or how to kill a strider and stand on top of it and shoot the crap out of it until it spews blood an- Well... you know what I mean.

My point is, Half-Life 2 is going to be a damn good experience for all of us.

P.S. the Pretty graphics are pretty damn cool thought :D

i HATE these type's of post with a passion. Every other day some looser dumbass comes on the thread (a noob no doubt) and post some big half assed post about how much they like Half Life and then on to some gay Half Life 2 revelation. ok we get it , your retards with no life who spends all there time contimplating what ways you can touch yourself with the HL2 box. This isn't a direct shot at anyone in particular, but goes out to many people who have did this.
Although Doom 3 was a re-make, it was a completely new and terrifying first person shooter that few had experienced (unless you've played Daikatana, that game scared the piss out of me :x ).

The level design, from an architect perspective, was nailed right to the head. Why? Because how many buildings have you been in that have rooms connected to rooms to rooms, that essentially lead to more rooms. Buildings have corridors or halls that divide and connect rooms.

Doom 3 was a new game with a new experience just as Half-Life 2 will be a new game with a new experience. So quit comparing them.
OmegaBlue said:
i HATE these type's of post with a passion. Every other day some looser dumbass comes on the thread (a noob no doubt) and post some big half assed post about how much they like Half Life and then on to some gay Half Life 2 revelation. ok we get it , your retards with no life who spends all there time contimplating what ways you can touch yourself with the HL2 box. This isn't a direct shot at anyone in particular, but goes out to many people who have did this.

1. Learn English R*TARD!!!!!

2. Stop flaming people for no GOOD reason!!!!

3. Stop flaming people because you have a miserable life!!!

4. Go see a psychologist about the disturbance in your head!!!

5. Go and kill yourself!!!!!
Annihilator_91 said:
1. Learn English R*TARD!!!!!

2. Stop flaming people for no GOOD reason!!!!

3. Stop flaming people because you have a miserable life!!!

4. Go see a psychologist about the disturbance in your head!!!

5. Go and kill yourself!!!!!

Ouch. Relax bud.
Stereo said:
Although Doom 3 was a re-make, it was a completely new and terrifying first person shooter that few had experienced (unless you've played Daikatana, that game scared the piss out of me :x ).

The level design, from an architect perspective, was nailed right to the head. Why? Because how many buildings have you been in that have rooms connected to rooms to rooms, that essentially lead to more rooms. Buildings have corridors or halls that divide and connect rooms.

Doom 3 was a new game with a new experience just as Half-Life 2 will be a new game with a new experience. So quit comparing them.

<blink blink>

Did you just suggest that you LIKED Daikatana?

Woah, the implications of that are staggering...
Stereo said:
Ouch. Relax bud.
Mkay! But this is his second time in less than 10mins... Makes me mad... :flame: ...

EDIT: Plus! In his flaming against Yellonet, he clearly stated that he should go and hang himself...
Brian Damage said:
<blink blink>

Did you just suggest that you LIKED Daikatana?

Woah, the implications of that are staggering...

Eek No! It was scary game because it sucked soooo bad. What I meant that Doom 3 (which I loved) is a beautiful scary game with a strong story and excellent gameplay.

Daikatana (which I still have nightmares about) on the other hand was a horrible scary which suffered from a stale story, horrible graphics and the absolutely worst gameplay ever to come across the PC. It sucked ass and wasn't worth the wait.

Now that someone thinks I like Daikatana, I am going to go stab out my eyes.
OmegaBlue said:
i HATE these type's of post with a passion. Every other day some looser dumbass comes on the thread (a noob no doubt) and post some big half assed post about how much they like Half Life and then on to some gay Half Life 2 revelation. ok we get it , your retards with no life who spends all there time contimplating what ways you can touch yourself with the HL2 box. This isn't a direct shot at anyone in particular, but goes out to many people who have did this.
I hate these type of posts with a passion. Every other day some looser dumbass comes on the thread (a jackass no doubt) and post some big half assed post about why there is a corncob stuck up his butt and feels the need to bitch and moan about everything. Okay, we get it, you retards with no life who spends all their time contimplating what ways you can make yourself look like an ass. This isn't a direct shot at anyone in particular, but goes out to many people who have done this.

She (well, last half is more general):

I hate people who argue like you do.

If someone makes you look bad or insults you, you choose something they say that is irrelavent and turn it right back on them every time.

I bet you are the type of person that always must have the last word?

It's about quality of the game, period.

Story and gameplay make games legendary, games based on graphics die in months.

And btw, who cares if doom III is a remake, the story sucked in the old and in the new, so did the gameplay. THAT is what matters. No arguement or insult you have will make Doom III any better. It's generally accepted that Doom III gets boring, it has FAILED as a successful game.

This OBVIOUSLY shows by the supporting communitees. Half-Life 2 isn't the most highly anticipated game around for no reason, and no wise crack of yours will take away the respect and quality Half-Life has EARNED.

On top of everything else, playing video games doesn't mean you have no life, nor does it mean this from supporting a game.
Insults like that only show that there isn't anything for you to argue so you have to demoralize people in some way for feeling so wronged.

exoeight said:

I hate people who argue like you do.

If someone makes you look bad or insults you, you choose something they say that is irrelavent and turn it right back on them every time.

I bet you are the type of person that always must have the last word?

It's about quality of the game, period.

Story and gameplay make games legendary, games based on graphics die in months.

And btw, who cares if doom III is a remake, the story sucked in the old and in the new, so did the gameplay. THAT is what matters. No arguement or insult you have will make Doom III any better. It's generally accepted that Doom III gets boring, it has FAILED as a successful game.

This OBVIOUSLY shows by the supporting communitees. Half-Life 2 isn't the most highly anticipated game around for no reason, and no wise crack of yours will take away the respect and quality Half-Life has EARNED.

On top of everything else, playing video games doesn't mean you have no life, nor does it mean this from supporting a game.
Insults like that only show that there isn't anything for you to argue so you have to demoralize people in some way for feeling so wronged.



Well said.
This is a warning for both OmegaBlue and Annihilator_91. We DO NOT appreciate the way you are treating your fellow members. We do not care that one of you was flaming a someone who was also flaming, it does not matter. Both of your attitudes better change immediately or you'll being going on 'vacation'.
I don't see how doom3 is a remake. I haven't played it tho.. Is it just doom1 or 2 updated with a new engine? I thought it had new levels and storyline.
i said that because some people were claiming it to be. either way, doesn't matter, lol.
Doom 3 is a remake of the first Doom. That was the intent of the developers. It's a remake in the since of getting back to the old Doom, starting fresh. The marine arrives on Mars at the base station and all hell ensues. The levels are different, but many of the monsters are the same, basically.

Like many folks have said, the atmosphere and the graphics are awesome. They say to really get into the game you should turn off all the lights, turn up the dolby 5.1 surround sound and play.

I did just that. I won't lie, there were several points in game where dead babies whisper in your ear, ghosts howl and the evil guy taunts you. The craziest thing was the "nightmare" scenes. These gave me goosebumps. It was a pretty cool experience.

Unfortunately, it also like some other folks have said. The gameplay in general was repetitive. If you are used to open ended games, large fighting spaces and such, this game will be a bit different.

What I think is the most important aspect of the game is the graphics engine. I can definitely see others using this engine to create bigger, better and smarter games.

Also, the game was quite scalable for it's graphics. Even on the lower machines at 600*480 resolution, the graphics still made their mark.

Though not the best game I have ever played, I think it created some milestones for future games to strive for, as in atmosphere and graphic goodness.

Haha. Wasn't the title of this thread, "New game, new experiences."? Not, "Doom3 vs. Half-life2!!! Come and flame, oh yeah!!!" :)

Anyway, the fact that we don't know how to perform any in-game actions to any practical extent is very appealing indeed. Furthermore, the fact that most if not all in-game actions and sequences will not be scripted is even more appealing.

The game will be something new, no doubt about that...
She (well, last half is more general):

I hate people who argue like you do.

If someone makes you look bad or insults you, you choose something they say that is irrelavent and turn it right back on them every time.

I bet you are the type of person that always must have the last word?

It's about quality of the game, period.

Story and gameplay make games legendary, games based on graphics die in months.

And btw, who cares if doom III is a remake, the story sucked in the old and in the new, so did the gameplay. THAT is what matters. No arguement or insult you have will make Doom III any better. It's generally accepted that Doom III gets boring, it has FAILED as a successful game.

This OBVIOUSLY shows by the supporting communitees. Half-Life 2 isn't the most highly anticipated game around for no reason, and no wise crack of yours will take away the respect and quality Half-Life has EARNED.

On top of everything else, playing video games doesn't mean you have no life, nor does it mean this from supporting a game.
Insults like that only show that there isn't anything for you to argue so you have to demoralize people in some way for feeling so wronged.


... i Loled..

If someone makes you look bad or insults you, you choose something they say that is irrelavent and turn it right back on them every time.

Should i just give up?? Lol..

And btw, who cares if doom III is a remake, the story sucked in the old and in the new, so did the gameplay. THAT is what matters. No arguement or insult you have will make Doom III any better.

I told everyone [ !! TWICE !! ] that i think it smells = it's bad..
and i played it not for the story.. just the graphics..
That means = Im not PROTECTING anything...

On top of everything else, playing video games doesn't mean you have no life, nor does it mean this from supporting a game.

Eh.. did i say something about no life if you play games..???
did i??.......
No i Didn't..


Well said.

No... you obviously didn't read my posts..
Where i state that Doom3 = bad
Where i Didn't state = playing games = No life..

Where do you get everything from..

EDIT: OH... do i get the "last word"...
Lol... this is so much fun. :)