New game (Project Offset) to look into!


That looks really cool. The tech parts were good...I was just kinda waiting for something to wow me...but then that short gameplay segment came up and I was stunned immediately.
If that's actually is ingame, it looks even better than UE3 IMO.
Wow great find that was amazing. I *think* there was some HDR in there aswell with the rocks and stuff with tht lion or tiger or wteva. Great engine and can't wait for more info!

After watching that 2 second snippet of gameplay a few times it looks like the archer sees you and then tries to reach for his arrows on his back but the player fires an arrow into this chest before he can get to them. You even see him sort of reach for the arrow that plunged into his chest before stumbling off the edge.
Looks very nice. I had never even heard of this engine until now. Thanks for sharing. ;)
Np. Glad you all liked it so much :)
I've actually known about this project for a long time (ever since the guy left S2Games) but he's only had concept art up on the site, so WOW glad to finally see in-game footage!

Oh, and if you guys look at the models before-hand at the beginning, especially that amazing panther and dwarf footage, they look on-par with that of the in-game footage, so I don't think it's pre-rendered.

I've talked to him a few times via e-mail, a really great guy :) Amazing to think he's coded that engine by himself :-o

Oh, and on go into the news section and read everything :) He gives detailed explanations of things he's working on, and even has a video of the real-time shader editor in-use!

Can't wait for this one :)
Looks really impressive. That little snippet of gameplay looked very cool.

Oh my jesus. :eek:
Screw Unreal 3.0.
That certainly looks promising. I hope their search for a team and investors goes well.
insanely impressive for just 3 guys...

otherwise its just...

insanely impressive :|
/me cries

I'm gonna have to upgrade... again!
3 people made that? WTF? So 3 people are making that game?
Raziel-Jcd said:
3 people made that? WTF? So 3 people are making that game?

One is coding the engine, and two are making the art. Obviously they all help out in other areas as needed.

I believe 7 people made Savage by themselves. The guys at Offset Software are really good at what they do :D
Yes, it's exactly what they showed in the video, except they applied a skybox and did some Photoshopping around the outer edges to make the photo more roundish. I don't see any photoshopped on the characters or art though, just the roundedness.
Wow, that looked awesome. But this seems like it's going to be a MMORPG, which probably means it's pay-to-play... which means I can't be bothered with it. :( I know someone who plays Everquest for like 10+ hours a day, he even quit his job to play it more and, lives off his parents. So it's kinda discouraged me from even trying a MMORPG. But damn, those few seconds of gameplay footage looked sweet. :D
I dont think its pay to play. Thats to big of a risk for a 3 man team.
diluted said:
Wow, that looked awesome. But this seems like it's going to be a MMORPG, which probably means it's pay-to-play... which means I can't be bothered with it. :( I know someone who plays Everquest for like 10+ hours a day, he even quit his job to play it more and, lives off his parents. So it's kinda discouraged me from even trying a MMORPG. But damn, those few seconds of gameplay footage looked sweet. :D

the page say "the first epic fanatasy FPS" so maybe is not a MMORPG
also the fact that is a FPS....but medieval? looks very intresting
That's really unbelievable... incredibly impressive in the first place, but with only three people? Thanks so much for showing us this!
That's not the first medieval first person shooter. There was Heretic and Hexen.
holy crap I just looked the video

that looks like the killzone ps3 trailer

very amazing
Has anyone else replayed those last 2 seconds over about 30 times? Looks rediculously amazing, but this game aint comimg out for a LONG time.
They need a whole lot more sound in that last little gameplay bit.

Sounded more like a public library than a battle.

It's still early though.
Read the first item on the news page, he says that 3 people aren't going to make a game by themselves, and they are looking for publishers etc.

Edit: Whoa...

RJMC, its not from ingame, it was a model used to test shaders etc.
operative x said:
Has anyone else replayed those last 2 seconds over about 30 times? Looks rediculously amazing, but this game aint comimg out for a LONG time.

I have, probably more then 30 times.
Shodan said:
Read the first item on the news page, he says that 3 people aren't going to make a game by themselves, and they are looking for publishers etc.

Edit: Whoa...

RJMC, its not from ingame, it was a model used to test shaders etc.

in the beginin of the video in litle letters it say "ingame footage"
Shodan said:
Read the first item on the news page, he says that 3 people aren't going to make a game by themselves, and they are looking for publishers etc.

Edit: Whoa...

RJMC, its not from ingame, it was a model used to test shaders etc.

I believe the whole video is ingame.
Somebody Sponsor this guys! quick!! Microsoft! where are you??!!, althoght thats not a good idea, if Microsoft sponsor them they will make it an xbox 360 exclusive, I want this game in my pc! Maybe EA can sponsor them? I know they are an Evil corporation, but they have the money to help this guys make a hell of agame, thoughts??
StardogChampion said:
Obviously the leapord thingy isn't ingame. It's using the engine, but it's not ingame.

In-engine != (not equal) ingame?

I think it does... if the engine is running it, it is the same as being ingame... well except theres no animation, sound, etc etc

It's using the editor that he created.

Take a look at the ingame footage of the guy getting shot, and then the dwarf on the leopard. They are about the same. One just isn't in motion :)

I browsed the S2Games (where Sam McGrath worked before) and even they think it's all pre-rendered. I don't though. If it was pre-rendered he should have added more things in the scene :p
Iced_Eagle said:
In-engine != (not equal) ingame?

I think it does... if the engine is running it, it is the same as being ingame... well except theres no animation, sound, etc etc
It's still not ingame. You can't play it.