New group story


Feb 26, 2004
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Hello everyone, now that the forums are back up and running I would like to start the group story again. So with this in mind if you would like to write a portion on the story post and let me know. When we get three people on board we can start. Im ready when you are so just let me know if you would like to write for the forum. :cheese:
I'm good for it, sign me up. Hopefully it'll go somewhere...
Draklyne said:
I'm good for it, sign me up. Hopefully it'll go somewhere...
Ok your in, if we can get one more person we can start. How do you feel about picking up where ther old story left off. We can leave out the part where the stories contradict. Up to you...
Me too. This time I'll actually do something, instead of working on ch.4 of Uprising and then having to reformat your computer and forgetting to back it up so now you only have the first three chapters but are too lazy to get them from :upstare:
alright, it's all coming together. Should we limit it to us four so that it's less disorganized? That would be me, Chainer, Sprafa, and stigmata.
Draklyne said:
alright, it's all coming together. Should we limit it to us four so that it's less disorganized? That would be me, Chainer, Sprafa, and stigmata.
No lets keep it open to who ever wants in but when someone else wants in they automaticly have to wait till the last person has gone before they can post their first portion. Now as to where we start it is up to you guys. If you would like to pick up where the old story left off we can or if you would like me to post a new beginning I will. I would like to hear from you guys about this, let me know what you would like to see. :thumbs:
I'd like to use the old story - it was interesting.

I like to think it was interesting...
Ok heres the deal, I am re posting the original story with a few parts left out. (THe ones where the storie contridicts itself.)
After that the order it;
1) stigmata
2) Sprafa
3) Draklyne
4) Chainer

Add onto it however you like, but there is one rule, DO NOT under any circumstances make the stories contradict. Other than that its free game, oh and no off the wall stuff like throwing Ren & Stimpy in or anything like that.
Absolutely awesome lads. Keep up the good work! I was going to offer to pitch in, but I don't want to pollute the current storyline. I wait for the next installment!
-JeZ- said:
Absolutely awesome lads. Keep up the good work! I was going to offer to pitch in, but I don't want to pollute the current storyline. I wait for the next installment!
Hey if you want to join in you can, just let me know and I'll add you to the rotation. Get back to me if you would like to join. :thumbs:
Chainer, the story contradicts!!!!

crap, we have to double-check with our predecessors. Gve my place to -Jez-, I'm quiting.
2 mods, 2 fanfics & 2 personal stories are too much for me. I'm leaving my place open.

I'm sure you'll get some good things from -Jez-

edit- just check this out

Sprafa said:
stigmata said:
Sprafa said:
stigmata said:
Rigg is the HQ commander. He's not on-scene.

Caymon is the only armed survivor of the Lambda team. The other two, Sean and Jay (I think that's who they are) are still alive as well, but unarmed.

Caymon was running away from the scene when he radioed the resistance HQ for help, so he could only be in the window if it was a window on a lower floor of the building.

You didn't ruin the story (in fact, you did an exceptional job for the first part, melding the real world with the dream world, along with adding memory corruption, that was really cool :E), but you might have to make a couple footnotes about the errors :(

Ah Hell...
I kinda rushed it up. Well, I'll ask a mod to change Rigg to Caymon. That should be right?
Yeah, I think that should be right. But then Chainer added a whole bunch of continuity problems with HIS addition... :rolling: This group story is going completely to Hell.

i.e., Bauer was NEVER mentioned before, yet he's on-scene with Rigg who's at the HQ; The Combine gunship (which could be an APC, Caymon couldn't tell) STILL hasn't arrived, though Caymon clearly heard it coming.

:( This is really not working out.

;( I just ****ing quit. What a hell, it's too time-consuming to double-check with our predecessors....

And I'm already working on 2 mods as a writer, so this is really cracking me up.
Guys, we really need to co-ordinate on this story. So far, there have been at least a DOZEN continuity problems with the story. Such as:

Rigg is NOT supposed to be on-scene. He's in the Resistance HQ. This is partly my fault, I should have made it clearer when he was added to the story.

Caymon heard a gunship or APC coming, yet a long time later it still has not arrived.

Yahn's team is already on the way to the mission objective; I can only assume that the second team being called in is Carson's, bringing the med-van or whatever with it.

(No, I am not meaning to flame anyone :))

Here's what I think we should do. Since the changes from the last couple of additions are likely irrepairable, we start a new thread. We keep everything up to and including my addition (edited slightly, to make it easier to tell what happens). I PM Sprafa, or whoever comes next, with an overview of my addition, and once someone has added their part, they PM the person next in line with an overview of what happened, to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that nothing changes.

Personally, what's happened has confused the Hell out of me :laugh: Does that sound like a good plan to everyone?
Wow, I didn't know organization would be such an issue. I should have though... Oh well.

And yes, the plan sounds good! Now what modifications are we making to the story?
Looking very good. I just got your response to my PM draklyne, im glad to see the group story up and running again.
Hey you guys do what ever you like. I'm still in, sorry if I confused it somehow.(Don't think I did) but just incase. I say we start a new thread like he said and sned all new post to a designated individual to make sure there are no contradictions. Lets get it running soon though.
OK. The new thread has been made, no need to thank me :P

Now, to PM Sprafa with the overview. ***Remember this step if you're going to be a part of the group story :)
So...Rigg just isn't on scene? That kind of bugs me...I thought the edits would be made to put him in the scene.

Oh well. I'll cope.
OK, working on the sequel right now ( and yes, I'm still on the team if alowed, after stigmata)
The purpose is to involve multiple authors in a single story. The appeal is no one knows what the next author is going to do, and no one can contradict things that have been put into the story, within limits...if someone writes something completely ridiculous and implausible I know I'd get annoyed.

The only problem we've had so far is being somewhat disorganized, and that looks like it's being solved with stigmata's system.
Also, if you have any question at all with someone's addition, don't be afraid to get clarification. Even really small details, when carried over properly, can really add to the story.
Draklyne said:
The purpose is to involve multiple authors in a single story. The appeal is no one knows what the next author is going to do, and no one can contradict things that have been put into the story, within limits...if someone writes something completely ridiculous and implausible I know I'd get annoyed.

The only problem we've had so far is being somewhat disorganized, and that looks like it's being solved with stigmata's system.
And this is all is going to be posted in here?
MoRb3z said:
And this is all is going to be posted in here?

No, we are supposed to PM each others about it.

Anyways, I'm off. Can't handle this amount of work no more.
MoRb3z said:
And this is all is going to be posted in here?
No. It gets posted in the "Group Story ver.3 - Grey Citadel" thread, this is more of a discussion/planning thread.
stigmata said:
No. It gets posted in the "Group Story ver.3 - Grey Citadel" thread, this is more of a discussion/planning thread.
thank you for giving me info ;)
I don't want to step on anyones toes so I'll ask if ANYONE is still doing the group story thing? If not I'll continue to write onto it, it is a kick-ass story so far.
The order is as follows:

1) stigmata
3) Draklyne
4) Chainer

Sprafa, as you can see, has dropped out of the group story. Now, as for who goes next:

I can't remember who I PM'ed with my plot synopsis, it was either Draklyne or Chainer. So whoever I PM'ed, let everyone know, continue your part, and then the other person can go.

And one more thing, I'd appreciate it if you PM'ed your chapter/part to me, so that I can make sure there aren't continuity problems, nonsensical things, etc :)
Very nice add Stigmata, good detail. Can't wait to see where Draklyne takes it.
Chainer said:
Hey if you want to join in you can, just let me know and I'll add you to the rotation. Get back to me if you would like to join. :thumbs:

Heh, thanks Chainer. My wedding has been pushed up and it's happening a LOT quicker than I anticipated so for the sake of my own sanity I'll sit this story out. Thanks for the invite though. If you have any other ideas for a new group story in the future feel free to PM me or talk to me via MSN on [email protected]
You're getting married? Congratulations! Good luck! I remember the day of my wedding. I was driving to the church when I got into a car accident...

Actually I'm just messing with you. I'm too young to get married.
Draklyne said:
You're getting married? Congratulations! Good luck! I remember the day of my wedding. I was driving to the church when I got into a car accident...

Actually I'm just messing with you. I'm too young to get married.
Wow Drak putting a dark spin on things. Congrats, to you I hope everything goes extreamly well. :cheers: