New GT4 videos... w00t!


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Two new videos has been released, they show a new game mode called "drag-racing". Two cars compete against each other on their own road, and the fastest, as you might guess, wins the race. :P

They race in Las Vegas, which really looks awesome. Just look at the surroundings... Beautiful. :eek:

Here they are…

Replay footage
Ingame footage
looks really good...has anyone tried GT4:Prologue?
h00dlum said:
has anyone tried GT4:Prologue?

Yep, I have it and enjoy it very much. :)

nw909: What happens when you try to watch them?
The backdrops blow, they still have a long way to go to make full 3d backrounds.
GARGGH! Just found these new images... :eek: :eek: :eek:





Not downloaded them yet but i can already say the game and graphics are amazing, GT has never failed because they are such a hard working team. :)

Theres still life left in the old dog yet!. (ps2)

Edit/ Wow at them screens...they are almost real.
No, PS2 definitely has the best lineup.


Halo 2 (which I'm not looking forward to)
Fable (which will be pretty good)

To me, every PS2 game on that list is better than those two X-BOX games. There are other PS2 games which are considered highly anticipated, but I don't care about them so I didn't list them.
Splinter Cell 3
Halo 2
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Close Combat: First to Fight

All exclusive to the Xbox.
I agree, MGS 3 will destroy Splinter Cell 3, even though both series are great.
Have you SEEN Splinter Cell 3? Have you seen all the stuff you can do? Its alot more than 4 button combo CQB stuff in MGS 3. All those games on the Xbox line-up are revolutionary in some way.
The thing is Snake is just such a cooler character to play than what's-his'face-clone-army man in SC3
Splinter Cell 3 -PC
Halo 2 -Don't care about it, but eventually PC
Fable -I'm not sure if it's PC or not, but it looks ok
Star Wars: Republic Commando -PC, PS2
Close Combat: First to Fight - Never heard of it

Nice exclusives there, Fable and maybe that Close Combat game are the only exclusives, as well as Halo 2 for a little while. Also, I would take any of the games on my previous list rather than any of the ones on yours, especially MGS3 and GTA:SA.
Dalamari said:
Splinter Cell 3
Halo 2
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Close Combat: First to Fight

All exclusive to the Xbox.

no way. SW: republic commando will come out on PC, so will SC3 and close combat, read the new issue of PC Gamer.

EDIT: damn, beaten!
The images look insane, not to much into racing but it looks good.
Dalamari said:
Have you SEEN Splinter Cell 3? Have you seen all the stuff you can do? Its alot more than 4 button combo CQB stuff in MGS 3. All those games on the Xbox line-up are revolutionary in some way.

OK i might be jumping the gun a bit here but thats like saying DOOM3 will be the best game for a long time because it has by far superior graphics to any other game coming out or games in development.

I've got splinter-cell 1 on pc and ps2...i know its good but it cant keep me gripped, the story is meh, alot of the gameplay elements are ripped out of MGS or very just seems to me that splinter cell is just a game for Xbox owners so that they also have a sneak-em-up. Same goes for this new racing game coming out for Xbox that rips Gran Turismo off....everyones played gran turismo (well most) and there is quite alot of people that would consider it the best racing game ever because it is might not have damage because they cant get the licence to add damage to a game when they have to get something like 70 (or more?) different car companys around the world to agree with thats a 70 - 1 bet that they wont have damage ingame ever.

There is one title thats coming to Xbox that will hit the ps2 hard and thats DOOM3 (but id never buy it over PC version), but other than that all the Xbox titles are just an alternative to already made playstation games.
drag racing is definately an american deal...spawning in the muscle car era...where they could only go fast in a straight line..but not corner.. I would know =). I love going to drag races.
Montoya playing GT4. :)




Cool. :)

A new video too, a guy at GTPlanet drives a BMW at Nürburgring (the full circuit, takes 10 minutes to make one lap! :eek:). Very cool video, check it out for love of god! It's pretty big though... 466MB, but it's worth it.

You can either download through BitTorrent or a Direct Download.

Thanks to Blimblim for hosting the video.