New GTA IV Previews (Release Date: April 29th)


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
They say framerate issues have been cleared up (on the 360 at least, they haven't seen PS3 build) and they talk more about the new missions and also some of the things we havne't talked about.

- In-Car GPS (with voice overs if you want
- Using Police Computers to get info on targets (location of hide-out, etc)
- Cover mechanic
- New shooting / aiming mechanic (pull one of the triggers half-way to get precise free aiming, all the way to lock on, and use right-stick to target specific body parts)
I can't wait for this to be released on the PC. :D
Yea it sounds great, especially the part about niko jumping on the back of the Triad van and climbing on top of it as the guy drove around. Im guessing this will happen for every car? Hope so.:D
I can't wait to buy this for my 360 and thus get it a year+ before the PC people, then 'acquire' it for my PC a year later when it comes out and start playing with some mods!
The new cover mechanics sound really cool and hopefully it means that the combat isn't going to involve lots of samey looking enemies just standing around firing AK's at you without going into cover. Hopefully the fights are toned down much more and the A.I. actually thinks better. I hated hiding behind cover only for four guys to sprint around the corner from nowhere and pepper me with assault rifle fire until I die - which was quickly.

I'm hoping for some slower, more intelligant firefights.

EDIT: ''Instead of shootouts being somewhat chaotic exchanges of bullets to the closest targeted enemy, they now look to be much more methodic and, perhaps, even deadlier.''

''Instead of standing out in the open and popping off shots, they took cover behind whatever was near them, and whenever they'd change positions, they'd duck and run to the nearest safe area.''

Yaaaay. :D
Sounds awesome indeed, but then again, Rockstar is known for their awesomeness. Glad to hear things are shaping up. I am very curious about the PS3 version though--I hate to take Mass Effect out of my 360 for any reason!
VictimOfScience, personally I would go for the 360 version over the PS3 version because of the fact that Rockstar are making their 'Epic Addons' exclusively for the 360 version due to the huge bonus Microsoft gives them.
I hope Microsoft pays Rockstar a huge amount of money to keep GTA console exclusive, that'd show you PC fanboy biatches.
Nah, They'll pay to make it Vista exclusive.

They'd make it Vista + Xbox 360 Exclusive. ;)

As for GTA, this will be the first one I play since Vice City. San Andreas just relied on the dumb lifting and such to be fit. I hated that. I'm not trying to play the Sims here.
i love all the GTA series, but one thing that bothered me is that half life 2 graphics looks better then gta and that was released 4 years ago, same with max payne 2, that looked much better then san andreas (this is PC ofcorse)
i love all the GTA series, but one thing that bothered me is that half life 2 graphics looks better then gta and that was released 4 years ago, same with max payne 2, that looked much better then san andreas (this is PC ofcorse)

Yeah, I mean aren't graphics supposed to get better as the scale of the game's world gets larger?

yeah, also the movements are really robotic, i hope its not like that on gta4
He was being sarcastic, the typical GTA map is 10x the size of a Source map.

EDIT: With 10x the number of characters and vehicles.

Considering all this, it looks bloody brilliant.
no, because it doesn't all load at once, i loads once you get there, dont think the whole map loads in one single shot, it only loads when you get there or close.
no, because it doesn't all load at once, i loads once you get there, dont think the whole map loads in one single shot, it only loads when you get there or close.
HL2 loads maps in 15 second, GTA in 1/2 a second. It loads a much larger area into memory, even if it isn't drawn all at once.
cant wait, this and RB6Vegas2 will make the 360 THE console to own!
elrasho, both R6Vegas and GTAIV are coming out for PS3 aswell, so how does those two games make 360 THE console to own?:p
oh that's sooner than I had expected ..kinda hope they dont lose their tongue in cheek sensibilities kinda ruined SA for me ..the previews looks like they're leaning more towards serious
oh that's sooner than I had expected ..kinda hope they dont lose their tongue in cheek sensibilities kinda ruined SA for me ..the previews looks like they're leaning more towards serious
I think we can safely assume that this one is going for a gritty feel and won't have much humour. But at least it's not a documentary about the ghetto this time around.
I must be the only person sick of GTA by this point :|
I think we can safely assume that this one is going for a gritty feel and won't have much humour. But at least it's not a documentary about the ghetto this time around.

ya but at least that was something different ..what's the chances of niko riding a bike? or entering into a low rider ..err bouncing competition? this sounds like vice city with russians instead of the usual italian mobs
Who wants to start betting it'll get delayed again?
I bet a 10$ Steam game.
April 29th...a long way to go yet. Well, at least there is some decent console stuff in the interim. Plus, if I do upgrade my PC, there will be even more that was recently released that I couldn't touch due to certain technological limitations of my system that I will be able to delve into to keep me busy until GTAIV swallows my whole Spring/Summer (hopefully MGS4 will do that too :P).
Not too long tbh, i'm sure my exams will be around then though :(