New Guns

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What new guns should be added

  • Another Machine-Gun

    Votes: 32 38.1%
  • trip-mines

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • A rocket launcher

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • rocket propelled brick

    Votes: 14 16.7%
  • placeable cameras

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • other (if so say what)

    Votes: 21 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Didn't there used to be a silenced mp5 in CS1.6?? Or am I making it up?

Anyway, for myself I would like to see a flamethrower sellotaped to a pulse-rifle/grenade launcher combo.

"KYAmaaauhn!!" *robot noises and alien squeal* :sniper:
saddams golden Ak for the T's


  • goldenak.jpg
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  • SVD Drugonov.jpg
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"The only things here I can see Valve actually thinking about would be another machine gun or the placeable cameras". -j4s[p]

I hope valve consider HMG's and placeable cameras that u fire out of a gun; but what about flame greandes or riot shields.
It would be so cool if you could pic up objects like a brick and throw them at someone! LOL!

Imagine if there was a gravity gun!
Flame ur ass

its all about havin a flame thrower, how fun is that!!
Mines would only be a decent idea if they had to be control-detonated, so you place a mine (and only 1 at a time) and then while the mine is placed you hold the control in your hand, so you remain vulnerable while waiting to detonate, and you MUST be within a certain range to detonate it.

What about (taking a page from "tom clancy's splinter cell) sticky shockers. You can fire them and if you get a successful shot on an enemy, it deals 15-25 damage, and debilitates them for 3 seconds, leaving them vulnerable for a short time, it would make for some interesting strategies.

This is me and my wierd section of imagination now, but, HIGH BEAM FLASHLIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU SHINE IT IN THEIR EYES FROM A CERTAIN DISTANCE IT HAS THE SAME EFFECT AS A FLASHIE, BUT WONT AFFECT U COS UR ON THE OTHER SIIDE OF THE TORCH. BUT IT WASTES BATTERY OVER TIME SO IT DOESNT GET TOO OUT OF HAND!!!!!'d need to be face to face and up close for the few seconds it would take to put on, but if you survive long enough to do that, they're handcuffed! After that the enemy becomes clumsy and can't do certain things like reload. They could also randomly drop their gun.

Ok, so it sucks, SO WHAT, it's not like it's the first bad idea in the universe....

Also, a spear would be nice. A special anti-terrorist spear.
MoBoChoBo said:

Hmm, I wonder how that would work with the new HDR stuff coming out. I can see it now:

You're in a dark corner of a room... suddenly a group of terrorists shine their flashlight over you... blinding you for several seconds. Before your "eyes" adjust - you're dead!

Hahaha, that would be cool.
A real frag grenade that sends fragments flying everywhere in a 20 meter radius and each fragment has the damage of a gun bullet.
2 Weapons

haha! great ideas!

1st Picture.
Orginally Posted by Laivasse'd need to be face to face and up close for the few seconds it would take to put on, but if you survive long enough to do that, they're handcuffed! After that the enemy becomes clumsy and can't do certain things like reload. They could also randomly drop their gun.

2nd Picture. It would be great if you could do curati or how ever you spell it (kick,punch and defend).
That is if you bought no weapons :sniper:
New weapon hey?

Good question spike

I thinking of something like a real human power force weapon
To have a rocket in CS would be a little bit extreme don't you guys think so?

But if you like to have rocket why not using tanks? right..
yeh, scrap the rpg.... BUT i still think the Cts should get APC's and the T's get Tanks on certain maps.
there should be a level where Ct's and Ts team up to fight xenians. You fight gonarch!!!
molotov cocktails for the t's.

that would be so cool, when you choose them in your weapon invetory you pull out the bottle with the rag and you see your other hand come and light it (similar to pulling the pin) that would be ****ing awesome
Terrorists need their own Machinegun, I say something like an RPK for the task. They also need more variety for the SMGs, both sides get UMPs, MP5s, P90s, thats rediculous. Terrorists need something different than the CTs. Of cource we will never see any more weapons, valve is far too busy/lazy for something like that.
Another machine gun,

AK-74 for T's
M16 for CT's

or something like that.
Teta_Bonita said:
Anyway, I think a rocket launcher would work as long as it isn't a one hit kill.
Well, you already have people complaining that grenades aren't one hit kills. Rockets that take more than one hit will make people cry.
MoBoChoBo said:
Mines would only be a decent idea if they had to be control-detonated, so you place a mine (and only 1 at a time) and then while the mine is placed you hold the control in your hand, so you remain vulnerable while waiting to detonate, and you MUST be within a certain range to detonate it.
I still think it would totally destroy gameplay. maps like Aztec, Dust, Dust 2, prodigy ect ect all relly on the T's ability to over come the CT's defence of a limited number of choke points. If the Ct have the ability to wire the place up with explosives, it would be nigh on impossible for T's to ever win (and some maps are hard enough to overcome choke points as a T side as it is without rushing in the 1st few seconds and hoping the CT have taken their job for granted). Even if you allowed T's to shoot out mines, that wouldnt stop the CT placing them behind a door or a crate or something that the T's couldnt get to.

Also swapping guns in CS is extremly fast, even if you are forced to hold a detinator it wouldn't take long to swap guns anyway.

As for rocket launcher....its not suited to CS. Other games have it, but they dont play like CS.

Placeable cameras I don't think have much point. If you want to spy on the enemy you need to get behind their lines to place the camera? Surely a bullet to the back of the head is better than watching them. Possibly an "around the corner" style cam so u can suss out campers, but that again doesnt seem to fit cs gameplay, which on the whole is generally quite fast. It would only suit a few maps, like prodigy for T's behind spawn or Dust for T's again looking into the choke point). I think cameras would only have a place in a revamped CS with more advanced mission objectives, as it is it suits something like swat or more. It'd be hard to find a team to pull it off with on free servers anyway, ud be moving stealthily with a cam then some nitwit would either charge infront with his para or start grenading the place.

What about dual Deagle hehe.
samon stop making the threads boring. I think that you should be able to transform into a hamster and eat everyone
Rifle for CT and T

I want some expensive full auto rifle. I get tired of the M4 and AK over and over again.
They should make a tazer that periodically stuns someone. That would be awesome.
M203 Grende launcher that can be bought with certain rifles as an option, Tear-Gas grenade as mentioned earlier, The Riot shields from 1.6, And A slightly different selection of smg's for the terrorists, with bizons, uzis etc.
Uhh and a different Machine gun for the terrorists? I dont know which one though.
That's what i'd like to see.
How about a USAS-12 for the Ts and a CAWS for the CTs. then again a full team of T's covering the doors on assault with full auto, 20 round capacity in removable drum magazines, shotguns might be a bit harsh.... I agree about the differnt SMGs for the Ts. The current SMGs fit for the CTs but not so much for the Ts (exept the MAC 10 of course, the best gun ever). repalce the MP-5N with an MP-5K (dont change the stats, just have this because its more 'terrorist'), the P-90 with a PP-19 Bizon and the UMP with a Tompson (because i cant be bothered to find a new .45 SMG that isnt an UMP or MAC 10). Also an RPK-74 would be cool, though it woulnt have the 'its got its stock folded down' excuse for its appalling accuracy that the FN Minimi para has. another thing that i would like to see but never will is if/when valve bring out the differnt models (SAS, GSG9, GIGN, Spetsnaz, etc...) is to have different weapons skins for each type as it was quite odd in CZ and CS on the X-box to see spetsnaz running around with M-4s and FAMASs.
Placable cameras would rock.

But yeah, if CS2 is even being developed (which if it isn't yet, it probably will be soon) then we'll have lots of new stuff.
HK416's for the CTs:


G36CRT's for the T's:
One is experimental, the other is the last thing a T would be using.

keep it practical, no experimental weapons. I say just add variety, instead of having each team sharing alot of the same pistols, SMGs and the machine gun.
Milkman said:
One is experimental, the other is the last thing a T would be using.

keep it practical, no experimental weapons. I say just add variety, instead of having each team sharing alot of the same pistols, SMGs and the machine gun.

It's a game. Give us cool weapons!
SixThree said:
It's a game. Give us cool weapons!
If you want cool weapons, plenty of outragous shit has already been made to replace the defaults. We have alot of stuff for CSS at, including alot of these requests...
Pesmerga said:
They already have an auto-shotty :|

okay, so thats why I said they should have knuckle busters, so u can wear them on ur hands and whack out players.