New Half-Life 2 Fan Trailer


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Our very own community member Burning Fish has created a brand new fan trailer for Half-Life 2. It’s carefully put together from scenes of the E3 2003 footage along with some great music backing. You can download the 24MB DivX video from our server here.

I forgot about these, good dedicated fans....
The link took down the whole site with it... so i would wait with the link until we can get it on another server :)
Burning Fish said:
Thanks for the hosting, Munro!

Burning Fish, this video is amazingly kick-ass! Thanks very much! BTW, what was that music from - it was great! :thumbs:

Of course the link is down. They still haven't fixed the other ones on the main site.

Someone get Pendragon on this!!!

(Sorry for the over-reacting, things aren't going my way today)
Thx voor de reactions (Bedankt voor de reacties voor [RDH]MastahFrag :P). Music is E.S. Posthumus - Ebla. Link will be back soon I guess :)
Here we go, I've mirrored Burning Fish's fan trailer for anyone having problems with's (and maybe take some of the load off of

Edit: I have to take this down for the moment, as I appear to be over my BW/space usage (not sure which, but I'll try and get it up later, sorry guys)
HL2's is back up again. Yay!

Very good video Burning fish.
Munro, i suggest you take that off :) using alot of bandwidth, ask the community if any opf them can host it
I cant do what you so I will say good job on that but I do have some thoughts on it that are not the nicest.<flame> Ive seen the vid... you tried to make the vid a little too dramatic but instead killed it (thats a bad thing) by adding crappy music... I mean add some good dramatic "opera" music that doesnt make you turn off the volume. If it wasnt for the progress bar on my avi player, I wouldve thought the video was over 3 times. :\

Well at least this isnt the official trailer... </flame>
I though the vid was great. I think the music added alot to it.
Some_God said:
I cant do what you so I will say good job on that but I do have some thoughts on it that are not the nicest.<flame> Ive seen the vid... you tried to make the vid a little too dramatic but instead killed it (thats a bad thing) by adding crappy music... I mean add some good dramatic "opera" music that doesnt make you turn off the volume. If it wasnt for the progress bar on my avi player, I wouldve thought the video was over 3 times. :\

Well at least this isnt the official trailer... </flame>

I don't think the music of E.S. Posthumus makes you want to turn off the volume, but if those are your thoughts that's what it is. Everybody has a different taste of music.
Thanks for the critical look, but... the last line just sounded like an insult to me.
Hey you can't make everyone happy right? I haven't seen the video but I'll try to as soon as I find a link, I'm sure it's great :D
I can host this file if anyone is interested. I can either do a server-to-server transfer or I/someone can upload from their pc. I've subscribed to this topic so just reply to this post and I'll see it.
Its not an insult.. but you took it that way. Guess I should have put a smile face at the end of that sentence. No hard feelings.
I dunno, I like E.S. Posthumus' music.
They make exclusive trailer music. For movies such as
Spider man
The Matrix
K, after trying to play it for about thirty minutes, I finally decided to post and ask if anyone knew what the problem was. Then I noticed the readme file... and realized I didn't have the divix codec on this comp.

Now that I've seen it, I think it's good... in an extreme-fanboy way.

Couldn't help but think "...this is so pethetic ...PLEASE GET THAT GAME OUT!" about thirty times in it. I've gotta say it is a tad bit overdramatic, partially because of the music, but otherwise it's good. (The music itself isn't at all bad, however.)

EDIT: (wtf I screwed up my sig, should say September / September)
thx a bunch bigben the link wasn't working and i coulndn't find it anywhere....:\
and burning fish the vid's great, especially the muzak :D

ps: not to be picky but it looked like there was something wrong w the video at teh very bottem of the screen...a blurry bar or something, maybe its just my computer
Apologies for taking the link down. It was either keep it up and the site go down, or take it down and keep the site up.
Hey 'Burning Fish' , the Video is excellent. Keep up the good work buddy..
KrazyKlown said:
What other game has fans making custom trailers????

Oh... UT, UT2k3, UT2k4, Halo, Star Wars... ummm all of them... :imu:

Nice vid, Fish.
I've seen the video..

Wow, great attempt -- My only point is that it was interesting how you cut between similar clips (both in sync and out of sync with the music)

The music worked well in most parts but not the rest, it was a little overdramatic for me..

Some_God said:
Its not an insult.. but you took it that way. Guess I should have put a smile face at the end of that sentence. No hard feelings.

Ok, my bad then. Glad you all enjoyed the movie ;)
Swizzel said:
ps: not to be picky but it looked like there was something wrong w the video at teh very bottem of the screen...a blurry bar or something, maybe its just my computer

Yes, it's in the movie, something went wrong with encoding the BINK-videos. I've made more gametrailers before these. If you're interested, you can check them out on my site: